Midlife Moms Pod

The Bachelorette Episodes 5 & 6 - A Midlife Moms Pod Review

Midlife Moms Pod Season 1 Episode 19

This week Melanie and Allison continue their review of Season 21 of The Bachelorette. In this episode, Jenn and her men explore Seattle on Episodes 5 and 6. 

If you have been watching this show for a while, like Melanie, or you're brand new to The Bachelorette, like Allison, or you don't have time to watch this crazy show, let us recap it for you!

We talk about everything from Jenn's fashion to her dates and their locations and sometimes get a little judgy.

Please note: spoilers are given since we discuss which men Jenn keeps and which ones are sent packing to go home.

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Okay, well, welcome back to Midlife Moms Pod.

This is Allison.

I'm Melanie.

And we're here to recap another episode of The Bachelorette.

I think we're on episode five, season 21.

And Melanie and I were just chit chatting.

I've had COVID, so my voice is still not at 100%, but I am drinking all of my liquids.

So I've got my ice water here.

I've got diet ginger ale.

I've got some coffee and I have chicken noodle soup.

All the liquids.

Anything else I need?

I do have my cough drops.

A popsicle, you're right.

You need popsicles.

Yeah, we do have some of those in the freezer.

So this has kind of been my diet for the last couple of days.

Hopefully I'm going to shed some of those pounds.

We'll see.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, I know.

But what would August be without getting sick?

So I don't know how often in August I get sick, but how in the summer I always managed to get ill.

Well, I was sick last year at this time with COVID, so it's your turn.

Now it's my turn.

And I missed the first day of school.

Was not able to walk him into class like I always do.

I did go to meet the teacher the day before, but unbeknownst to me, I was coming down with whatever I have now.

The big C.

The big C.


So it's out there, folks.

And if you don't feel good, just go one of those urgent care centers and get tested.

Quick and painless.

She really didn't stick that thing far up my nose, but yeah, I came back positive.

Well, thank you.

Thank you.

I'm having a COVID baby.



Well, you'll get better soon.

I hope so.

I'm on day four.

Tomorrow, we have some of those fall activities starting.

We talked about for the summer is like those kids extracurricular activities and they're coming back.

In full swing.


Tomorrow starts baseball again.

Goodness gracious.

I know, right?

So I guess we should mention that we are going to do spoilers in this episode.

So if you haven't listened or watched Bachelorette and you don't want to know, this isn't the show for you because we're going to be talking.


About the roses and everything.

And who gets what?

So yeah.

I mean, we're on episode five now.

So if you haven't started and you're listening to our podcast, well, that's welcome.

We'd love to have you.

You don't really have to watch the show.

You don't because sometimes I just listen to podcasts to hear the show recaps.

I don't watch the show.

That's a good idea though.


Who has time to watch TV anymore?

Not me.

I do not, but I made time for the special occasion.

It's not like you have much to do over there being sick.

I have caught up on a lot of TV the last couple of days, but before that, yeah, I don't have any time to sit down and watch TV.

But well, should we get into it?

Yeah, let's open this episode.

So episode five, here we go.

So we left off in episode four that Jenn's ex-boyfriend has now flown around the world to apparently profess his love for her.


But before that happens, Jenn goes in and talks to the guys and tells them that he came to the city for her to talk to her about coming back and being on the show.


And the guys went ballistic, I think.

They did, because I was thinking that at first, and I was like, wow, so he's going to be a contestant?

They've done it in the past.

Have they really?



Oh, she is a newbie to The Bachelorette show.

I did not know that.

Yes, they have done this in the past.

The only difference is the outcome was different this time.

Oh, okay.

So guys all start flipping out, and Jeremy said people are all up in their emotions.

Because he's kind of calm, cool and collected, I think.


But Devin was pissed.

He really was.

Devin said he was going to leave if she brought him back.


Which was like, wow, dude.


How much do you really love Jenn if you're willing to take a back seat?

And take a hike?

I don't know if he would have done it.

Did he say that in front of her?

I don't remember.



To the guys though, he did.



Because then she came in in a little bit, right?


Because she said, I'm going to go talk to him and then I'll come back.

When she came back into the room, she said that her future was in this room.


And that she said goodbye to her past, but she's here for the future.

And she said, my future husband is in this room.


But what I found interesting is when she went to talk to him, Matthew or Matt, I guess his name, Jen said to him that she's confused and didn't know he felt this way.

And Matt said, well, it's now or never.

She said, I'm torn between the past and the new.


Which makes sense, right?

But I think, in my opinion, she made the right choice.

Because he should have told her long before if he really loved her.


Yeah, I agree.

I mean, I don't know anything about that relationship, only that 10 minutes that we were exposed to it.

But I was like, what is the point of having the show if they're just going to bring back past people and allow them to come and rain on the parade?



So I was happy as a first time newbie to see that he wasn't going to be in the picture.

So I did feel bad that he flew all the way around the world just to be turned around and go home.

But at least now he knows.

And I did find it interesting that he walked into the room and said, he came here on his own accord and that Jenn had told him that he's not it and her future is in that room.

And he apologized to them for coming and interrupting.


So I mean, at least he put it on his big boy pants.

And right, went in and said all that big boy pants.

And then Devon's like, I feel good now and I really trust Jenn.

And it's like, really, were you really going to leave?

Come on.

Yeah, he was not.

So I wrote, now we can continue on with the rose ceremony.


And I do have a comment to make.

Would you like me to read the roses that were given in order?

Yes, go ahead.

To have the floor for a moment if I could.


So I'm Jenn standing there looking all glamorous.

And I'm going to pick up my first rose and I'm going to say, Grant, then I'm going to say Jeremy, Jonathan, Spencer, Dylan.

Then Jesse Palmer, interrupts, gentlemen, it's the final rose tonight.

I hate that he does that.

Just so you know.

We know that it's the final rose.

Gentlemen, it's the final rose tonight.

All dramatic.

Does he do that all the time?

And then I started, I went back and rewound.

I'm like, yes, he does it all the time.



So the final rose she gave to Austin.

So me scrambling around, I have to hit pause that I'm like, OK, who didn't get the rose?

Well, since we're whittling down the crowd now, it'll be easier to see that poor Thomas N and John.


John, I liked Thomas.

I did, too.

Yeah, Thomas said I just wasn't feeling now.

Then for me, it was the clothes like some of his shirts.

I'm just that kind of girl.

I've been like, sorry.

Sorry, you don't get my rose because your party sucks.

Sorry, I'd have to go through your closet, dude.

Yeah, that's so funny.


So we have one, two, three.

Oh, well, then we have to also count the other two date roses, right?

So we're down to what?

Eight guys?


Eight guys.


We're getting closer.

It's the end of the rose ceremony.

Now I wrote down the next day, Devon comes in and he's got the date card.


I know I just did a reenactment of the rose ceremony, but here's another one.

Devon takes out the card and there's a long drawn-out pause.

And I was like, okay, now any day, any day you can read that name.

And he finally said, Jonathan.


Jonathan, time for our love to take flight.

Our love sick.

He was the kind of the stretcher.

Where before I was like, who is this guy?

I don't recognize him from the first night.

Well, that was the guy in the bandage.



Space has been bandaged.

And I misspoke last episode because I was like, OK, we had talked about them going on the top of the Auckland Sky Tower.


And I was like, God, she's already been in a helicopter.

She's jumped out of a plane.

Now she's going to go propelling down this building.

Well, she hadn't gone in the helicopter yet because this is the helicopter date.

This is the helicopter date.

And he says, I hate, I hate helicopters because he doesn't like heights either.



So funny to me.

And he said, Jenn, I don't know what it is with you and heights.


Did she pick this or did production pick it?

I don't know.

I have no idea.

But I think she has a say in it for sure.


I don't know.

I'd be raising my white flag and be like, guys, you got to stop with the height stuff.


Can't I just be on the ground?


Is there more to do in New Zealand or Auckland?



But they flew to an island off New Zealand.

I guess I wrote down North Island.

I did not look it up.

You should like to look up to learn a little bit about it, but date ever.

Why is that?

Because they were doing cartwheels and playing hide and seek?


Here's what I thought was funny.


They're playing hide and seek.

And she's like, me first.

She starts counting and then she's like, Marco.

I know.

I thought it was so cute.

I don't know why.

Like they didn't even talk about this.

They just both started running at the same time and they both knew that they were going to play hide and seek.

Oh yeah.

I thought that was so cute.

That's like, I don't know.

That's a connection, I think.

Yeah, they're real goofy together.

They have that same sense of humor and same like playful side.

And then they were throwing grapes to each other and they were catching them in their mouth.


I was like, okay, wait a minute.

Is this some camera trickery here?

Because I would need like 20 takes to catch a grape in my mouth.

I just feel about like think about choking when that happens.

I do.

I don't know what that is.

Well, it is true, but like the way, if you go back and watch it, the way they were so careless and just throwing these grapes back and forth to each other, catching them in their mouth.

I was like, come on guys, it's just, are you just making these grapes go right into their mouth with your camera trickery here?


I do like them together.

I thought they had a good time.

And then when they were in the hot tub, they were talking about what's your biggest fear.

And he said, my biggest fear is breaking past the fun level.

Oh, because he wants to get deeper with her.

He wants to have a deeper connection rather than just having that goofy side, you know?


So again, he opened up.




And then he talked about his, I don't know if it was in the hot tub or when they went to dinner, but I think it was when they went to dinner.

He said that he has a hard time opening up because of his girlfriend that he had previous, that she would like self medicate and then blame him and like acting like he was abusive to her for like trying to help her and check on her and question her.


It was very toxic.



And he calls himself a hopeless romantic.

Well, that scenery around the vineyard where they were.


I mean, that was like a movie.


It was pretty.



His ex broke his heart.

I read and I was like, Oh God.

I don't know what's wrong with women.

I don't know.

Well, I don't know what's wrong with anybody that cheats.

If you don't like the person and you're going to cheat on them, just say goodbye.


It's not that difficult.


But yes, so he got the rose.


So I thought their date was good.


It was very cute.

I thought it was very cute and very successful, if I may.


I agree with that.

And then we see, oh yeah, then the other one is not only that, but the ending was they were kissing in the rain.

Love it.

I mean, I was like, does it get any more romantic?


Love that.

The producers, I can imagine, see, I'm always about the business, right?

The producers were like high-fiving each other in that production room being like, we got the shot.

Oh yeah.

For sure.

Yeah, that was amazing to me.


So then I wrote down the date card because, of course, the scene before the ending is the guys, what they're doing back at the house and what's next on deck.


So I wrote down the date card is going to be with Devin, Sam, Marcus, Spencer, Jeremy, Dylan, and Austin.

Basically, everybody except Grant, who will get the next one-on-one date.


So he's psyched.

But the note on the card said, love is messy.

Love is messy.

It did say that.

So there's a clue.

They go to a sheep farm.

And one of, I think it was, who was it?

It was Dylan.

And he said, man, I just got new kicks.

Did he say that?


He's like, I don't want to get my kicks dirty.

I just got new kicks.

But he had on different shoes than everybody else because he had on tennis shoes or something, and all the other guys had on Timberland looking boots.


Which I thought was interesting.

Did they tell them to bring those?

No, I don't know.

Anyways, Dylan had some new kicks and he didn't want sheep all over him apparently.

But he still went in there and did his thing.

Yeah, because their job was to shovel poop.

Well, that was after they were supposed to get them in the fence, remember?

That's right.

That is right.

And the farmer was like, the first key would have, I don't know, been to open the gate.

So I missed where the gate was and maybe he mentioned it when he was giving them directions, but I was like, well, how are they supposed to know where the gate is?

But yeah, they did not do a very good job.

No, they failed at that big time.

And then I wrote some things down.

So they had to muck out the stalls or the pen where the sheep are.

So they're mucking out poop.

But what I found interesting was that Jenn is mucking out the pen with her hair down.

All I kept thinking was I would not do that.

And she has long hair like I do.

So I would be like, where's a clip, dude?

I'm not doing this with my hair down.

I don't know.

I guess beauty before poop in the hair.

I don't know.

I just kept thinking, oh, my God, her hair is going to touch that.


Well, if I didn't have a clip, I would have no choice.

I imagine there's makeup there all the time.

I don't know.

I don't either, but that's what I kept thinking was, oh, my gosh, she's going to get poop in her hair.

So while you focus on her hair, my notes are specifically about what the heck are the guys wearing?

So they were obviously told they're going to be in the mud and wear their best cowboy gear, which some of them took literally.

What the heck was Jeremy's shirt?

Oh, where he ripped the sleeves out?

Well, a couple of them ripped the sleeves out.

It wasn't just that, but he had it like cropped and then he had it like tied.

Oh, I totally missed that.

I was like, what?


What is that?

It's almost it's the equivalent of Aaron's pearl necklace to me.

Because I was like, I have never seen a guy wear a flannel shirt like that.

I would have automatically eliminated him just for showing up like that.

And I'm going to have to find a picture now and post it on the Instagram.

I would have been like, what in the Barbie doll hillbilly crap is that?

You don't do that.

Guys, don't do that.

I don't know what he was doing or if it was trying to be funny.

But it reminded me of Pauly Shore in that movie.

Oh, my gosh.


I don't remember what that movie was called.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Picture him with his jean-cut jean shorts and then he goes on a farm.

Oh, my God.

Hang on.

I have to Google something.

So it was like way back in his early days.

I know.

I used to love that movie.

I can't think of it.

I'm on IMDB right now.

Let's see.

Pauly Shore.

You're talking about where he goes because he's from California and he's like the.

Yeah, he like falls in love with this girl and she's on a farm or something.

And he has to be the farmer.

Yeah, he's been in so many movies.

Did you know that?

Yeah, I never saw his shirt like that.

I completely missed that because I guess I was too focused on the fact that Jen had her hair down.

Mucking out poo.

God, I am still going back here to look.

What is that movie?

I don't know.

Let me help you.

People are screaming at us right now.


Son-in-law, yes.


I will grab a screenshot of Jeremy and his red flannel shirt.

But yeah, he would have been eliminated.


I don't care if you drive a Lamborghini or a Ferrari or whatever it is.

Please explain.

So Polly Shore was called Crawl.


Oh yeah, Crawl.

But of course, Devin comes in and steals her away so they can talk.

Devin again, this is why I don't like him.

And somebody said they had to go and remove the dingleberries.


Then they had to remove dingleberries from the sheep.

And here's what I found interesting.

Devin got the best farmer and partner one-on-one.

He wasn't doing anything that had to do with farming.

He was talking to Jenn.

I know.

And what's his name?

Sam M said, lions don't concern themselves with opinions of sheep.

Because he was mad because of course, Devin swooped in again.



I'm telling you, these guys have a lot of drama.

I know.

You would think it would be females that have a lot of drama.

No, it's guys.

Guys have a lot of drama.

But who picked him as the winner?

Was it?

I thought it was Diane and Richard, the owners of the farm.

They did pick him.


Was they picking him because they were like, oh, he's the most interested in her?

I don't know.

They never said.

But yeah, I think they were watching him interact with her and the other guys were just working.

It's like you can't win, right?

You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

Yeah, because they could have stopped and really hung out with her.

I wasn't too keen on the fact that he got it.

I think that no somebody else should have had a turn.

But Jeremy, I wrote this down.

Jeremy said, do you think you deserve farmer of the day?

And Devin said, I'm just doing what I'm doing.

Jeremy said, that's so insightful.

Smiles immediately, resting bitch face.

I wrote down that was funny.

So that would probably be my shade moment.

Is that I'm just doing what I'm doing.

And Jeremy was like, that's so insightful.

And immediately stopped smiling.

I do like Jeremy though.

I like him when he talks to Jenn and how he interacts with her.


So he did get a one-on-one sit down with her and they kissed.

You're talking about Jeremy?


Do you remember him petting her head?

He was petting her and she goes, why are you petting me?

I thought that was cute.

Why are you petting me?


And then they kiss and then he's petting her again and she just starts laughing.


I like them together, though.

And then he also said they were talking about what they're afraid of.

And she said, I'm afraid of giving, you know, that she gives a lot or whatever and afraid of not getting it back.

Like she gives a lot in a relationship.


Which is sad.

I feel bad for her because she's had moments about not feeling good enough and stuff.

But yeah, the other person, let's talk about who's having a tough day is Austin.


Austin really wanted a one on one because he felt like he was falling behind the rest of the guys.


He hasn't had a one on one date yet or he hasn't gotten a group date rose.


And I wrote down this is so strange.

Like he feels like he's playing catch up and he quit.

Which I did not get.


Because I didn't feel like that for him.

I didn't feel like he was really behind.

I mean, he might have and he's living the, you know, live in it, but I didn't feel like he was that far behind from the other guys.

And she seemed to really like him.


He had a moment as what he had.

He did.

And I don't know, he got in his head and, and I wrote down, I was really surprised that he quit, which made her feel really bad because she said, what if I'm not enough for the other guys?

So, and I didn't get this either because I was like, why does she taking this all on her?

I don't know.

Because of her past, I think she's been told before she's not good enough.

Because see me, I'd be like, dude, that's a you problem, not a me problem.


Me too.

But that's who I am.

I'm like, you don't want to hang out, bye.

But for her, I think past trauma that she's had, and she did have an abusive ex-boyfriend.


Maybe that that's in her head, you know, that she's not enough.


I don't know, but I feel bad for her that she feels.

Yeah, I know.

She and then she came in and talked to all of them.

I did find it really strange that Austin just gave up.

I don't know.

I was like, what is going on now?

They're just dropping like flies.



Because I don't think she would have sent him home at the rose ceremony.

I don't think she would have.

I don't either.

So anyway, moving on.

Then I wrote down Sam M brings her back to chat.

I wrote down Marcus interrupted them.


Jenn said she always looks forward to being with him.

Yes, because he's her same way.


And then I wrote down Devin.

Did Devin come in and interrupt?

He must have.

I wrote down he comforted her and then they kissed.

I was like, God, stop my camera.

Oh, I don't want to look at you anymore.

No roses were given that night and hugs were given all around.

Yeah, because they each said something nice to her and then she felt that they actually showed up for her and helped her.


And then it's time for our one-on-one date with Grant.

Oh, Grant.

And it's in Mirawai, New Zealand, is what I wrote down.

I don't know if I said that right.


Yeah, I don't know how to say that.


He's so much taller, like he's so tall and they go horseback riding.

And here I wrote down again, absolutely breathtaking.

They have a date in the rain.

It went perfectly.

She kissed him.

I mean, just.

I liked magic where he said, here's what I love to hear what they say to her, right?

So Grant said, you don't have to be perfect.

I'll ride with you.

I know, right?

And the beach was so pretty.

I do like Grant.


And I liked how he opened up too.

He said his dad was an addict and he checked in to rehab.

So he's been clean.


So they discussed each one of them not having really a father figure.

And it was like, man, this is what it really is like to open up.

And Sam needs to take some notes because he's not doing this.

Oh, no, absolutely not.



I wonder if he's really ever going to get to this point.

He obviously got the date rose.

She feels really aligned with Grant and they make out.


That's what I wrote.

The cocktail party was canceled.


Wait, wait, you're missing a point.

You're missing what Grant said.

Remember, they're all sitting in there by the cocktail party, waiting for her to come in.

And he tells all the guys in the room that he's fallen in love with Jenn.

Grant said that?


Oh, I didn't write that down.


So he's sitting there and he's like, I just want to say this, I'm going to tell you all right now, I'm falling in love with Jenn.

And there's like crickets.

So, but why did they cancel the cocktail party?

Because she said she already knew what she wanted to do.

Oh, that's right.

She knows where she wants to be and what she's looking for.

And I was like, wow.


And then I wrote down, Dylan, Jeremy and Spencer are sweating it.

They missed the last chance they had to open up with her.

And Grant is so emotional.

He gets so emotional over it.


And I wrote, he even has a rose, so I wasn't sure why he was so emotional.

Because he's in love with her and he has told the whole guys.

But the guys that did get the roses are Sam M.

Once again, Devon, Marcus, Jeremy, Spencer.


Dylan didn't get a rose.

And I felt bad for Dylan because when he got in the car, he said, this sucks.

You meet someone that's right for you.

But for them, not to feel that way is disappointing.


I felt so bad.

We all feel that way.

I know, right?

So we've all been there.

So I liked this episode.

I thought it was a good one.

I did too.

And at the very end of the episode, they have in memory of Hayley Merck.

And I was like, what is going on?

So I just Googled it and it says, The Bachelor alum, Hayley Merck dies at 31.

That's right.

The model's cancer returned and spread merely six weeks after she received the news of being leukemia free in April.

Holy smokes.

Yeah, I remember that.

She was only 31.

So sad.

Oh, still.


And with that, we're on episode six.

So are you ready to move on to episode six?


Well, let's get back in the USA.

We're in Seattle, Washington, the Emerald City, which I never knew it was called that.

Me either.

And so this is the last week before the hometown episodes.


Which how many hometown episodes will they have?

It's one show, but they go, she goes to four different guys' houses.


And then after that, is it the Rose Ceremony?


Yeah, they do the Rose Ceremony the same night.


Like the final Rose Ceremony.


So no.

So then after they do hometown dates, then they go to fantasy suites.

So she has one-on-one time with each guy that she's picked.

I think there's two left or whatever that she does.

This is overnight sleepover?

If they want it to be, yeah.


Now we're talking.



So do you want to start or you want me to start?


So I was just going to say, I did not recognize this person because I'm a newbie, but Charity from the previous season meets with our girl, Jenn for coffee.


I liked Charity too.

She was sweet.


She seemed nice.


She did find love.

She's like engaged and all that.

I don't think she's married yet though.


Well, Jenn's all in her feelings because she went home on her Bachelorette or Bachelor.

She went home the week before hometown.

So the hometown episode.

So she knows how the guys feel at this point.

So she's kind of reminiscing about that with Charity.


She says that Jeremy or Sam, Jeremy and Marcus, she talks about them specifically, and she feels that each one of them are holding back a little bit.

So she expresses that concern to Charity as well.


But I also wrote that she said that Sam is mainly physical.

Jeremy has the same sense of humor as her, and she can be 100 percent with him.

And then Marcus is holding back still, which he was.

Once they get to the one-on-one, you can tell he was.


Now, two things I noted was that Marcus used to live in Seattle.

So I thought, wow, that's kind of weird.

I wonder what it's like to go back there and be part of the show, but then also you used to live there in that city.

And Jeremy has not had a one-on-one with Jenn yet.

I know, which I thought was interesting when he didn't get it, the first one when they said, and it was Marcus that ended up getting it.


He had already had one.

Right, Marcus.

So this is Marcus' second.

So I thought, oh, and you could see the sting in Jeremy's eyes.

But there must have been a reason she gave Marcus a one-on-one because she obviously felt that she didn't know him enough either.

And he got a letterman jacket, a green letterman jacket with his date card.

Yeah, that was a little too snug.

I felt like it needed to be bigger.

And I kind of wondered why about the letterman jacket even till today.

So we'll talk about that as we go.

Yeah, I don't really understand it.

I don't think it fit with the theme, but.

I don't know.

Well, what was the theme of the date?

The new Wicked movie that's coming out.

Have you seen the preview for that?

I have not.

It looks pretty good.

Jesse arrived in a trolley, which I thought was cute.

And he told them, right, they're going to go see that movie, The Wicked.

Now, I don't know anything about Wicked.

I didn't see the play.

I have no idea.

I think it's the spinoff of The Wizard of Oz.

It's how the Wicked Witch of the West or something.


Well, that would make sense with the theme.

It's a newer version of it.

It's not the Wicked that was back in the day.

It's a new Wicked that has to do with how the Wicked Witch of the West became Wicked Witch of the West, like what all happened to her and stuff.



But I still, I mean, I liked the idea and I get the whole Emerald City thing because it followed the Yellow Brick Road and the actual Wizard of Oz, which was kind of cute.

I like the date.


I mean, it was cute.

It was set up in the middle of a pedestrian way in Seattle.

And they're greeted by Daisy and Kelsey.


Loved them.

Those are the two that I was telling you about before we even started watching this one.

The one that is Kelsey, she's the one that is now engaged to Joey.


And Daisy was the runner up.

And that's when Daisy went to Kelsey's room to say, I know I'm not going to be picked.

He's in love with you, that kind of thing.

And they rode together to the rose ceremony, which has never happened.


So they became really good friends.

They're like really good friends now.


But they were last season with Joey.


I like both of them.

Girl girls, you know.

So they kind of help them down the Yellow Brick Road, right?

So then they go.

So it looks like it's kind of a game where they then pick between two big presents.


So I thought this was cute.

And at first they're like, they're both agreeing.

So one of, you know, they could choose spicy or sweeter spicy, and they both pick spicy and have to eat peppers.


Not my, not my thing at all.

I don't like hot stuff like that.

I would have rather had a chocolate chip cookie.

I would have loved to know what the sweet was.

I would have picked sweet.

Me too, for sure.

I noted that.


And then the next one was pick scream or whisper.

Nice pick scream.

And then they scream, they both like each other.


That was cute.

I guess those are all warm ups, right?


And then the next one was playful and passionate.


And they played playful and did a pillow fight.

I know.

So at this point, I'm looking at it and I'm like, they are pillow fighting in the middle of this pedestrian walkway.

And you could see the people in Seattle who are on this pedestrian walkway looking at them.

Like they had to blur their faces out and they were.

So that was kind of awkward.

Yeah, I think so.

I would have thought.

Yeah, but they didn't seem to have a problem with it because they lay in on the street after the pillow fight, making out.


And yes, making out in a crowded street.

And then the last one was slow or fast.

That's right.


He said fast, he said slow.

So she was a little concerned about that, she said, because she was like, I'm a fast girl and Marcus is not.

So I'm a little concerned about that.

I was like, okay.

I don't know.

I mean, he said he's slow for a relationship, that kind of thing.


Slow to trust.

But of course we didn't know his background yet.


But they chose fast.

They ended up doing a, what is it?

Not compromise.

That's the wrong word.



Thank you.

I couldn't think.

And they did fast.

And then they rang the bell.

And that's when they, what Kelsey and Daisy bring them like a little rickshaw thing, like a little bike.

And they have to get on that.

And then they meet charity.

And then that's when they start busting the bubbles.


Or the balloons.

I thought it was kind of cute, but this is my favorite part when they started popping the balloons about their past.


And Marcus, well, I don't know who popped the first balloon, but it was the picture of Marcus and his sister.

And Marcus started crying over his sister.

I know I love that because I think they're so close because of their past, you know?

So, and for some reason, I feel like that's his only family.

Well, I believe so.



Because then Jenn popped a balloon and it was a letter from her mom.


So she started crying.

She started crying, right?

She reads it out loud and Marcus is like, Oh my gosh, we have similar, you know?

And then he pops a balloon again.


And it's the TV.

It was a TV with another picture of his sister.

I know.



And then at that point, Marcus opened up to her.

Is it at that point?


So then they leave that and they go.

They go to the end of the Yellow Brick Road where charity is.

And that's when they go into the hot air balloon.

Well, I wrote down Trista was there.

Oh, you're right.



So you're right.

Like way back in the day.

I mean, how long has this show been on?

See, we're on season twenty seven or something.




So I actually recognize Trista from the first season because I must have watched that season.

Oh, God.


So she's the one like the fairy godmother.

Air balloon ride.

And they were kissing as they flew over the city, but record scratched.

I realized it was tethered to the ground.

I know.

I kept waiting for them.

I kept waiting for them to take off.


And then it would span over.

And I'm like, wait a second.

They've got a tether hook to a truck.

Which is the way I would go in a hot air balloon.

Tethered to a truck.

Tethered to a truck.

I must have watched too many little house on the Prairie episodes or something where there was a hot air balloon and it caught on fire.

Oh, yeah.



I wouldn't want to go very far off the ground either.

Just in case.

So we span back, right?

After they kiss and whatever, they span back to the hotel.


And they get a date card.

And it's Spencer, Jonathan, Sam, Devin, and Grant.

And it says, I want to love that listens.

Oh, did it say that?

Yeah, that was her little clue.

And she's like, I want to love that listens.

Love Jenn.

Totally missed that.

Okay, good.

Glad you're here to take notes for me.


So then Jeremy, of course, realizes he gets a one-on-one.

And he's like, see, they saved the best for last.

Thank God.

I know.

I know.

I was getting very worried about him.


He didn't get any time.

But he gets his time.

Anyway, so then they tell that, and then we go back to Marcus and Jenn.

And they're at the T-Mobile Arena in Seattle at the baseball field.

That seemed like a fun date.


I would have loved this.

They were eating at home plate.

Oh, gosh.

I wonder how much that cost to rent out for a date.

Oh, time.

If it wasn't the TV.

I'm sure they paid a pretty penny to do it.

But if the average Joe wanted to rent out that stadium.


I don't think the average Joe could rent out the stadium.

I don't think you.

I don't know.

That would be a lot.

I think it's a lot.

Oh, I'm sure it's a lot.

But this is when he opens up.

And he says, you know, Jenn, I don't come from a perfect family either.

Oh my God, this was awful.

I know.

So spoiler, if you have not learned about Marcus, you're going to learn about him right now because Marcus said, his parents were not fit to be parents.

And one day, he and his sister went to daycare, and his parents never came back to pick him up.

I know, but I wonder if did something happen to them?

Like did something happen and they just never figured that out, or do they know where they are and they just-

Oh, I'm sure he knows where they-

You know what I'm saying?

Maybe there was an accident.

Well, he said they were not fit to be parents.

True, but I mean-

I don't know.

I don't work in the daycare field.

I don't know how often this happens, but he said that he and his sister were moved around from foster care to foster care.

Well, I will say this, and you know, because this doesn't typically happen, but they kept them together, which is very good.

Because a lot of times they don't, they split siblings up.

Yeah, they must have been so bonded though.

I don't know.

I mean, I know that they try to keep kids together.

But a lot of times they don't.

A lot of times they don't.

I know.

But oh my god.

I know.

I felt so bad for him.


But he said, I feel like I wasn't worthy.

She's like, you are worthy.

There's nothing wrong with you.


Because he was like, I imagine he and his sister must have had to go through therapy and I'm sure we're going to learn more.




So spoiler.

He gets the date rose, right?

Because of course.

Now in Bachelorette history, does anybody ever go on a date with the person and not get a date rose?





Oh, it's happened.


And sometimes they do two on one dates where they have to like pick one or the other.

And one gets sent home and one gets to stay.


Thanks for that info.


There's tons of stuff.

And they may still do that to this for something.

So yes, this was very romantic.

Jenn says, they are so similar.

And she gives him the date rose.

And then they kiss and they kiss and they kiss.

Well, she led him to a different spot that was up in the stadium.

So they must have planned this out on where she's going to take him.


What section?

And so they could kiss on the balcony.

And then there were surprise fireworks.

I love when they do fireworks.

I don't know.

I just feel like that's cheesy, but I still love it.

Their dates are always so dreamy.

I give it to ABC production over the top.

Yeah, for sure.

But yeah, I loved their date.

I thought it was good.

I'm glad that he actually opened up and that she felt that he did open up and now he's going to the hometown because he got a rose.

So I will like to see his story when they go home.

That'll be interesting.


But then we move on to the actual date.

Group date.

Group of guys.

And they are on the radio station called Love On Air.

Love On Air Seattle.


And Jason and Molly are married.

He was a bachelor.

I don't remember what season he was on.

Oh, yeah.

So they met on The Bachelor.


So I'm looking it up right now.

Jubal and Bender are the hosts of Love On Air Seattle.

And Jason and Molly Mesnick are the alums.

But I'm just going to start this off with all the guys are saying all this nice stuff about her, and then you have Sam.

And he is a complete idiot tool.

And he is like talking in circles and never getting to the point.


Well, this is when you can tell, like it really comes out.

So they do that rapid fire word association.

And I don't know if you've ever done this.

You know, you got to think on your feet.


Well, he can't think on his feet.

No, you don't have a lot of time to prepare.

I thought the guys were funny because it was like Spencer, Rose, me, you know.


That's what he said.

And Grant said, Grant was given shower and he said every day.

I know that was funny.

That was funny.

But Sam, he was given fantasy suite.

And he said, aggressive.

Now that you mentioned after the episode, like the hometown episode, they get a fantasy suite.

I didn't know they did that.

So when I heard the word fantasy suite, I was like, that could be anything.

Like, what are they talking about?

I didn't know in bachelorette world, that meant after hometown.

Oh, yeah.

So what would be some appropriate responses for someone who is in love with Jenn after fantasy suite?

What would you think some normal response?


I would say connected.

I would have said love.


Feelings, love, happy.








He's a tool.

And see, here's the thing.

He's always been leading with his looks.

He hasn't had to answer the big hard-hitting questions.




He struggled there, and then he struggled again.

So the next thing they threw out to the guys were three words to describe Jenn.


This is on their feet.

So, you know, Grant, who I love, what said, witty, charming, intellectual.

I was like, oh my God.



Did Devin say, did you write it down?

No, I didn't write down what they said.

I did.

Okay, good.

Because I didn't write that part down.

Said, exhilarating, breathtaking, spontaneous.

Oh, I love that.


And Jonathan said, driven, exciting and open-minded.

So, Sam, I don't even know what I wrote down, but.

I don't even feel like he said three words.

I feel like he said a bunch of Ghibli.

It was a circle.

Gobbily goop.



So, it was word salad is what I call that.

Word salad, you're right.

Then somebody said, how do you feel about Jenn?

And he said, fire, strong passion, cheers to a ferocious love, reckless.

And I was like, as Jenn was, right?

The look on her face said it all.


Oh, yeah.

With those two things, it's tough to lose in a relationship.

And I was like, Sam.


He just really is.

So this was like, you know, when you're in class and class is over, but the teacher makes you stay behind.

So the radio DJs dismissed all of the guys but held Sam back.

Because they felt that she needed to get to know Sam a little bit more.


So they kept him back.

But all the guys get to watch this in the back room.

And I thought it was funny because they literally were talking about it.

Like, I could answer this question just fine.

I could answer this.


And then you got Sam who...


I don't even have a word for him right now.


Well, I mean, what did he think was going to happen?

Think he thought that he is so good looking, that it doesn't matter what he says.


And he's always led with that, and that's gotten him somewhere in the past.

But Jenn doesn't want that.

She wants somebody to be honest and open and know her.

That was her big thing.

He doesn't know me.

So they asked him, how was your impression of her change since the beginning?

And he kept saying, trust the process.

At one point, he said when he pulled in with a limo, he expected someone like Kelsey and...

Yeah, he was referring back, I think, to the...

Yeah, Daisy.



That is not a compliment.

It's not.

He didn't finish that thought.

And I was like, oh, my God, if someone said that to me.

And then he said, well, Jenn is selfless, her selflessness.

And she says, how do you know that I'm selfless?

And somebody in the back asked, does he even know the definition of selfless?

And Devin said, no, he does not.

Yeah, I don't think he does.

I don't think he does at all.

And he also does not like to be put on the spot.


As you could tell, he started getting agitated.

Oh, he did.

He did not like it.


He was doing that weird like fidget thing that people do when they get aggravated.

He was about to lose it.

And he said his love language is physical touch.


We didn't know that.

She sure couldn't talk.

That's all they did.

And see me, I'm totally different.

I'm a totally different person, but I would have looked at him on radio and said, yeah, you don't know me at all.

It's time to go.

But Jenn being how nice she is, she's trying to like find something.

Maybe he was put on the spot and she felt, you know, maybe he couldn't handle it.

So then she went and talked to him by himself.

Where back at the hotel?


Oh, yeah.

She like charged in.

She's like, where's Sam?

And they were like, he's not in here.


So they were all even the guys realized she was pissed.

Yeah, they were all talking about that.

When have you ever seen a girl or a woman come in like that?

And somebody said, yeah, it's not good.



And then, of course, Grant has this conversation and says, well, you know, she must still see something in him if she's still fighting that hard to try to figure out and talk to him about something.

So she budges in after her one-on-one date with Jeremy, right?

Oh, yeah.

We need to go back to Jeremy.


Yes, you're right.

We'll come back to that.


We'll revisit that part because, yeah, we're not quite there yet.

I don't know if Jenn at this point has realized that she needs to talk to him again one-on-one.


I think at this point, she mentioned she's still so confused.

And that's because she doesn't want to let it go.

That's why she's confused.

And she was holding a, see, she's got a pattern because I think she was trying to find something to hold on to him for just because of the pattern she had in the past.

And now she's trying to move past that, right?


But I put on there about when they were on the radio show, I put Sam is way too cocky.

Oh, he says he's falling in love with her and Jenn rolled her eyes.

Yeah, he's just trying to use his charm and good looks to get out of the tough situation that he's right in all honesty.

I mean, that's exactly what it was.

Yeah, he's trying to get anything away from the fact that he was being put on the spot and he doesn't know how to answer the question.


Because he doesn't know her.


Okay, back at the hotel, she just says to the camera, she needs to know how we will fit into each other's lives.

And she said, that's with any of these guys.

So that's what I'm going to be looking for.



And Grant.

So she has one-on-one meetings like with Grant.

So he sits down on the couch.

I respect you a lot.

I've already chosen you.

I see a future in you.

And they kiss.


And he said he was falling in love with her.


At this point, I fell in love with Grant.

I'm like, oh, Grant, you, you're darling.

If I wasn't already married to my handsome husband who's sitting right over there.


So yeah, I like him a lot.

I do really think he has genuine feelings for her.

I don't remember what she said about him though, but I do think Jonathan.


He said he feels strongly for her.

So that was nice, but it wasn't like a declaration of love or anything like that.


But I just wrote down, they gave a little kisses to each other.

It was so sweet.

And then Spencer.


She said she feels seen by him.


And I really like him.

And I'm going to go back just for a minute.

You know when I don't know where they were, but Jenn came in, I wrote something about him looking like Clark Kent.

Oh yeah.

He was very handsome that night.


The way the camera shot his angle, I was like, wow, he's handsome.

Well, and he had those glasses on.

I think it was when they came in, the letter jacket came in the box and they were doing the crib day.

They panned toward him and he had these glasses on.

I'm like, he looks like Clark Kent.

He could be like Superman at any moment.

But yeah, he's a cutie, I think.


But then let's talk about her and Devin.


So Devin says he feels strongly about her and wants to bring her home because he's proud of her, of who she is and that kind of thing.

And she said she feels seen by him, and she told him she was following for him.


And I'm like, oh, record scratch.

Back up.

She sees something in him that I do not see, but that's okay.

But here's the question.

If you thought he was attractive, do you think you would like him better?

He's not dropped it gorgeous, right?

I mean, he has little quirks and things about him that I'm like, and now I could take it or leave it.

Maybe if I didn't see him on all of the things he said off camera to the guys, I might like him.

But I think it's because I've seen the back side.


I like him with her, but you're right about the talking.


And then-

See, I'm sat down with her.

And she says, she tells him again that she's concerned that they're not connecting.

And she keeps trying to get to him like, why me?

And he can't answer that.

Other than, he takes a long pause, he looks down, and he says, I love you.


But he can't back up his feelings.

Would really be romantic if he could say, you have pretty eyes or I like the way you celebrate your heritage or she just says, I just don't know if this is enough.

And then they end their conversation and she goes back out to the guys who are all seated on the couch.

And she says, there's no group date rose handed out tonight.


Because she has to still decide.


And she's like begging, she's like, what do you see in me?

What is it?

Any good answer?

And I just don't think he's ready.

I don't think he's ready for this whole process.

He says he is, but I'm not sure.

Oh, anyway, let's move on.

Let's move on too.

So then we go back to the hotel.

They're staying in Seattle.

So when I say the hotel, I mean, not the mansion, because they're not at the mansion.

Yeah, no.

So the guys are all in an area sitting at the couch, and they're chit chatting, they're filling Marcus in on how the radio show went, and how Sam was skirting the issue and not answering any questions.

Because remember, Marcus was not there, because I forgot that Marcus was not there, so he didn't know any of that happened.

Neither was Jeremy, really.

Because Jeremy gets a one-on-one.


So Marcus and Jeremy weren't part of that radio show.

So anyway, it's time for the one-on-one date with Jeremy.

So this time we go to Pike Place Market.

Have you ever been to Seattle?


I would like to go there, though.

It looks fun.

Yeah, it does look fun.

I had a chance to go to Seattle one time, many years ago for work.

And my boss at the time knew that this conference was taking place and that I was going to go.

But he had me working on a special project at the Credit Union, and I gave him the dates of the conference.

Well, guess what?

The special project where we had these outside consultants come in, that was on the same week.

So I could not go to the conference in Seattle.

Oh, no.

So that was my only chance.

I missed going to Seattle.

I would have loved to go to Pike Place and see they're throwing the fish.

I was going to say you could throw the fish.

I think you can go back there and throw the fish, can't you?

Well, they could.

They did on their date.

I'm not sure how it works in the public market.

I can't imagine that just anybody can go back there.


It looks fun, though.


Yes, it does.

And so they showcased some things in there, which I didn't realize they had arcade games.

Yeah, I didn't know that.

So they play an arcade game called Uncontrollable Romance or something.

They get, I can't remember what, I wrote Uncontrollable Romance down.

And then they get a fortune from the Fortune Chicken.

Oh yeah, that was funny.

And then they go to a palm reader.

I would have loved to have done all these things.

And we learned that Jeremy was, he played the drums and he was a black belt in karate as a kid.


That was interesting to learn that about him.

Yeah, she actually got some things right, the palm reader.

Yeah, but I found it fun that he made her a bouquet of flowers.

I liked that.

Yes, that was really cute.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Yes, I missed that part.

That's the first thing they did.

And that's what she was like, what do I owe to these flowers?

And he said, trip home, hometown date or however we worded it, you know?

That was cute.

I don't know.

There's something about Jeremy.

I'm like, I wrote down, Jeremy's hot.



And he has good hands.

He is my least favorite.

I don't find him attractive.

Oh, I do.

I don't know what it is about him, but I do.

I don't know.


So yeah, I liked him.

And then I also wrote that he put the flower in her hair.

I thought that was sweet.

Yes, that was cute.

He had a flower in his hair, too.

He had a tulip.

Yeah, I don't know what hers was, but it was yellow.

Yeah, I'm not up on all my flowers, so I don't know.

And then I wrote that he is he seems playful and fun.

And she said that she could be herself around him.

Yeah, but it was real cute.

It did gross me out when he was doing the worm on the street.


Yeah, I wrote down he broke.

He break dances that gross me out on the street.

Well, him touching the gum wall didn't gross you out.

Well, yeah, I was getting to that.

He touched the gum wall.

I know.

And she was like, you're sick or you're gross or something like that.

Where are your hand wipes?

I was like, but they even threw and caught fish.

So, you know, they were touching lots of gross things.

Yeah, but that looks fun.

I would have wanted to do that, I think.

Yeah, I liked it.

I liked that little date.

Yeah, and they kissed.

That was cute.

Yeah, I liked it.

Yeah, that was a good date.

And then they went to where?

Where were they?

I didn't even know, like, the pretty light that when they were walking in, it was so pretty.

I looked it up.

So they had a dinner date at the Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum.

So this is a museum.

It features the artwork of Dave Chihuly.

So I'm sorry if I'm pronouncing his last name wrong.

It's C-H-I-H-U-L-Y.


Yeah, they were beautiful designs.

Yeah, it was really pretty.

Very pretty.

Jeremy said he loves spending time with Jenn, and he's only brought two girls home to meet mom.

Yes, and he compared Jenn to his mom.

So that was kind of interesting.

He's like, not in a weird way.

I know, right?

But I kind of think like every guy does.

Looking for that caring aspect of how a mom would be.

Yeah, and I thought it was interesting.

They really started talking about their future.

So he doesn't require her to convert to Judaism because he's Jewish.

And she's like, that's okay.

She's Buddhist, so they talk about that.

And they kind of joke about, she's got Jewish friends in Miami, and she doesn't want to give up her Buddhist religion either.

So she's like, we can just have Buddhist Jewish kids.

I know.

That was funny.

Yeah, she's like Jewish Buddhist, is what they said.


So I'm like, at least they're talking about the kids that they would have and the future of how they're going to do that religion.

So I thought, wow, that's deep.

I'm glad Jeremy opened up about that because I didn't realize he was Jewish, but I guess that would have been an issue also is like, you know, a lot of Jewish men require their wives to convert.

And he's like, I don't, you know, you're not required to convert to Judaism.

And I was like, oh, yeah, that's awesome.

Yeah, I like him.


So she gave him a date rose and they kissed.

Yeah, I like him and her together.

I think he's, he seems like a good guy.

And I did see some tongue.

You know how I get grossed out about that.

That didn't gross me out.

I know.

They're doing the worm on the street and the gum wall kind of threw me over the edge.

Oh, I know.

Anyways, I like them.

I thought her dress was pretty too.

I like all her clothes she wears.

Oh yeah.

Did you know that there is a website that you can go to where you can see the clothes that everybody wears on the show?


And you can then purchase it.

Yes, I found it yesterday.

I'll post a link in our Instagram.


But you can see they have the Bachelorette, so they show like different outfits that the girls or that Jenn wears.

They don't really feature the guys, but like Jenn wears all this jewelry.

You know, it's all from the set of the show.


Oh, that's interesting.

I never knew that.


Look at that, Ms.

Newbie Bachelorette Watcher.

You learned something that I didn't know.

Oh, yeah.

I'm an investigative journalist.

So I've got to find all these things.




So look for that on our Instagram at Midlife Moms Pod.

I love the dress that she had on for their date.

I loved it.

So I had to go look at that website.

Not that I would wear it.

I'm just saying it.

I like how she dresses.

Oh, yeah.

So then after their date, that's when.

It's the rose ceremony.

No, that's when Jenn storms into the hotel and is looking for sand.


But she's getting ready for the rose ceremony.

And I loved that dress too, by the way.


She was wearing that flower dress.

So pretty.

And somebody mentions, there's only two roses to give out.

I'm not sure.

I wrote down, there's only two roses to give out.

She must have said that.

Dorming down the hall.


Looking for him.

Because she's going to have it out.


She wants to have a chat.


So I don't even know where to begin with them.

They just say, what does love mean to you?

And he said, love is selfless.

It's sacrifice.

It's doing everything for you.

And I wrote down Sam Struggles.

Oh, yeah.

For sure.

He is just spewing out the same phrases and not answering any questions again.


And then his comment, and one part of it was like, you know, there are other people that have the same characteristics as you.

But when I stepped out of the limo, you soothed my nerves.


You're like, get over yourself, dude.

Like, really?

I mean, come on.

Come on.

He's such a tool.

Well, yeah, he's just not skilled in conversation and doesn't really know why he, you know, he finds her attractive.

I don't disagree with that.

But there's no depth and it doesn't seem like he's able to get into the depth.


And she's like, I want it to work.

But there's a disconnect there.

And she's like, he says he loves me, but he doesn't see me.


Which is true.

It is true.

He didn't see anything.

He just saw like, he was saying things thinking that, you know, oh, this will get me to stay.


It's not a contest.

They go back and forth and back and forth for what seemed like a while.

And then I was completely caught off guard.

I don't know if you were, but she stood up and she said, she is done teaching people how to love her, and she isn't doing it again.

And she said, I'm done.

I'm done.

Tim and walked out.


And I didn't realize that that meant they were broken up.

Oh yeah.

She said, I am done and left.

I am done.

So I was like, oh my God, they just broke up.

Yeah, I loved it because you know what?

He doesn't deserve to be there because he's no.

And I was like, you know what, Jen?

I'm glad that you finally came to the realization that it might be fun to be with him.

And because he's cute.

You're right.

He is not.

He can't express to you why he even likes you.

And you're right.

You've chosen guys like this in the past.

We all have.


And it's not going to work out.

So I'm glad she finally put her foot down and was like, nope, I'm not doing this again.

She gave him a hug, sent him packing.

And at that point, I was ready for him to go.

Oh, for sure.


I was like, dude, I can't even help you out here because you're not.


He took up way too much airspace.

Yeah, he really did.

Because here's my thing.

Why don't you ask somebody, okay, what's my favorite color?

What's my favorite food to eat?


How do I like my coffee?

Would I rather wear shorts or a dress?

And I thought about that.

I was like, he doesn't even know what her favorite color is.


He has no idea.

Or whether she's right-handed or left-handed.


Or does she drink coffee in the morning?




They knew nothing about each other.

And I felt bad for some of the others that may have had to go home because he stayed and they may have been a better fit.


Anyway, he's gone.

He rode off in the limo.


I think that's when he said he she brought dull energy.

And I was like, OK, dude.


She was like her energy was dull.



Because she was trying to get serious for a second.

And you couldn't get serious.


And his stupid little saying, he kept saying, the main thing is the main thing.

I told you, I told you he keeps repeating that.


And I think we opened the show.

I think we opened episode six with him saying that.

And I was like, oh yeah.

It was like, shut up.

You've heard enough of you.


So now we're getting down to the rose ceremony, right?

Because they are going to have one.


And I did actually take a moment to pick out who the two roses were going to be given to.

Did you do that?


And I was shocked.

Do you want to say who you thought were going to get the two roses?

Well, the one that I was shocked about is I thought Grant was going to get a rose.


And I even thought Spencer was going to get a rose.


But it was a toss up between him, Spencer and Devon, because I'm like, she said that to Devon, she's not going to let him go.

And Jeremy and Marcus already had roses.


So it was really my top.

I wrote down Spencer, Grant, Devon and Jonathan.

So I had to pick two from that group.

And I picked Grant and Devon, because I was like, she's not going to let Devon go.

And I thought she was really going to keep Grant.

Well, and I'm surprised she kept Jonathan.

I feel like Grant and her had more of a connection than her and Jonathan.



I was shocked.

Completely shocked.

She sent Spencer and Grant home, and my heart broke.

I know.

I liked Grant.

I was like, no.

I mean, I just, so at this point, I was like, oh my God, I'm invested in these guys.


I probably would not, I would not have kept Jonathan.

No, me either.

Me either.

And I would not have kept Jeremy, but that's me.

I would have kept Grant over Jeremy and Spencer over Jeremy, so I'm a little heartbroken now.


I didn't cry, but I was very sad.

I almost had to slam my laptop shut, but I did not.

Well, and then I was like, oh my gosh, the only two people now that I'm like, like I thought about, okay, who do I think she's going to pick at the end, right?

Which of course, this is just because we don't know who she's going to get rid of next, because I was shocked about Grant.

But I'm like, it's got to be Marcus at the end.

Meaning that she picks him?

Like that's who she wants to be with.

That's who I like.

I guess I want her to pick him, but then I'm very concerned about that she's told Devin that she's falling for him and she hadn't told anybody else that.

They don't match up to me for some reason.

I don't know.

I think he's the next one on why does he love her?

He said these words that are like his words were, she's exhilarating, breathtaking, spontaneous.

But exhilarating is not really an adjective I would describe about a person.

I would say, I feel exhilarating.


You make me feel, and maybe that's what he, I don't know.

I'm just being analytical.

I realize that.


I just, so anyways, I guess the roses were given Jeremy, Marcus, Devin, and Jonathan.

Spencer and Grant went home.

But you know how Grant said he was blindsided, which I was blindsided by that.

I was too.

But then Spencer starts crying and calls his mom.


This is Golden Retriever energy.

I was so, and he's like, I just want to find my person.

Oh my God.

He had tears in his eyes.

And calling his mom.

He called his mom and she answered the phone.

And she said, babe, what does this mean?

And I was like, oh my God.

Oh, Golden Retriever.

I was like, oh my gosh.

I wanted to give him a hug.

I'm married and my husband is right over there.

Yeah, I'm not going to.

So anyway, it just felt bad for little Spencer.

And he's calling his mommy.

I hope maybe they make him the next bachelor.

Oh, yeah, maybe.

I don't know either, but yeah.

I guess maybe I'll go find him on Instagram now.

We should.

Oh, I felt so bad for him.


And I mean, I have to say, I really love that he called his mom.

I do too.

Is that real life type stuff?

We need it in the moment.


But I was sad that she sent him in Grant Home.

I wish they could have stayed.

She obviously doesn't care about my opinion.




We don't know what she's going through.


So anyway, we are finished with episode six.

I loved it.

We're getting caught up.

Next, we have episode seven on deck.


That's hometown date.

Well, thanks for joining again.

This was fun.

I can't wait to do the next one.


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So we'll see you next week.

All right, see ya.


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