Midlife Moms Pod

The Bachelorette Episodes 1 & 2 - A Midlife Moms Pod Review

Midlife Moms Pod Season 1 Episode 17

This week Melanie and Allison begin their review of Season 21 of The Bachelorette. Can you believe that Allison has NEVER watched a season of this show? Melanie can't and, as such, has begged and pleaded for her co-host to get in on the game. Listen in as they give a recap of the show and their thoughts on each man that begs for Jenn Tran's attention (and affection).

Whether you're a seasoned Bachelorette watcher or new to the show, you'll laugh along with these midlife moms and their takes on dating and courting in 2024.

We discuss Episode 1 and Jenn's introduction to "the guys," choosing our top and bottom 3. The second half discusses Episode 2 and the first and second date cards.

NOTE: There are spoilers as we discuss who she eliminates and who gets a rose. Be warned.

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Welcome to Midlife Moms, a podcast where two friends come together to discuss marriage, motherhood, and all things life can throw at you.

We're your hosts, Melanie and Allison.

Hang out with us while we discuss what it's like to be a 40 plus mom in this crazy world.

Welcome to another episode of Midlife Moms.

And on today's episode, we're gonna discuss The Bachelorette, who is Jenn Tran.

And I am obsessed with Bachelor Nation, so I've watched all of them.

Whereas you, I don't think have watched any, and this is your first time.

Right, so hi, I'm Allison.

I'm new here.

I have never watched Bachelor or Bachelorette.

So this is my first introduction to the series.

And how are you with it?

Do you like it?

Are you hooked yet?

You've only watched what, two?

Yeah, so I've watched two episodes.

And in all honesty, it's not normally my thing.

There are some parts of it where I'm like, yeah, this is just, I can't believe I'm watching this.

But, and I'll talk about it when we cover some of those parts.

Okay, sounds good.

But I was up for a challenge because I've been watching reality TV a long time, like 24 years probably.


And I am deeply engrossed in the 90 Day Fiancé franchise.

So I needed a challenge because lately I haven't been watching 90 Day Fiancé for whatever reason, but really it's because I had to take that test, and then I just haven't gotten back into it, and I'm still kind of catching up with life.

So this is new for me.

I was excited to do it and relive my 20s and 30s.


Well, I say we start out and talk about all the guys that came out of limos the first night.


It's all good.

Which, by the way, let's rewind a little bit.

So I just want to say that I absolutely loved Jenn's dress at the first, as they were getting out of the limo, and almost like a mermaid style pattern on it.

I just thought it was really pretty.

I don't remember what it looked like, but I'm going to take your word for it.

And it had like scallop looking mermaid tail looking pattern.



So anyways, I thought she looked really pretty.

And she looks great in anything.



She's really super cute.

She has good style.

I don't know if she picks her own clothes for this, but I'm assuming she has some say in it, but yeah, she's really cute.


And she is 26.

She's from my town, Boston.


She's a physician's assistant student at Tufts University.


She's a hard worker apparently.


And she's cute.


So there were 25 bachelors, right?


Now, one thing I did not like, they all arrive in a limo, and they all shout, Jenn, and they're arriving.

We didn't like that.

Well, I've come to realize that this is a common thing in bachelorette.

So, but I did write it down, like, they all shout, Jenn.




I guess so, because they're all like hyped up.

But the girls, when it's a bachelorette, I think the girls do the same thing.

Do they?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a thing, I guess.

I don't know.

Yeah, it must be a franchise thing.


So the first one I have that walked out of limo was Marcus, who is the Army Ranger.

Is that who you have?

It is.


So let me just start out.

Thank you, Marcus, for your service.

He was an Army Ranger.


But I loved him from the start.

He just seemed very genuine, like a genuine down to earth guy.

He has three big dreams.

They're to serve his country, go to outer space, and to find his person.



He's had six deployments, and he's been in the Army since he was, or since he graduated high school.

Yeah, a long time.

And then he got hurt with a grenade.


And I guess he almost died from that because he was talking about, he had to learn how to walk and things like that again too.


And he hopes love is the next mission for him.

I love it.


But I love him.

I don't know what it is.

I just like him a lot.

I just think he's very genuine and a good guy.


And then there's Marvin.


So he's the luxury event planner.

He is.


And he spoke another language to her, which I didn't even know what that language was, did you?

Was it?

It wasn't Spanish.

No, I believe it was France.



She spoke it right back to him, which I was impressed.


I don't know.

He was okay, I guess.

She described him as tall, tall and hot, hot.


Yes, she did say that.

That's funny.

And then there's Sam N.

Oh, goodness.

He's 25.

He's an entrepreneur from Carlsbad, California.


And he's a virgin of love.


His parents were born in Iran.

He works out, curls his eyebrows.

I was just going to say.

I'm sorry.

He curls his eyelashes.


The eyelash curler kind of threw me for a loop.

So yeah, we will talk more about him later.


But he looks like kind of a Disney cartoon prince.

Oh, yeah.

I never thought about that.

I watched him for a while, and if you go back and look at his picture, when they capture him when he first is talking to her, he looks like he could be a Disney cartoon prince.

And my favorite part is when he talks to the cameraman, and he's describing her and him, and he's like, I'm a gentleman.

Get it?

A gentleman.

And they must have just stared at him without saying anything.

And he's like, get it?

It's funny, awkward camera moment.

I wrote down, I was like, oh my God, this guy.

Oh, goodness.


I mean, I caught him saying that I just didn't catch the whole thing where he was like, get it?

I was still stuck on the fact that he uses an eyelash curler.

Oh, yes.

So the next one I have is Grant.

He was a day trader.

He was the one that was a professional basketball player, and then he got hurt.


And he drives a Ferrari.

I guess that was his car.

I wrote down a red Porsche.

I think it was a Ferrari, but I-

Was it a Ferrari?

I'm pretty sure it was a Ferrari.

And he's the one that did the beatbox thing when he got out of a limo.

Yeah, the rap song.


I wrote that down because he was like, I got something for you.

And he was what, the fourth person.

And at this point, I thought, this is so corny.

Why in the world is he beatboxing and singing a rap song?

Like that were me.

I would have been like, okay, guy.

But then I realized, okay, as a newbie, they have to do something for her so that she remembers them, remembers them, sticks out.



So on that note, Sam from Myrtle Beach, he gets out of the limo.

Oh yeah.

Hello there, Sam.


He's, he's hot.

I give him that.

And she even said he was a sexy cowboy.


And he has dated a girl since middle school.

And then she cheated on him.


I don't know what she was thinking.

He's got two dogs.


I was going to say he's a dog person too.

Two Australian shepherds.

And he said, what did he do?

He gave her shots.

And then he said some joke and he said, it's shot o'clock.


Shot o'clock.



But so yeah, that's him.

That's the fifth one, right?

I have the sixth one that came out is Thomas.

And he was the, I think he's from Vietnam.

And then he gave her the bracelet that said, turn us into a win-win situation.


And he's a swimmer.


But he seems so mousy to me.


I don't know what it was about him that I just, I don't know.

Something about him.

I don't know.

I thought they looked really cute together.

He described how he was a swimmer and he was an Olympic hopeful.

And it was like, oh.

And he heard his rotator cuff.




Let's, let's discuss Brendan.

Brendan, Mr.


He gets out of the limo and he is eating hot peppers.



I was not impressed with him.


Me either.

And she offered him milk, which was really funny.

She was like, do you need some milk?


I can handle the heat.

Yeah, he can handle the heat.

And so again, here I am new to the franchise.

And I was like, okay, I get it.

He wanted to, his thing was he could only make an impression by eating something really hot and spicy so that she'd remember him.


But what's he, what's she going to remember him?

Like snotting out of his nose and sweating?

Cause that's what happens when you eat stuff that's too hot for you.



He even said, I'm sweating.

And then he went in there and started drinking stuff.

Let's see.

Dakota, he was the...


So he's a sommelier.


I had to Google that.

Not gonna lie.

So yeah, he was kind of interesting.

He came in popping the wine, which makes sense since he's a wine steward.


And then...

I didn't write down anything special about him.

Yeah, me either.

I just put pop the wine cork.

And then Kevin, he came in on skis.

Yes, he's from Denver.


So that kind of makes sense.


I didn't really write a bunch down about him either.

No, there wasn't much because he really...


He literally got out of the limo skiing or carrying the skis and greeted her and walked in.

Yeah, there wasn't a big to do.

And then Spencer, the pet photographer.

There's something about him that's just kind of dorky, but I like him.

Like, I seem...

I don't know.

And maybe it's because he likes animals.

I don't know.

He took out pocket square options from his jacket to match her dress.

So I was like, okay, gotcha Spencer.

I liked his name.


So now the next one is Brian, and he's an aesthetics consultant from Boynton Beach, Florida.

Well, and he's another one that did the shot o'clock thing.



And he shouted shot o'clock.

He reminds me of a pledge and a fraternity.

A frat boy?

Not quite a frat boy, but a pledge.

Oh, you said a pledge.

You said pledge.

I thought you said fudge.

Like you were trying not to cut.





But that could be, I might have a little bit of a bias because he's from Boynton Beach, Florida, and I know a lot of Florida.

I mean, I've lived here in the state for many years, and I probably already have a bias toward it.


Oh, gotcha.

So anyway, I'm going to hold any other opinions because we're just getting these introductions.

I know.


So there's was his name, Matt.


He did the ginger shots because he had he has orange dread.

I wrote down redhead, red dreads.


There wasn't really anything interesting about him.

And then Austin, I liked him.

He brought a fire extinguisher.


And then he ended up streaking through the house later.

That's right.

He did streak.


But yeah, I kind of like him.

And then there's Ricky, who's a pharmaceutical rep from Miami.

He wrote a poem or a song for her, and it had the word naked in it.

I might be old fashioned.

This is a first date.

He's trying to make a first impression.


And then as he walked away, she said, was he staring at my boobs the whole time?

Oh, yeah, that's right.

I remember that.

So I was like, wow, way to go, Ricky.

Yeah, I don't know.

Okay, this next one, can I do this next one?



Oh my God.

He's 27.

He's a physiotherapist from Canada, Toronto.

He brought puppies.

Yeah, I would remember him.

Oh, yeah.

I was like, okay, I wouldn't be able to focus.

He put these two black lab puppies in her arms, and he said something, I think he said, cute, cuddly, loyal, or maybe she did.

I wrote this down, but I was like, okay, that would be it for me.

I feel like everybody else go home.

No, he said cute.

He's cute, cuddly, and pretty wild.

Oh, I thought he said loyal.

And I thought he said wild.


But hey, I don't know.

I'll have to go back to this.

Puppies are, you know, the black labs are.




Well, either way, Melanie, right?


And he's the one that I wrote down that he had tight red pants on, no socks and loafers.

It's that whole member I was telling you about the prom and how they, the new dress.


His pants were a little tight.


But yeah, he brought puppies.

I'd be like, yeah, I like you.


Animal person.


And then there's Jonathan, creative director, and he came in on a stretcher with his face bandaged.



So he definitely made an impression.

He had lovesick written down on his hospital band that was around his wrist.


It's very creative.

It is creative.

He said that he really wants her to get to know him before she sees him.


I have some thoughts about this.

I'm not sure if we should talk about this now, or if we should wait until after all of the introductions.

I say let's wait and then we'll go.

Yeah, because I'm sure we're going to touch on it on the next episode anyway, or when they go into the ceremony.

Now, Aaron is the next one.

He is 29, and I thought he looked familiar.

Now, mind you, I am new to this whole thing, right?

But I thought he looked familiar.

So, he's an aerospace engineer from Tulsa, Oklahoma.

I wrote down, these are my notes, O-M-G.

That was my first impression of him.

I was like, okay, it's hot.

Good or bad?

Oh, yeah.

His twin brother's name is Noah.

And Aaron wants to be an F-22 fighter pilot.

Yeah, that's hot.

I'm just going to say.


He's already been married at 21, but his brother, Noah, was a bachelor and found his wife and got married on the show.

Yeah, and they're cute.

They're a cute couple.


The only other thing that I was going to say about him is that he drove up in a motorcycle with a sidecar on it.

That was kind of weird.

He did?

Oh, I missed that.

Yeah, it was odd.


And there's something else I want to say about him, but we'll do that on the next episode because...

Yeah, okay.

Now, Jeremy is the next one.

He's 29.

He's a real estate investor from New York.

New York.


He drove up in a Vette.

He said he has a really big blank and they had to bleep it out.

Right, because...

And then she said, did he just say the P word?


So did he tell her that he had a big...

I don't know, but my mouth dropped to the floor.

I was like, what in the world?

Not only that, but he threw his keys to the host, like so cocky.

Yeah, like Jesse works for him.


Oh, yeah.


So he threw them to Jesse.




Enough said.

And then we've got Dylan, who's a med student.

He wants to be a doctor because his grandmother...

I know, had breast cancer.


And he just took the MCAT, which I wrote down because she's also a PA assistant.


So they might have something in common there.


The next one is John, who's also a med student, and he put her on a pedestal.





And don't give me words.

Back that up.

Let's see how it works out.


He's also from Florida.

I wrote down Delray Beach.

So again, I have biases.

I realized that I'm going to try to take them out of my head.

So Brett28 is the next guy.

I only wrote one word for him.




He was very jolly.

It seemed like he was just so...


Anyways, but he seemed like a really nice guy.


I just wrote down he's huge, and he looks like a football player.

Yes, absolutely.

Now, may I do this next one?

Yes, please.

Is Moe's25.

I just think that's the funniest name.

I'm a big Office fan.

If you know, Dwight's cousin's name is Moe's, but this Moe's is 25.

He's an algebra teacher from Albany, New York.

And like his name, he has an Amish style beard.

That's what I wrote down.


Because his beard was kind of not trimmed, and it wasn't like it was kind of...

So it was long-ish, and it had only on his chin.

Oh, yeah, I don't like that.

Which is very Amish-like.

I need a full beard, not a half beard.


I'd also have to change his name, because I couldn't keep a straight face.


I just couldn't.

Okay, so the next one, I don't even know how you say his name.


Jahan, maybe.

And he brought her a queen chess piece.

Yeah, not impressive.


Who's the next?



He's 28, and he's a freight company owner.

What do you think a freight company owner is?

Like, does he have a trucking company?

I don't know.

A storage company.

I wrote down that he is loud.

I did too.

Okay, good.

He's family-oriented.

I guess this is how he described himself.


Single mom.


And I thought he was kind of nice looking until he opened his mouth.

Once he started talking, I was like, no.


I was looking at his gum line and his teeth.

There's something about gum lines.

Like, if you have too much gum, it's weird for me.

And then I wrote down a Pete Davidson vibe.

Oh, yeah.

Kind of.

So I don't know if he said that or?

I think she said that.

I think Jenn said that about him.


And then Hakeem, the balloon man, I called him.

The balloon guy.

He came up with a bouquet of balloons on his backpack.


I thought that was kind of cute.

It was cute.

And then he got stuck in the tree and they all started popping, which caused me to lose it.

That's the funniest thing.

I don't know why.

He said he was floating on Cloud 9.

But yes, that was funny when all the balloons started popping.


We know how much I love balloons.

All right.

So we've been through our 25 guys.

Now, Jenn is here for a ferocious love.

I don't think I've ever quite heard it said that way.

I haven't either.

So this is all new to me, right?

So they, and hopefully I don't say that repeatedly.

I guess this is the only episode where I can say that.

So I wasn't quite sure what to expect after all these goofuses got dropped off in the limo or drove up in their Ferraris or whatever they have.

So then we go down the line of, I kind of, and I don't know how to say, observationist.

Is that a word?



I guess I just like to observe.

So I wrote down a lot of notes of like the order in which they appear, because I feel like that's all production driven.

Because I wanted to find out who were the guys that were going to take maybe the most initiative or be the most outspoken.

Because I imagine it's going to be like survivor, right?

Who can be on the island the longest without being booted off.

So Sam M, who is our hottie, right?

He's the hottie that looks like the cowboy.


He's the first one to take her for a chat alone.

Oh, yeah.

He was getting in there.

He was.

And he said he was willing to put his heart on the line, even if he gets hurt.

And then he put his hand on her knee.

And so maybe I'm prudish, but I'm like, we just met these guys.

They know nothing about her, only that her name is Jenn Tran and she's 26.


And they judge her that she's hot, right?

And they're already like all over her.

Like they put their hands on her knee.

They're like leaning in close.


Is that normal for The Bachelor or Bachelorette?


And they swap a lot of spit in Bachelorette.

Oh, yes.

They're all kissing everybody.

I'm going to take note on that on the second episode.


But how do we want to go about this next part?

Are there any people that stick out for you in this first episode?

So the first episode I put just by meeting them in the conversation she had with the guys, I put the three that she was definitely going to pick to stay.

Or Sam, Sexy Cowboy, Marcus and Erin.

The ones that I said we're going to leave, that she wasn't going to give a rose to, were Brett, Moz and Brendan.

So you got the bottom three right.

Because she did not pick Moz, Brett or Brendan.

No, she didn't pick them at all.

And then she gave Sam, Marcus and Erin roses.

Sam, Sam M, Marcus and Erin.


She took Sam M.

What did she do with Sam M the first?

Like wasn't he the first one, the first impression rose?


I know.

I'm trying to look to see if I have any impressions from the first one.

Oh, so my, okay.

So my thought.

Did you do any of the who's staying and who's leaving?


So let me say my one thought I had is that Brian, so I said I wasn't going to say anything when he was first introduced, right?


But he played kind of a dick move where he interrupted Jeremy and Jenn who were sitting in the car.

And he walks out there and he was like, yeah, it's my turn.

She's got too much horsepower or something like that.

So I was like, oh, this guy, Brian's going to be a problem.

Oh, yeah, because he took Jeremy's keys to the Corvette and interrupted him.

And then Jenn, after Jeremy left, and where Brian got in the car and then Jenn started the Corvette up.


So I was like, oh, okay.

So he's going to be a problem.


That was kind of a tool move.

It was.

You're right.


I said Dick, but.

You can say Dick.

So anyway, my picks for the top three and the bottom three, I wrote down she was going to keep Marcus.

Now, granted, I knew that she was already going to keep Sam M because she had given him the first impression.

So I did not write him down, but I said Aaron, Thomas and Marcus.


Well, I wrote that Sam was staying long before.


She even gave that out.


Just because of how they were looking at each other.

They had an immediate sexual attraction.


It was immediate.

My bottom three were Brian, Moe's and Brett.

So I got two out of three.


All right.

We're well on our way.

Well, before we move on.


The other thing I wrote down when she was kissing Sam M, she couldn't stop thinking about him all night.

And then they kissed, and there was dramatic princess music playing and a lot of tongue action.

I got a close up shot.

That is one of my pet peeves in movies, on TV, when they go in for the close tongue action.

I'm like, I don't need to see that stuff.

Oh, you don't like to see the tongue in the mouth?

I don't.

Or in somebody else's mouth?


And the kiss was feral.

Is that how she described it?

She did.

The kiss was feral.


Oh, my God.

It got me hot.

That's so funny.

That's when I was like, oh, God, I want to be 30 again or 20 in my 20s.

So anyway, okay, let's move to number two.



So that concludes episode one.

So next is episode two.

Welcome back to Midlife Moms.

Here, we're going to continue our discussion of episodes one and two of The Bachelorette.

We are going to be discussing spoilers for this episode two.

So if you have not watched it, you may want to watch it first and then continue listening to us.

Thank you.

Or I guess if you need to catch up, you can always listen to episode two because we will give who gets roses and who leaves.

Yes, there are spoilers on this.

So I say we just talk about the episode.

First of all, I want to say good day, mate, because now they're in Australia.

Good day, mate.

They're in Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne.

And it starts out with the boys looking at a date card.

So they get a date card.

Did you write down who went?

I did.

So it is eight guys are going on this date with Jenn, and it's Sam N, Marvin, Brian, Jonathan, Aaron, Grant, Jeremy, and Devin.


Now they walk to meet her at the market, and Devin runs up to her and picks her up.

She says, who's going to make the effort to get all of her attention and whisk her off her feet?

So did you write down what they did in the open market or this Queen Victoria market?

Yes, because you know how I am about food and all of that.

It kind of grossed me out.

So the one thing I want to say is I've had Vegemite before because there was an exchange student that went to our school and I became really good friends with her.

She made me try it.

And what did you think of it?

I don't know.

It just seemed very gritty to me.

I didn't.

I mean, it's an acquired taste for sure.

I think if you're born eating it over there, that's like their peanut butter or something for us over here.

I had to look it up because I was like, oh, it's like peanut butter.

No, it's not like peanut butter, but it's a thick, dark brown food spread, is how it's described.

Yeah, I just don't remember liking it.

Made with leftover brewer's yeast extract, and it's got vegetable and spice added to it.

Yeah, no, I'll pass.


I would try it, but I don't have high expectations.

The other thing I would have not done is drink the whiskey with the kangaroo ball in it.

The desert oyster shot?

Yeah, no.

No, thanks.

I am not a adventurous eater when it comes to that kind of thing.

The creme lambington?

Those look good.


That's just, I had to look it up because I was like, oh, what's in that?

So it's a moist butter sponge dipped in chocolate and then coated in coconut.


See, that sounds good to me.

Do any of those ingredients sound like something you could eat?


I think I could eat all that, especially if it's in Australia and not made here.


But I want to say something about the market.

So for Sam N, the one that uses, I think he's the eyelash curler guy, right?

Sam N.

Yes, he is.

He's very awkward and he's standoffish.

And he's almost like a negative, poor me.

He's always saying, oh, I feel like I'm behind.

This is only the second date that they've been around her.


You know, I think he was just talking about, like, in terms of standing out and being remembered by her, he didn't feel like he had enough opportunity.


And he said he liked the Vegemite.

He did say that.

But you know what?

I do think he kind of felt excluded a little bit because he couldn't eat some of the foods.

So I understand that completely.

I think he did say something about, I don't eat dairy, maybe.

But that's something to know.


But Devon takes her away from that group date and twists her off to go get gelato.


And the guys get pissed because, of course, it's supposed to be a group date.

But like I say, Devon's making the effort.

He is.

For someone who is not very good-looking, I would say, he's got some cojones on him.

Oh, yeah.

He's very outspoken.

And I guess I would say loud, but he stands out in a crowd.


And see, I typically do not go for a guy that is loud like that.

Like, I am not that person.

So that's kind of a turn off for me.

So I was kind of like, I don't know about him, you know?

But she seems to really like him.

I don't like what he's wearing.

So just me personally, I would not go up to a guy who was wearing all black because he's wearing a black t-shirt, black pants and a white jacket.

That is just not my style.

But like I said, he's very outgoing and very bold to make that move.


And once they were in eating the gelato and all the guys came around, Jenn was like, I like that he pulled me aside or whatever and then she felt bad, like awkward when all the guys came up, which that has to be hard.

Like that's a lot on somebody.

That's a lot of pressure.

This kind of behavior is not normal for Bachelorette, would you say, on the group date, where they try to take each other, take somebody away from the group date.

Oh, it's normal?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Always, always somebody is doing that.

Yeah, that's normal.

Then they go to a comedy show.

Because they roasted the crap out of them.

And Erin, I thought it was funny because Erin called him, like stood up on the stage and called him the budget Pete Davidson.

And I was like, oh, that's kind of funny.

But I think Jenn started to like, what's all this roasting Devon?

Well, that should have been your first red flag.


Now she's questioned.


Just FYI.


I would like to say something about Erin, because I am so confused about what in the ever loving thought process has he had that he's wearing a pearl necklace everywhere.


I've never seen a guy wear a pearl necklace.

What is that?

Is that a fashion statement?

I'm going to Google it right now while we're...

Please do, because I am just floored.

But he's the first and only guy I've ever seen wear a pearl necklace anywhere.

So I have just Googled it.


Well, we'll have to see if he's wearing it next episode.

And I just looked it up.


Hollywood men are jazzing the pearl necklace.

What do you think about men over 30 wearing pearl necklace?

This is on Reddit.

It's a trend, and it's mostly faux pearls.


So let me tell you something.

If I asked him to wear a pearl necklace, because I thought that was a good fashion statement, he would tell me to jump in a lake.

He'd be like, there's no way I'm wearing a pearl necklace.

But it is a trend.


Well, trend it up.

But maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I don't see a guy wearing a pearl necklace.

Erin who wears the pearl necklace.

He is cute, though.

And I like his job that he's...

Wait, you like his what?

He wants to be an aviator, flying F-22s and all that.

That's hot.


That's all top gun for him.

Yes, of course.


So then Erin, and I don't know if I have this mixed up, but you tell me.

So Erin gets to some one-on-one time with Jenn.

He's sitting down with her and chatting her.

And then Devin, yeah, sends an ice cream cart.

It sounds like, man, did Devin do that on purpose because Erin was talking to Jenn?


I think it's because it was Erin.

I think if it was any of the other guys, he wouldn't have done that.

But Erin has such a problem with Devin that he sent the ice cream cart.

I did make a note of this at the mansion or wherever they were, where they were doing their after the group date, right?


Guess who Jenn kisses first?


I know.

And Devin made out first.

I know.

I just don't know.

Now, we have to think about it like this too.

She doesn't see everything that we see.

She's not even watching it.


So we're like, we see behind the scenes of Erin and Devin fighting and being a big mouth frog and just, you know.

So she's not seeing all that.

And all she sees is that he took her away for ice cream and then he brought her the ice cream cart.

That was so cute.



So then they have the group date rose.

Is that right?


The group dates, she gives one person a rose and she gave it to Grant.


Where they start kissing.

So that's kiss number two.




He's the one that when they were talking, he's the day trader.

And when he came in and he said, what shaped you into the woman you are today?

So he was like wanting to get to know her before he like jumped all over.

And then they started talking about that.

He wants a family.

He wants to be a good dad.


He said that he's going for it pretty smooth talker.


And then they kiss.


And a lot of spit swapping.

A lot of it.

Then she gives out a date card.


And this is the one on one date.


And she picks Marcus.


And they go skydiving.


Which, wow.

She was real nervous, but that looked like fun.


I don't know.


I don't think I would do it.

But, you know, Marcus is really, I thought at first he was really cute, but then as he starts talking more, I'm like, yeah, he's okay.

But, you know, his story is really inspiring because he was in the army and he went through all of that and got to respect the guy.


I like them together.

There's something about them together that I like.


And he's kiss number three in case you're keeping track.

Oh, I didn't keep track of the number, but okay.

I have kept track for you.

So she kissed Sam first, then Devon.


Grant and then Marcus.


So four.



And I guess this is part of the tryouts, right?

I thought about this because I'm like, I guess if you're trying out these guys and you've got 25 guys lined up for you, you're going to want to stick your tongue in them to make sure that they kiss good.

Well, yeah, but I don't know.

I'm different.

I would be like getting further down.

Not so many guys before I start kissing people.


There were some that she gave the kiss to and I was like, oh girl, that's too soon.


Yeah, I agree.

But I do like them together.

I think that he was very good with her about, he's been jumping out of planes forever.

That was nothing to him, but he kept her calm, so that was good.

I thought he was really caring.


Yeah, that would show like in marriage, how he would be about something, you know?

He could be a good Lamaze coach.

But then we go to group date number two, and that's where they are taking pictures with wildlife from whatever, the Zoo of Australia.


And a lot of them, they were fine, but the funniest one I thought was Hakeem with the spider.

I thought that was hilarious because he reminds me of me.

Remember when I was like talking about the bug project?

He's like, good.

The thing I fear the worst is the spider.

Well, you know, they have them talking on camera like that.

And behind the scenes, they're like, okay, we're going to give them the big, hairy spider.


But it was on this photo shoot.

It was Spencer, Sam M., Thomas N., Hakeem, Dylan and Jonathan.

Now, can I say that they were doing those talking heads with Jonathan?

And I was like, who in the world is that?

I don't remember him from the first episode.

And I had to like go back through my notes.

Well, then it dawned on me.

He's the band-aid guy.

He was on the stretcher.

And that's why I didn't recognize him was because he had the bandage on his head the whole, almost the whole time, which I don't think we ever talked about because I said that I had some thoughts about him.


What is your thoughts about him?

So my thought was in that first episode, he was like, I want her to get to know me before she sees me.


Well, that's very one-sided because you already see her and you're trying to get to know her.

So why is it special for her to know you before she sees you?


I mean, I get the whole, let's bandage our face up because that's something different.

And then she'll be looking for him like to go see what he actually looks like.


But yeah, to make that comment, that's kind of...


I was like, that's really one-sided.

And I don't think that's your reason for bandaging up your face.

I think you were trying to be funny, but it's really unfair for her because she doesn't have that option.



It's one thing to be funny and try to do something where she'll remember you or seek you out once she goes into the mansion.

But you're right.

So anyway, that was my thought on him.


And let me just say, I love the sugar gliders.

They're also those little furry things.


They look like little squirrels.

I love those.

Those are my favorite too.

And then when they brought out, the very last animal was a snake.

And she apparently is scared of snakes.

And then Dylan came to help.


And then he got picked for the one-on-one date that they went.

The dinner date.



I thought that was cute.


And he's well spoken and seems very intelligent.

Nice looking guy.

He got the next kiss.


Well, and then you know how all the other guys went home, went back to the hotel or whatever.

They made some big pact with the other guys that they needed to have time.


Before anybody else, because they got their time cut short.

Holy smokes.

Was that drama.

I could not keep up.

So basically, Thomas N said something about like, hey, we didn't get to spend as much time with her because we got sent home right after that photo shoot.

So it'd be cool if during the cocktail party tomorrow, those of you who have already spent time with her could kind of give us guys a break.

And when you look at it, Devin agrees and he's like, yeah, man, that's super cool.

Yeah, you know, you guys deserve time to win.

Yeah, but his comment was, I'm not going to step in the back of the line, but you're right.

You do need time, blah, blah, blah.

Well, not only did he not step in back of the line, but he got the first shot again at the cocktail hour.

Oh yeah, he jumped right in.

Because as soon as Jesse stopped introducing them or whatever at that cocktail hour, he booted right in there.

And I was like, dude, that...

Yeah, he's got balls.

He does.

Then I was like, God, he's getting old.

Like just as a viewer, I thought he was getting old.

And I can't imagine Jenn.

She seems to like him though.

There's something about him that she likes.

The other thing that I say is that Thomas and Devon have serious issues together.

Like they are going at it.

Well, because...

Everybody seems to have a problem with Devon.

Yeah, because Thomas got pissed because he was the one who said it the night before, and he thought everybody was in agreement.

And then he took it, he was like, the more he thought about it, he was like, I'm going to go say something to him, but not with an earshot, dude.

Right, so Jenn's listening to all of that, but I loved it when she told him about himself.

She said, you've wasted 10 minutes talking to him when you could have been talking to me kind of thing.


So I'm glad she said something to him about it.


And she looked so pissed off when that was going on too.

Well, it's kind of embarrassing because it was, yeah, she didn't have any idea what was going on.

And then she's, she's like, they're arguing about me.


And then it was funny because after all that conversation, here walks Sam, here he comes, sexy cowboy and he sits on the couch and he said, she's like, you fluster me or something like that.

And he said, you bother me too.


And then they start in their make out.

And then they just go out.

And I was like, dang.

So yeah, he was the next person that she kissed.

And I thought, you know, there's something special about Sam M.

I don't know what it is.

You just meet these people sometimes and you're like, we have such a connection.

I feel like between those two, they have a really big connection.

They have a good sexual chemistry, but I'm wondering their personalities actually match up.

Yeah, that's good.

I don't know.

That's a good point.


You can be sexually attracted to somebody and want them like that, but do you really get along with them personality-wise?


For the long haul.

Because he's hot.

He's hot.

There's no other way about it.

But now let's continue to see how his behavior is.

Is he hot and he's nice, or is he hot and he's an asshole?


Well, I think that'll come along.

We don't really know him well.



Yeah, for sure.

We just don't know him yet.

No, but she kisses him.

And then next, she talks to Jonathan again, who I was like, who the hell is this?


Because he was bandaged.

She kisses him.

And then I was like, man, how many people is she going to kiss tonight?

Well, she then kisses Spencer too.

Oh, yeah.

Little pet photographer guy.


And of course, I don't think Spencer is the cutest, but because he is into animals and he is a pet photographer, I would find that interesting.

Well, I would too.


But I did.

I started doing this.

So I wrote down on here, I like Sam, Grant and Marcus.

The ones that I don't like right now are Thomas, Sam N and Aaron.



Aaron kind of rubbed me the wrong way with his pearls and that he's so worried about yourself.

That's my thing.


All these guys need to worry about themselves.

And quit getting into each other's business.

I mean, I know it's frustrating, you know?


They're grown adult men.

Worry about yourself.

I don't know.

It's just something about it.


No, you've got a point.

Do we want to talk about who goes home or who she gives roses to?

Well, I wrote down who she gave roses to, but when the guys were leaving that she didn't give roses to, I don't remember their names.

So I had to that time where I said, I just need a few more minutes.

You had to go back and lock?

I had to go back and yeah, because I have a little system down where I check mark if they got a rose or not.

And I had my list from before when they got to continue just episode two.

So the ones that I marked who did not get a continue rose were Marvin.

He was the French speaker.

His name was not called Brian and Marvin and Jahan.

He brought the Queen chess piece.

She moved him to episode two, but then she did not continue on with him.

But all the other guys, because she gave that rose, the date rose to Grant and also...

Well, I have her giving roses to Sam M, who's a sexy cowboy, Devon, Austin, Hakeem, Spencer, Jeremy, Jonathan, John, Thomas A, Sam N, Aaron and Thomas.

And then Grant got the date rose.

Marcus got a date rose, right?

Because he was the one that was on the one-on-one.

Dylan got a date rose.

And Dylan, yeah.


So those are the ones that stayed.

And I've only made it through episode two.

I'll have to, I know episode three just published Monday night, and I'll have to watch that.

Yeah, and then we'll do another one.


Wondering if any viewers, or not viewers, listeners have any thoughts about The Bachelorette, if you're watching it, or any comments?

If you're obsessed like me.

Yeah, I don't think I'm in an obsessed mode yet.

You will.

But I do want to see episode three.


Oh, my gosh.

At least Jenn is likable.

I think she's cute.

I think she's smart.

She has a good head on her shoulders.

And she seems to, at first she thinks, oh, she's sweet, kind of a pushover type thing, and then you see her kick into action, where it's like, oh, no, I'll stand up for myself if I feel kind of like with, what was his name?



She stood up for herself and I liked that.

Yeah, I did too.

But she does say things throughout the first episode where I was a little worried that I would be able to continue watching.

This is every girl's dream.

No, it's really not.

It's not my dream to be on TV and have 25 guys that I have to pick from, 18 guys screaming my name.


It would be hard.

It would definitely be a lot of pressure.


So I give it to her.

I mean, has she been on A Bachelor before?

Like, was she?

Yeah, she was on Joey's Season.


So she's familiar with this process and...

Yeah, but she didn't stay very long on Joey's Season.

Oh, she didn't?

No, because normally they pick, like, the runner-up girl to be the bachelorette for the next one, and they didn't do that.

And why did they pick her, do you think?

I don't know.

I don't know if it's because they have never had someone with her background before.

I don't know why they picked her.

I mean, she's intelligent.

Is she the first Asian bachelorette?


Because she even said, you know, when I was growing up, you didn't see people like me on TV.

I had no one to look up to.

Now who do you think is the favorite so far?

Like, if you were to pick a rose ceremony today, who do you think it would be for?

You mean for her to, like, for somebody to propose to her?

I think Sam, Sex Cowboy, and Marcus.


I think Marcus.

I think Marcus.

For sure.

I mean, Marcus says, yeah, he's very well-rounded and...


I think he looked like the most like a hero when they went skydiving.

He just was so caring.

And I was like, wow.

I could jump out a plane if I had him next to me.

So concerned about her and like checking in and making sure like he was always touching her.

And yeah, not that that's what it all counts at the end, but you know.


It was promising.


So anyway, Tim did that.

Jumped out of an airplane.

He did.

Oh, yeah.

Did he do tandem like that?

Yeah, because you have to have so many jumps before you can jump by yourself.

Oh, okay.

Yeah, he did it.

There's a video of him.

Oh, wow.

What did he go again?



Yeah, he went once with his brother.

And he said once was enough.




He's done it now.

Now, if Emily grows up because she keeps asking about it.


Yeah, I think he would go if she went.

No, thanks.

I'll wait for him down at the...

Yeah, down on the ground.

Yeah, because I was watching the landing.

The landing is a scary part for me too.

Like Jenn kind of had an awkward landing.

My thing is, is thank goodness you're landing.

Well, yeah, but I just don't want to break my legs.

Well, you're supposed to put your legs up and let the guy that's behind you stop you, and you're just supposed to sit down.


So you wouldn't really do that.

But like I said, I'm never going to find out.

Right, I won't either.

So that's all we have time for on this episode of Midlife Moms Pod.

Thanks for joining us on our review of The Bachelorette with Jen Tran.

We'll continue watching The Bachelorette this season.

And I think we'll post two episodes at a time, right?

Yeah, that sounds good.

Yeah, just like we did today, where we talked about episode one and two.

Well, next time we talk about The Bachelorette, we'll talk about episodes three and four.

Yep, sounds good.


I like it.

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All right.

See you next time.



See ya.

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