Midlife Moms Pod

The Bachelorette Episodes 3 & 4 - A Midlife Moms Pod Review

Midlife Moms Pod Season 1 Episode 18

This week Melanie and Allison continue their review of Season 21 of The Bachelorette. In this episode, Jenn and her men explore New Zealand on Episodes 3 and 4. 

If you have been watching this show for a while, like Melanie, or you're brand new to The Bachelorette, like Allison, or you don't have time to watch this crazy show, let us recap it for you!

We talk about everything from Jenn's fashion to her dates and their locations and sometimes get a little judgy.

Please note: spoilers are given since we discuss which men Jenn keeps and which ones are sent packing to go home.

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Welcome to another episode of Midlife Moms Pod.

Hi, Melanie.

Hi, Allison.

How are you doing this week?

I'm good, how are you?


You're on vacay.

Well, no, you're not on vacation anymore.

Well, technically, I'm not on vacay, but I am in a vacay location still.

So we took the first week with the entire family, and my husband ended up driving back home because he has to work the second week, whereas I can work from anywhere, and I chose to stay in our vacation location and work remotely.

Oh, gotcha.


My thing is, is I think that it's not really vacation because you're just in a different location.


Yeah, there's pros and cons to it.

So I'm on day 10 of being away, I think it is from my house.

Maybe it's day 11, and I'm starting to miss it.

We've only got a couple of days left here, and then we're driving back on Sunday.

It's coming to an end.

It's been a good run.

Well, that's sad.



But the only benefit is that we get to do different things at night when I get off work.

So last night, we went to the beach, and we did an impromptu beach run to Sanibel and it's just about 20 minutes away.

Oh, that's nice.

Yeah, we went shelling, we went swimming in the gulf.

We drove down the island and found another place to go shelling and swim.

And that was all after work, and we still got home at like 830.

And just enough time for showers and dinner and bed.

That was kind of fun.

Yeah, that was fun.

I love the beach.

I know.

I enjoy the gulf coast beaches better than the East Coast beaches.



The water is calmer.

So we could actually go swimming in the water, whereas on the Atlantic, I don't let Matthew go swimming really.

Oh, got you.

Those waves are huge and there's always rip tides or rip currents.

Yeah, that's true.


We swim in it.

Do you?


And it was like bathwater last night.

Oh, but sure, because it's so hot.



Yeah, it's ridiculously hot.

But anyway, then I came home and got ready to watch The Bachelorette.


And what did you think?

I'm getting more into this now.

So I can say that I've finished episode three, and I definitely want to see what happens next.


So I did.

I finished episode three and four.

Well, I finished four last night, so that'll be fun to talk about that.

But yeah, episode three.


We can get into that.

Let's get in, shall we?



You want to start?


So, episode three, remember they're in Melbourne, Australia, and right off the bat, we get a date card.

And I should say, Spencer gets a date card.

Oh, first of all, before we begin, I do want to mention that we are going to talk about spoilers.

So, if you have not watched The Bachelorette, or you don't want to know who gets a rose, this is not the podcast for you.

That being said, so Spencer got the date card, and they went on a helicopter ride around the Great Ocean Road.



It's like the 12 apostles or something it's called.


So, usually what I thought would be cool, and this is kind of off-script, was to kind of look at the Great Ocean Road and say what it is.

I'm Googling it right now.

So, they go on a helicopter ride over the Great Ocean Road, and I had never heard of this before.

I don't really know a lot about Australia.


But it is a popular tourist destination there.

And she mentioned the 12 apostles, which just looked like rock formations, right?

It was really pretty though, but yeah, I mean.

It was pretty.

It looks like it's manmade.

Oh, really?


So, the Great Ocean Road is Australian national heritage listed stretch of road along the southeastern coast of Australia between the Victorian towns of Torquay and Allensford.

Built by returned soldiers between 1919 and 1932, and dedicated to soldiers killed during World War I.

Oh, wow.

The road is the world's largest war memorial.


So, I thought this was nature, like a natural building.

Yeah, structure.

It says, winding through burying terrain along the coast and providing access to several prominent landmarks, including the 12 fossils, limestone stack formations.

The road is an important tourist attraction.

So, the 12 apostles is actually the park or the rock formations, right?

Those are not manmade, but the road is.

Oh, okay.

That makes more sense because I'm like, how did they make that?


There's no way.



There would be no way that they could make that back then.


It was deposited in the Midlate Miocene around 15 to 5 million years ago.


Formed by erosion.

So, that is the natural landmark.

But it was her first time riding in a helicopter.

That is so fun to ride in a helicopter like that.


And I don't know if I've ever been in a helicopter.

I'd say probably not if I don't remember it.

Oh, you'd remember, then you probably would.

But it looked really romantic.

They were drinking champagne and they kissed.

And she said again that Spencer has golden retriever energy.

Now, I wonder if that's because he's the pet photographer guy or because she's not the one that brought him the puppies.

No, but he's not the one that brought her the puppies.

Is golden retriever energy sexy?

I don't know.

I love golden retrievers and anyone.

Well, Matthew will tell you that I watch a lot of golden retriever videos on my Instagram account.

So like they go and fetch balls.

They're loyal.

Their tails are always wagging.

They are my favorite dog.

I don't know what kind of energy golden retriever energy is.

I don't either.

I would like to know more about that, because I don't feel like that's very sexy.

I don't either.

I don't know if I would want somebody saying that about me.

So anyway, but they did kiss.


And I will point out to you know, how in previous episodes, we talked about physical things that were attracted to.

He does have nice hands.

He has actual like man hands.

Look at his hands.

Well, I told you, that's one of my things.

I was just going to say, I know you like a good hand.

Look, the next time you see him.

I will.

I'll look.


I mean, I kind of like them together.


He seems like a really nice guy.

You know, he really does.

I mean, he did all the right moves and I thought that was pretty romantic.


Yeah, I like him.

He's at the top of my charts, honestly, with the guys.


But they did go to dinner afterward.

Did you see his suit and his pants?

I thought of you because it was the tight pants and it was the short, tight and short pants.

I think that's just the style now.

It's the style.

Just like Aaron's pearl necklace.

Oh, Jesus.

Don't get us on that.

So at dinner though, when they were talking about Spencer's relationship, I found that interesting because he said he lost himself in that relationship.

Yeah, that was kind of sad.

I know.

And she's got some relationship past issues as well.

But I liked how he was open and honest with her.

So I thought that was a pretty good conversation.

Well, and he told her, he's like, I'm ready to be engaged and married.


He point blank said it.


He's very open about that, which is nice.


So winner winner, chicken dinner.

So I do like him.

I like them together.

I think they complement each other.

I agree.

Well, back at the house, Devon's the talk of the town.

So the whole house is chatting about Devon, mostly Thomas N and Sam M.

I will talk a little bit more about that later on in the show, but I just made a note because I was like, oh my God, these two are added again, talking about Devon.

I know he really rubs people the wrong way.

Oh yeah.


What is that saying about those guys that have such an issue with him?

You know what I'm saying?

Like, what is that that you're so focused on that?

Well, he doesn't look like he's going to be a threat.

However, they see his annoying personality.

But it's kind of like that annoying brother or sister syndrome, which I know you wouldn't know about, but let me just tell you, is like your brother is annoying to you.

And when your parents aren't home, he gets those jabs in and just gets at your heels.

But then the second they come home, he's like, Oh yeah, Allison, I'll do that for you.

He's so nice in front of the parents and he's so rotten to you.

Behind the scenes, that is Devon, I feel.

Because she doesn't see the things that they see.

We see it.


But you know, all is conniving of how he's always interrupting.

He got the date at the market or wherever they went.

But then he had to go and interrupt people who didn't have any time one on one.

It's just like sleazy.

Yeah, he's fighting for it.


So, anywho, I'm sure we'll talk more about it.

I'm sure.

He will be the talk.

So do we want to talk about the date card that came with all like the group date?

So I put that it was Dylan Marcus, Thomas A, Jonathan, Sam N, M, Grant, Devin, and the other Thomas, or however you say his name.

Oh, I thought they were both Thomas.

Yeah, Thomas A and Thomas N.


But yes.

So there was what, eight on the date?

Yeah, it was a big one.

It was very interesting to me because they had to go do Australian Thunder from Down Under.

But it was very interesting.

And I found that Sam N was very nervous.

Oh, extremely nervous.

Crazy nervous.


Which he's a tool.

I'm sorry.

I just, I don't like him.

Yeah, I just.

He calls himself a love virgin.

But I thought, well, maybe that means because he's never been in a relationship.

You can still not be in a relationship, but still be a player, obviously, right?


So I thought maybe he was really a player, and just refer to himself as a love virgin because he hasn't had a relationship.

But the more I watch him and the more I see his body movements, has he really even been that active or have that experience with women?

I just think he's an odd bird.


I don't find him.

He would not get my rose, let me tell you.

Well, I was going to say, so they're kind of in like a class, a stripper class, if you will.

Do they call guys strippers?

I don't know what they-

Male entertainment?

I don't know.

I guess strippers is a good-

Well, I wrote down these three moves, right?

Because I was like, oh, they actually have names, and they actually have statistics behind them.

So like, the body roll.

Dylan, oh my God.

He was so funny with the body roll, which is the third most popular move, the dolphin dive.

And we just spoke about Sam N, but he actually heard himself doing the dolphin dive.

And this is where I was like, man, maybe he really doesn't have the moves like I thought maybe he did in the beginning.


Because he was very nervous to do these actions.

He was physically almost like nauseous.



Like he was really...

And then the grip and rip.

That was funny.

It's like, oh yeah.

Now, I'd like to have a moment on each of our episodes that we cover, that I like to call the shade moment.


And this is a time in the episode where one of the contestants says something and the producers or the cameramen actually hones in on it.

So this episode's shade moment is when Jenn says, I'm not looking for the best strip teas.

I'm not looking for the best abs.

And the camera goes right to Devon's lack of abs.

Perfect timing.

I was like, oh, shade.

So even the cameraman is like shade on Devon.

These are the moment I like to notice.

That's so funny.

But you're right.

Oh, yeah.

I re-round it and watched it again.

I was like, oh, shade.

That is right there.

Because they have hundreds of hours that they filmed.

And then they also have these talking heads where people are talking.

And so they're like, oh, yeah, I know I've got a clip about that.


That's funny.


I mean, I noticed the cameraman going to him, but I didn't think about calling it shade.

Oh, yeah.

That's hilarious.


I find it funny that they went back and got a costume.

A costume.

They had to run, right?

They were racing because they wanted to get the best one.

Which I get it.

It's a competition, after all.


Now, which would you like the most out of all of the costumes and contestants?

Oh, gosh.

Well, first of all, the Sam in, he was so nervous.

The love version.

He made a stupid speech thinking that that would, I guess, deter that whole, hey, I'm not dancing.

Instead, he was falling in love with her.

Yeah, I don't know if that was the right move.

At first, I thought he was actually going to do something because a lot of the guys, you know, they were nervous too, but they got out of their heads and they were like, you know, I'm just going to do the best I can.

They have fun with it.

Show her what I've got.


Have fun with it.

And I had kind of wished that he did that, but, you know, it was like record scratch.

The whole house was silent.

So yeah, it was very weird, very odd.

Who else did I not really find interesting?

Oh, the sexy nerd, which was Thomas N.

Thomas N.

No, that is just no.

Yeah, I did not like Devin's dance.

The dirty detective.

He didn't like the dirty.

I had a cringe moment when I saw this.

Well, I did too because I had to figure out if he was like naked under there.

I don't know.

I mean, I guess, yeah, I give him a forever because he put himself out there.


And then Sam was Chef Fluster.

Chef Fluster.


And you could tell immediately Jenn's face is like, oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

She can't hide it.

I know.

But now I kind of get he's kind of annoying me a little bit because he was like mic drop bitch.

He kind of got cocky, right?

And he's like, I named myself that because obviously she said I Fluster her.


So I get it.

But then also, did you see the Australian girls talk to her on the side?

And they were like, you got to be careful about guys like him because I went that way and I chose my person just like him and it was not good.

And I was like, oh.

Because they're looking for the nice looking guy.

That's the first thing you see, right?

That's what that girl was saying is like, she went for the nice looking guy and he turned out to be a jerk.


And I've paid attention a little bit to that because I, you know, he's a bad guy.

Like he is, he's the kind of guy your mom tells you not to go out with.

Well, and he knows he's nice looking.


So he uses that to his advantage.

And I know we're not farther than the group date right now, but I haven't seen any moments where he is actually getting to try to know her and try to tell her about himself.


I'm a little worried about Sam M.

I hope he gets it because.

Yeah, I think that he definitely needs to start opening up more because I feel like he's leading with his looks and their sexual chemistry.


Playing on that.

But is he really forming anything lasting?


Yeah, they definitely need to look at that closer because I feel like he is definitely using the sexual part of it, and they could not have anything in common.

They just don't know it.


They're just locked lipped every time they get together by themselves, and there's no talking.


Smart girls like us, Melanie, have already figured that out, but we'll see if Jenn can figure that out.

Well, we're a lot older than her too.

So I know.


I've been there, done that.

So down that road of, I don't know about him.

So anyway, I think Marcus was my favorite in that I liked his name.

And I thought his costume was real cute.

Like as soon as he picked that out, I was like, oh my God, that's perfect for him.


But in all reality, Jonathan was the winner with his Johnny fire cheeks.


And of that group date, Devon got that rose again.

I was like, oh, I know.

What is that?

There's something that she just likes about him.


And I don't know what that is, but I'm over that.

Let's move on.

But yeah, you're right.

And I think Thomas N is the instigator there.

Yeah, I don't know.

And then, you know, there's a part where I was like, oh, I'm starting to kind of like Devon a little bit.

When he started like going up against them and kind of saying, hey, you know, you probably shouldn't talk about people like that.

You know, he had that one point where he was like, I don't know, taking up for somebody almost like feeling kind of protective.

Devon N.


I'm sorry.

Sam N.


Sticking up for him.


And I mean, Sam, of course, doesn't and Sam M doesn't respect Devon and he's very mean to him.


And then Thomas is like, Devon always has to have the last word.

And I'm like, I feel like we're in high school again.

It is.

It's the mean guys.


Like mean girls, but mean guys.

It's exactly what it is.


I could do without that.


But I mean, it's interesting, but it's just like grow up.


We didn't have another date, did they?


So they did the after cocktail party.

They all got time with her.

And I spoiled it by saying that Devon got the rose.

And that was because he opened up to her and said he was fat as a kid.

He was glad she assigned that challenge because it got him out of his comfort gel.

I think it's funny that he said when he sat down, he goes, I hope you recognize me with my clothes on.

I know.

I was like, come on, guy.

But at least he has some kind of sense of humor.

He does.

It's kind of funny.

Now, she sat on the couch with Jonathan first, Devin interrupted, Sam and was the next one.

So he was the third in line.

She did not kiss him on the couch.

Oh no.


So I looked at that and I made a note.

When he professed the love to her on the stage and then they're now on their one-on-one and the cocktail party.


He makes her feel a certain way.

And I don't think it's a good certain way.

Oh, even she was like something about that's a big statement to make, you know?


And he also didn't lean in for that kiss.

So I think that's when I was also gave me pause to be like, does he really have like, he might really be a love virgin.

Yeah, for sure.

He might be a whole virgin altogether.

A whole, right, whole kit and caboodle, because all the other guys have leaned in.

Yeah, I just, there's something about it.

He's an odd bird.

And then Sam M.

So this was also, he did not engage in conversation like the others.

He asked her if she liked his name, his stripper name, and then they started kissing.

And she said, I'm not even your girlfriend.

And then they did this game of how he's going to ask her to be his girlfriend.

I was just like, Oh my God, Sam, you're going to ruin it because you're not going to open up to her.

And then she's going to be like, I don't really know him that well.

Yeah, they're all telling you they are constantly on top of each other.

Yeah, we'll see.

There's got to be hopefully there's something more to him.

At some point, maybe when he gets a one on one, hopefully.

OK, so let's move on to the group date.


And so my notes are that she chose Austin, Erin, Hakim and Jeremy.

So just this is a small date and it's the four of them.

Plus, Jen going to the Calder Park Raceway.

They're going to go drive a fast car.


And I will point out that I love Jen's outfit.

So cute when she got out of the car.

Wasn't it so cute?

Yes, loved it.

And she shook her head and her hair came cascading down.

I was like, girl, you're hot.


Yeah, I liked it.

I like your little outfit.

It's so cute.

I'm like, man, she's just so cute.


Oh, to be young again.

I know.

I know.

How old is she?

Oh, she's 26, right?


And we could be her mom.

We could be her mom.



So the four of them are all jazzed up.

They're going to go drive in a race car.

He asks the guy at the racetrack, says, who here has driven stick shift?

And I'm like, oh, I have.

Yeah, me too.



So but none of the guys had except for Aaron.


And then he also said, who's driven on the right side of the car?

And Aaron again, was the only one who could raise his hand.

So good for Aaron.

I like him, but they then seem to get a lesson.

And then it's a competition, as always, to get them to, they're going to drive around the track with Jenn and see who can drive the fastest.


So it's called the Broad Sider 400.

Fastest lap gets extra time with Jenn.


So that's what they're competing for.

What did you think about these four guys?

At first, when they were practicing, of course, Aaron was a really good driver.

He could do all the drifting moves and all kinds of crazy stuff.


So, I mean, he, of course, was the better driver of any of them, really.


He was doing the donuts, right?


That was funny.

He was meant for that date, but...


And the other ones, of course, had issues because they've never driven stick.

That can cause you to have that jumpy thing.

You remember?

Like if you let out the clutch.

Oh, yeah.


Well, it was so funny because this is kind of like a shade moment again, but Hakim, he's growing on me.

The Hakim drove and he finished in a minute, 31 seconds, and the announcer said, all in first gear.

Oh, that's right.

I was like, good lord.


Point out that I can't drive.


I guess if you don't have the coordination to put the clutch and the gear shift at the same time, I take it for granted because I mean, I could drive that in my sleep, but I guess people can't figure that out.

So can I say another thing also?

So Austin, I also wrote this down.

He said, a wise man once said, if you ain't first, you're last.

Oh, yeah.

Tim says that all the time.

Do you recognize that reference?


Oh, yes.

Now, let's talk about Jeremy.

He came in fourth place at three minutes and 31 seconds.


Because he stopped the car to kiss Jenn.

I was going to say, and why did he finish last?




I have to say that was a power move.

Oh, yeah.

Good gameplay right there.

He didn't care about losing.

He just kissed her.


And he was like, it's all about the moment.

And I was like, you know, that was pretty cool.

I kind of had to give him kudos for that.


So and he got the kiss.


And then I put for Aaron, I put he was in second place at one minute and 23 seconds.

He's a good drifter is what I put.

He flies planes.

He wants to get his pilot's license, apparently, or he's going to get it where he already has it.

And then he wears pearls around his neck.


But Aaron was so, he was so sure of himself and he was like, I've got this.

I've got the training.

I've got, I've driven this thing before.

And he was not as fast as Austin, who had never driven before.

So or driven stick before whatever.

And he won.

So he got the extra time.



I just, it was interesting.

I think he, Aaron felt like he was like, Oh, I got this.

It's in the bag.


And he wanted that extra time with her because remember now his supervisor called him.


And he had been waiting for what, a year and a half or something to get F 22 fighter jet training.


And spoiler, he decided to leave.


Well, he didn't get the extra time.


And that gave him just the extra time to think about really at the end of the day, is Jenn going to pick me?


Probably not.

It's just a one in whatever 18 chance or how many of our guys are left.

And he's wanted this for a year and a half.

And you just don't pass that up.

I mean, if you've got the right qualifications to pass whatever tests you need for that training, and if things don't work out with these other guys and Jenn's really interested in him, then maybe they can see what they can do down the road.

But I think you made the right choice.

I totally agree with that.


So you won't have to see his pearl necklace anymore.

I know.

Maybe Jenn can borrow it.

The other thing I did put about Jeremy is, I feel like he looks a lot older, and I don't know exactly how old he is.

He looks older and I like the way that he looks at Jenn.

When you watch him look at her, there's just something about how he looks at her, that he's just so enthralled with her.

It's nice to see.

Interesting, because I thought he was jerky when he drove up with that big sports car in the beginning, so I didn't get a very good impression of him.

But he's still in it.

And he said he has a little crush on her, so that was sweet.

Yeah, that was cute.

I was like, aww.

Anyways, he looks way older to me for some reason.

I don't know what that is, but he just...

Well, it could be the beard.

But he's also the one that said he had a big penis, and then tossed the keys to Jesse, like, take care of my car, buddy.

And he is 29.

He's the same age as Hakeem.



I wrote down the ages.

I'm looking at my notes from the first episode.


So do you want to start talking about the rose ceremony?

Yeah, let's do it.


Can I first say who I like and who I don't like?


So I like what you're going to be shocked.

So not on this one, but I like Marcus, of course, Austin and Devin.

I started liking him.


Can you explain why you like Devin?

I don't know.

I feel like he is genuine when he talks to Jenn about his family and how he feels about certain things.

Him actually saying to her after the thunder from Down Under that he was a heavy kid and he's still having issues with that.

That makes a person a certain way.


He did open up to her.

I just like him for some reason.

There's something about him that turned me a little bit.

We know why I like Marcus.

I've always liked Marcus.


And then I like Austin too.

And I like him.

I mean, I feel like he's, seems like a genuine guy as well.

I don't really know much about Austin.

He hasn't really said anything that I noted.

He did say that he was cheated on and that he's never been in love.

And then he was very sweet.

That is true.

Jen was talking to him about some stuff about her family and how she wasn't treated well and stuff.

And he was literally shocked about that.

Like his face was like, what do you mean you weren't treated well?

He was like very upset that she was not treated well.


I don't know.

That just made me like him.

Gave you the warm and fuzzies.

I don't like the two Thomas's and I don't like Sam.

Sam M or 6M?

Sam N.

So I was really shook up when Austin left and he gave Jenn those words of, you need to be careful.

Oh, you're talking about Erin.




I was shook up after he left and said that to her.

There are people here who are not ready and some might be here for the wrong reasons.

Because in my head, I'm like, okay, I know who I like, but I'm like trying to think about who she's going to pick.

So my angle was, I had a hard time thinking who is she going to pick because Erin put that in her head and he wouldn't give her any more information about it.

And she was pissed about that.

Well, she should be.

I would be mad too if you don't do that.

He really shouldn't have even done that.

That's the equivalent of burning your bridge or giving a bad exit interview when you leave a company.


And I think he was kind of like, I don't know, it was almost like a dick move where it was like, oh, well, I can't be here anymore, but let me just ruin everything else for you as I leave.

So I felt bad for her in that moment, and I really could not figure out who she was going to pick.

So I did not write anything down.

And I was like, I know I'm supposed to do this.

And I don't honestly know who she's thinking about now because there really wasn't much time after Erin left.

And then I did not like when, after Erin left before the rose ceremony, she sat down with Sam M.

And he said he was proud of her.

And I was like, yeah.

So I thought maybe she might not pick him tonight.

Like, it really kind of got in my head too.

I did write some stuff down when he said he told Jenn he was leaving to go to pilot school.

He told her there are people there who aren't ready.

He shouldn't have told her that without saying who is what I think.

And then Jenn was pissed and went out there and told them, look, if you aren't here for the right reasons, get out.

But I was like, I am proud of you for saying that because it's true.

They don't need to be there if they're playing a game.


And I like to see that she actually has a backbone.

Because, you know, I said before, I kind of felt like she didn't at first.

And now I'm seeing like more that she can stand up for herself, which I like.

But now I'm wondering is, is Devon really there for her or is he there for a game?

And maybe it's because I don't like him so much.


See, I like him now.

I don't know.

There's something about him that I'm like, he's kind of getting on my good side.

Oh, yeah.

And the other thing I was going to mention, this is totally off Devon, but when Marcus was talking to Jenn, he told her that he thinks about her when they aren't together.

I love that.


I really like Marcus.

Oh yeah, me too.

I think they would be a good couple together.

He's a veteran, so I kind of like that.

But I just think his mannerisms too, he's really, he seems caring and genuine.

What did I say?

Oh, for Devin, though.

I put on my little notes.

I said, he's genuine and I hate that I like him now.

You should hate that you like him.

And then I said, I liked it when he said he had her back.

Like he was going to do whatever.

And then, you know, how she went in there, said all that stuff to the guys, and then the guys started talking about it or whatever.

Spencer loses his shit and telling all those people to shut up.


I was like, Oh, you don't normally hear that from him.

You know, Mr.

Golden Retriever.

No, because he's a Golden Retriever.


Golden Retriever is rarely bark.


So it was interesting to see him go off like that.

That was fun because I'm like, Oh, he's all happy go lucky with his tail wagon.

And then he does that.

He had a little Rottweiler in him.

So the only other thing, before we go into the Rose ceremony is Marcus.

I did note that she said, either she said or he said, I'm right where I need to be.

I think it was him because he was trying to tell her, look, I am here genuinely for the right reasons.

I'm right where I need to be right now.

Yeah, and then they gave each other a big hug.


I just think they need to slow down on the kissing and the tongue action.

I did see a little tongue with one of the kisses.

Maybe it was Erin, you know how I get grossed out about that.

I just do not need to see your tongue going into someone's mouth.

So I thought all of those conversations were genuine.

So he's my big favorite right now as a podcast.

Oh yeah, for sure.

Hands down.

Hands down, he is, yeah.

Hands down.

I think Sam M is super cute, and I get his charming ways.

However, I have been in situations with charming people like that, and I'm not sure if it can go the long haul.

So as much as I want to say, I want him to stay, I won't be surprised when she eliminates him.


I just have to see, because I feel like I'm hoping there's more to him than just that.


And maybe there is.

Maybe he's, yeah, maybe.

I mean, he's a dog person, and dog people are pretty.

Yeah, he has two Australian shepherds.

Oh, that's right.

That's right.

That's right.

And he's a contractor from Myrtle Beach.

He's Southern.

Yeah, I know.

And somebody cheated on him.

I know, right?

But did she cheat on him because he was a jerk?

And he didn't treat her right?

What is her side of that story?


I don't know.

But they were the ones that dated since middle school.


Who knows?

So I wrote down that she did not give roses to two people.


I put Hakeem didn't get a rose and Thomas A.



That was the second person.

I didn't recognize his haircut, the long and flowy locks as he walked away.

And I had to really go back through my notes and I'm like, oh, that was Thomas A.


So poor Hakeem.


I don't know why she didn't give him a rose.

Like I didn't really feel like they had any horrible conversations or maybe she just went feeling it.


And I didn't see them making out at all.

I don't think she kissed him.

I don't either.

I just don't think she was like, no, but she did say at one point that she felt safe around him.

And I said, he seems sweet.

He had some family trauma as well.

I wrote down.

So they kind of talked about it, but they only hugged on the couch.

It wasn't like he didn't go in.

It's the guys who don't go in for the kiss.

Because remember, she said she wants them to show her affection and attention.

Who's going to show her the most?

So she must have really used that to kind of eliminate some of the people.

Because Thomas A also didn't really seem to be one of those go-getters either.

Yeah, but I mean, I mean, I'm completely, you know, thinking of it like this, but I wouldn't want somebody jumping on me every time I went to have a conversation with them.

You know, like her and Sam M, they haven't even had a conversation.

They don't even know what kind of coffee each other drinks.

You know what I'm saying?

So it's like, get to know somebody before you stick your tongue down my throat.

I know, but Devon goes in there.

Devon's been fighting and showing her.

Well, yeah, he's sent her ice cream.

And I think that's what she's.

I love that.

Send me ice cream.

I need some ice cream.

I think if Hakeem had done something like that or.

Put more of an effort.

I agree with you.



So that was also, that's my bad.

I should have also thought about it.

That is giving like put the effort in and the vibe that they want to pursue her.

Because I mean, people like that, you know, to show up and you know, they're in the pursuit of like finding out about you or sending you something that you like.

Like, I guess apparently she likes ice cream.

I didn't know if they found that out on the date or not, that he took her to gelato.


Did she say, oh, I love ice cream?

I can't remember.

Oh, yeah.

Or did he just do that?

Like, I think she did.


Quick witted or whatever to be like, oh, it's going to piss off Sam.

So let me send that.

Well, I think he did it for all of those.

Because he could have sent her anything.

It was because he had that ice cream thing.

Or anything to drink or whatever.

He sent her ice cream.


Like he's the ice cream truck.

He's coming in there.

welcome back to another episode of Midlife Moms Pod.

I'm Allison.

I'm Melanie.

We will be discussing Bachelorette.

Season 21.

21, episode 4 now.


So we meant to record this and tag it.

Well, we are going to tag it along to the back of three.

But things have happened and time has gone by.

So I sound a little different.

I was diagnosed with COVID at the beginning of the week.

So I am recovering from that and my voice is still, you know, sounds like this.

So it's a sexy lounge singer.

Is it?

I like to call it the smoker voice.

Oh, see, I got that deep, deep tone.

I don't sound husky yet.

That's I was once told that's my sexy voice.

Oh, OK.

I always think I think I sound like a lounge singer that I've been in a lounge with all these people smoking around me.

And then, yeah, no, this is more of like, I feel like that girl who does the prank calls her name Sue.

Have you seen those on TikTok or Instagram where she calls the prank calls and she sounds like she's a smoker for 30 or 40 years?

No, but that sounds hilarious.

Oh my God.

I'll have to post one to the show.

So yeah, we've been on a little bit of a hiatus, just summer break and vacations and kids going back to school.

COVID, what else can I name?

I don't know.

You name it.

So we got to get caught back up, girl.

Yes, we do.

We definitely do.

So we'll get caught back up with this, and then we have some other things coming up in the works too.


So hang in with us as we...

You know, the season's almost over.

I know, right?

They just aired episode six, and we're recapping four, but we'll get a bunch of these out and just try to do some bonus episodes, I think.

Oh yeah, that's a good idea to get caught up.

Yeah, we've got to because...

She's down to, like, I don't even know, six guys, something like that.

Has she done the hometown episodes yet?

Like, that's what I feel like.

Oh my god.

No, we're not there yet, thank goodness.

We're so far behind.

Yeah, we're good.


So, in episode four, now they're in, is it Auckland?

New Zealand.

They are.

I think that's a pretty place.

Yeah, from the drone footage, looks amazing.

But, you know, it feels like we're in high school, to be quite honest, because the guys, they open up and the guys are talking at the table.

And Sam M is talking about, you know, his situation.

And he's always saying this phrase, and it gets on my nerves.

But he's always saying, I'm always going to keep saying, I'm going to keep the main thing, the main thing.

That is so funny.

I don't even like saying that.

This is probably the 12th time he said it, or they're focusing on it.

But that's the thing.

I'm always going to say, I'm going to keep the main thing, the main thing.

Which is basically that he's only focused on Jenn.

But it's a saying that grates on my nerves and it's a pet peeve of mine.

I don't know why.

Well, while you're focusing on that, I'm looking at the food on the table.

And I thought it was really good.

That is so funny.

Our different perspectives, because I didn't know one thing about the food on the table.

It looked incredible.

Now, I don't know what kind of food it was, but I just remember I wrote down, looks incredible.

What was it?

I don't remember now.

I don't remember.

But they only spanned over it a little bit.

And then here comes Jenn walking up to give the first date.


And who did she give it to?

I think it was Grant, right?

No, Grant was the first one to hug her when she walked up.

The one-on-one was with Sam M.


So the boys go back to the hotel, and Devon, I wrote down, is rattled.


And he cracks a joke as he was like, Sam M was leaving.

He's like, keep his authentic self being his authentic self.

Which is like another one of his sayings or something.


He was upset.

He was upset that he got that.


Which I mean, everybody's upset at one time and another.

You know what I'm saying?


It's a contest.

You can't be picked every time, Devon.



And I'm glad she finally said, that she has a physical connection with Sam.

But now she wants to see if she can mentally fall in love.

And I'm like, thank you.

You've woken up now.


Just kissing him.

Maybe the producers kind of said, you know, you got to, this is the story angle because I imagine this show is heavily produced and they direct her on what to say and what to do.


I can see that.


You're right.

And then of course, their first date is going to jump off of a building.


They're going to go the top of the Auckland Sky Tower.

And it kind of looked fun to me.

Like, I probably could have done that.

No, thank you.

No, I'm afraid of heights and so is Jenn.


And you could tell she was totally nervous.

And he was like, we're going to jump.

He didn't even check with her.

He was like, we're jumping.


You're going to regret this.

You're going to...


So they finally compromise on doing a skywalk.


So she can go out there and see.

Oh, but yeah, my stomach was turning and I wasn't even on the show.

And I was like, yeah, this is why I don't enter shows like this, because I had been like, I'm out.

They make you jump off a building.

You made me go up on a helicopter.

I had to do that.

What else did I have to do?

What else did she do that was high up?

I was like, yeah, I'm out.

I cannot be on the top of this 629 foot tower.


See, I don't think that would have bothered me.

I think I could have jumped on that.

No, I don't want to jump out of a plane.

I don't want to do that with a parachute.

Forget it.


Oh yeah, that's right.

She already did that too.


But if I could be hooked to the building and have a bungee cord or whatever, how they did that, I could have done that.


I don't know.

I'm not afraid of heights.

I just don't want to...

My big thing is the...

What if the parachute doesn't open?

I'm afraid of heights.

I cannot even get up on a ladder to save my life.

I can't even climb up on our attic ladder without somebody being there at the bottom to hold me in case I fall and crack my head open on the cement floor below.


I think about that too.


Like on an attic ladder.


And I get nauseous.

Like I'm...



Well, she's the same way as you are then because she's terrified.

And I thought it was funny that they were sitting inside, and I think he like toasted, you know, oh, cheers to growth or something like that, and says he'll push her to do things.


And Jenn was like, read my emotions, dude.

Have you not realized that I'm like terrified?

Like he was not paying attention at all to that.


So I didn't think he did very well on this date, to be honest.

I found it interesting that all of a sudden, they go out there and they end up...

Well, he said, oh, I realized she was very nervous and that I was going to be there for her, that kind of thing.

And I'm thinking, are you just a macho guy that's like, it's my way or the highway type person?

Or would he have walked out of that building without jumping?

I don't know.

You know what I'm saying?

But somehow she gets talked into jumping.

I don't really get it.

Like if I had known that I was going to go on this skywalk and that was really just for me to get more comfortable to be coaxed into jumping, I'd be like, and I didn't really feel in this date that he opened up at all.

I mean, it was, she kept saying, I need somebody to be there for me.

And that's what she was looking for Sam to do.

And I guess because he hugged her and coaxed her into jumping that he was there for her.

Yeah, Melanie, I'm going to be honest.

I don't think this show was meant for me.

Because that is all she needed to be like, to know he was going to be there for her.

I was like, okay.

I think you also need to realize too, with what I was realizing with those two, is that they're still blinded by the fact that they're physically attracted to each other.

So she's looking for any way to hold on to him.

Okay, maybe that's the thing.

I think in her brain, she's like, okay, he did hug me, he did this, he did that, whatever.

I don't know.

I just feel like she's pulling straws.

You know what I'm saying?


I guess as an outsider, I didn't see it with him.

I would have used this opportunity to get to know him better.

And did they go to dinner or anything after they jumped out of this thing?

Oh, yeah, because that's when he was like, it was weird.

He did open up at dinner.

He said, I'm trying to think what, let me think back.

I know.

I said she looked pretty in her red dress because she really did.

She always looks great.


The kiss.

He was proud of her.

Oh, I did write it down.

He said he's not good with words first off.

And he said, he tells her he she's worthy and she deserves it.

That she felt like she wasn't worthy of true love.

And he tells her he wants this with her.

I think he said something about being cheated on or something.

But it wasn't like the other guys that are like full on telling their story.

You know, that's what I wrote down.

I wrote that she opened up about her past.

And Sam also says he has past trauma about his past relationship, which he had already described to us, I think.

So I didn't learn anything new about him.

I don't know.

This is when I was like, you know what?

This is empty.

This is an empty promise.

These are empty words.

I'm an outsider.

I didn't feel any connection other than still the...

The sexual thing.


Because as soon as she gave him a rose, she climbed in his lap.


It's like immediate.

I'm always going to be there for you.


This is what he said.

It's empty words to me right now.

I just put it this way.

She's much more in tune with the other guys emotionally and mentally.


Than him.


So moving on from that date.

Moving on from them.

They get a day card at the hotel, and it is Spencer, Marcus, Grant, John, M, Austin, Jonathan, Sam, Thomas, Jeremy, and Dylan.

And then Devin gets the one-on-one.


So they go and do rugby.


Which, that's a rough sport.

It is very rough.

They play with no pads whatsoever.




Play what I like to call British style, which is like, those Brits don't wear pads when they play rugby.

They kick your butt, in your face, in your butt, right there, kicking it.


And Marcus had played rugby before.

Of course.

Marcus did.

Still, he's still my number one.

I know.

But what surprised me the most was that Sam N was the first one to go over and talk to our Jenn.


Not only that, he took over like the entire day.


I don't know.

Something happened to him.

He like did some weird 180, and then he's got Jenn's husband on the back of his shirt, and he's all, Mr.

I've got this, and this is my time to shine, and all this crap.

And I'm like, dude.


I was like, so here's a thought I had.

Was this all a game?

And he went in there the first couple of days and was like this meek and mild guy pretending to be a love virgin.

And then he chose this group date to turn things around because this is his actual side.

I don't like either side.

I don't like either side of him at all.

Yeah, because it was very aggressive.

Like, wow, Jenn's husband.


Well, I thought that's kind of cute.

But it was unlike him unless this is what his ploy was.


Unless that's who he really is.


Yeah, I don't know.

Because they go back even, and well, we'll talk about that in a minute.

But I wrote down like, who is this guy?

Marcus said, you need to check yourself, dude.

Oh, I loved that.

I guess that was after when they were back at the house.

And then Sam N, when they were all sitting down on the couch after that rugby game, he grabbed her hand again and led her in to be the first one to talk to her.

Behaviors that he has not shown in the house before.

Yeah, very bipolar situation.


And I thought this must been his strategy.

He must have duped all the guys.

However, I think it failed on him.

Oh, absolutely.

Because when they're sitting on the couch, Ira even wrote, I'm like, I don't like him or his attitude.

And he kept saying, I'm going to have the first kiss tonight.


And he takes her before they even actually could toast, you know, how they do at the beginning of the night of the little party thing they have.

And he's like, I want to show my confidence, all this stuff.

And I'm like, dude, you're weird.

And where have you been the past couple of days?

You've had so many outings to even show any kind of effort.

And you didn't do any of it.

And now you're going to bulldoze your way.

Yeah, just right.

Yeah, he was, I don't like him.

I think he got what he had coming to him.

Because what happened?

He took his eyelash curler and went.

Jen rejected his eyelash curling self.

He went in and he said, I'd like to ask you for a kiss.

And she was like, yeah, I think you're a nice guy, but I just don't think that we're compatible.

That's when you hear the record scratch.

Yeah, it was like my mouth dropped, of course, because I was like, whoa, I was not expecting that.

She's kissed everybody else.


She kissed everybody else, but you could kind of see it in her.

Like she was like, yeah, he's a tool.


I just think whether it was his MO to be quiet the first couple of days, then go after her and change to be his real self, that I don't think was a smart move.

And then I think he just first impression, he had told that everybody, I've never had a relationship before, I've never been in love before.

And she also wasn't looking for that either.

So, good luck to him, we wish him the best.

We can curl his eyelashes somewhere else.

Yeah, I was glad he's gone.

I had liked him at first, but then I was like, oh man, I don't know what's going on.

I guess after the show, after the rose, after she picks whoever, they'll go and interview the guys, or the guys tell all, right before the last episode for who she picks.

Maybe we'll see his personality, his true personality then, because I feel like them being on TV and that pressure can cause them to act a certain way where they're really not like that.


Or maybe it's editing.

Maybe they edited it that way for him to look like a complete kookaburra.




We'll find out.

I think at Guys Tell All, we'll get more of a feel on him, a read of who he really is.

The guys all had problems to pick, like bones to pick with Sam N.

So he brought a lot of attention to the house that night.

And then they saw him walk out the door.

They're like, oh yeah.


But Thomas N also started acting up tonight as well.

And so I started to look at him and I was like, hmm, okay, what's his deal?

He always seems to be in those one-off talks.

And what I mean by that is like he's always gossiping with somebody.

Oh, yeah, it is annoying.

Anyways, I don't I haven't liked him from the start either.

Then, okay, so Marcus got the group date.

I wrote down.

He got the group date, Rose.

Sorry, I should have said Rose.

But I don't have anything else after that.

Well, I wrote down that Marcus got injured in rugby.

Jen's like, I want to know that you're okay because I want to be there for you, too.

Oh, and he had wrecked his shoulder.

And she hugs him.

And so he just to me, like, he's so genuine.

I just love him like I think he is.

I don't know.

There's just something about him.

I hope she picks him.

Because he seems so nice and caring and I don't know.

But yes, he got hurt.

I have that.

He got hurt.


So then the next event is the one-on-one date, Devin.

Oh, goodness, Devin.


And they go learn more about the Maori culture.

Here we learn Jenn is a Buddhist.

Oh, that's right.

Devin has always wanted kids.

And then I wrote down Devin and Jenn kiss again.

But Devin really does open up to her.

So like he has this little story about how he was, you know, a fat kid growing up and his mom, he raised him by herself.

So it's like, oh, you know.

And so I thought, you know, he really opened up.

Yeah, like that was a lot to tell her.

So I did give him kudos for that.

I do like him, I have to say.


Yes, I didn't like him at first.

You know that?

No, I did not like him.


I mean, I know I just said, oh, you know, he really did open up, but I still don't know.

There's just something about him.

I he was nervous, you know, on the day.

Let's start out.

And then when they had to go and talk about they opened up like in the little tribe area where all the people are sitting and they all told a story about stuff.

Yeah, he told the mountain in his mind as his mother.


Which I thought sweet.

I mean, he really does love his mom.


You know, but when they were sitting with the two people, I don't know if they were married or not.

I guess they were the man and lady that they like kind of went off with separate.

Jen had said she had a hard time growing up, but she embraces her Vietnamese culture now, and that she's Buddhist.

But what I found interesting is when all that was done, they went and sat down at a table full of food.


With all these people and all those people left and left them with this whole table of food with just the two of them sitting there.

And I'm like, are they going to come back?

I'm sure it was just to get the shot.


And then after the shooting, after the production stop, I'm sure they-

How weird is that?

They should have took them off to the side or something.

Let those poor people eat.

That was just odd to me.

I don't know.

I thought their date went good.

You didn't find it odd that they ended.

Of course, Devin got the date rose, right?

And they kissed some more.

And then there's an opera singer.

When they were shooting it, I wrote down, I would have died.

Again, another reason why I would not be on the show is because it's so cold.

You don't want an opera singer to sing to you?

Why not?


I was like, oh my God.



Well, I wrote while they went to the Civic Center is where they had their date.

I wrote down that he said he had issues with his dad because he had never mentioned his dad before.

Oh, right.

You took better notes.

And then they moved around a lot.

And his mom was really a strong person and she had two jobs and went back to school while I guess she was raising him.

And then they kind of have a unique connection because Jenn's dad doesn't talk to her.

She's had issues with that all her life.

And then that's when Devon said he was falling for her and that she's an amazing woman.

Well, she said she loved it.

And she hadn't had someone say that to her ever.

Yeah, I know.

Which was kind of sweet.

But should it be Devon?

No, it should be Marcus.

Marcus to the it.


I'm just biased, I guess.

Oh my God.

Devon's saying all the right things.

He's just not, he's not somebody I'd be like, okay, he's hot and I wanna, you know, shag.

No, no, but I mean, he is saying all the right things.

Now, is it him playing a part?

I don't think so.

I mean, he seems to be a genuine guy.

He just has issues with all the guys in the house.


So I don't know how that's gonna play out, but we'll have to see.


So then, do you have any more for that?

Are you gonna say what happens next while she's in the city?

I'm gonna say record scratch.

record scratch.

So then, Jesse Palmer.

He comes on and says, someone from Jenn's past has flown halfway across the world on his own dime.

Dun, dun, dun.


I wrote, this is crazy.



So we know his name is Matthew.

He's an insurance executive.

He's 27.

Remember Jenn is 26.

He's from Atlanta, but he is not the toxic ex.

I wrote down, and I don't know how I know that.

Because she said that.

And that's how we end episode four.

What does this mean?

What does this all mean?

How did he know where she was?

Because apparently they talk.


So she must have sent him a picture and said, hey, I'm in Australia or New Zealand.

He gets on a plane, flies 30 hours.

Well, my thing about that is if you loved her, why did you wait that long to tell her that?

Until she's on a show.

Because boys are stupid, right?

Did he think that because he's doing this grand gesture to her that, oh, she's going to drop everything and whisk off to Never Never Land because he flew across the world?

Or did production?

Of course, I think logistically, because I'm like, OK, he...

So then how did he get in touch with the show?

Right, if Jenn sent him a picture or something and said, hey, I'm in New Zealand, how did he know how to get in touch with the show?

Oh, yeah.

Did he chase people down in the hotel?

I think this is staged.

Yeah, I mean, it's almost like, hey, give her one last shot with this guy and see what she does.

We need ratings boost.

What will get us a ratings boost?

Oh, yeah, we'll put a nice little teaser.


Oh, I overthink it.

Yeah, but you think good like that, because I don't think like that.

I'm like, oh, he's come across the world to see her.

Did I immediately then watch episode five?

You did, right?

Because I wanted to find out what happened.

So it worked.

Yeah, it worked.

For sure.

Thanks for joining us this week.

That's a wrap on episode three and four.

Next time, we'll talk about episode five and six.

I'm excited.

Yeah, me too.

So I will keep watching Melanie, even though I make fun and say it's corny sometimes, and that I would not participate, but I'm also a married woman, so I'm not their demographic, obviously.

No, but it's still fun to watch.

That's true.

That's true.

So join us next week and also listen to us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcast.

Don't forget to listen, like, and subscribe.

Oh, and our Instagram, I should have said, our Instagram page at Midlife Moms Pod.

But we'll see you next week.

See ya.

See ya.



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