Midlife Moms Pod

Summer Vacations

Season 1 Episode 16

This week Melanie and Allison discuss their recent summer vacations.


Allison mentions playing virtual bingo with Witti Repartee (link here). 

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Welcome back to this week's episode of Where Have You Traveled Lately?

At Midlife Moms Pod, right?

Well, first, when we started this, I had the microphone down, and you asked me what time it was, and I said, two, 28.

I felt like a bingo caller, and I did bingo over our break.


My work sponsors bingo.

I love bingo.

Throughout the year, and it's a virtual bingo.

And it's a drag virtual bingo, so it's part of the Pride ERG group.

And her name is Witti Repartee.

She's got an Instagram following.

I'll post it on the show notes, but I love her.

And she does a bingo every, she probably does about five to six of them a year.

And every time she has a bingo, they go out to our company, and then you can just sign up and do virtual, but I felt like a bingo caller.

So is it numbers, or is it actually like you have to do certain things?

Oh no, it's just like she does.

Like B12.

No, she calls out bingo, but she gives you these cards virtually.

So everybody has their own card, you get two cards actually.

And then either she'll do, you get the typical five in a row or whatever, or she'll do an X, or she does like the outside square.

But is it actual true bingo with numbers?

You know how sometimes they'll make up bingo stuff, and it'll be like.

Yes, no.

You know, for kids, you know, they have to get a.

No, no, no.

Okay, it's actual bingo.

Oh, 69.

So anyway, off topic, but yes, we are gonna talk about today.

We need to be on vacation all the time.

I love vacationing, but I don't like the getting ready to go on vacation.

Normally, I think people are the opposite.

They don't want to leave.

See, I'm ready to get home and do all that, but.

Wait, you're ready to get home from vacation?

Yeah, but when you're gone, and then you're like, okay, today's the day we're leaving, that kind of thing, and you go and get in the car, people are always like, oh, I don't want to go home.

Yeah, I don't want to come home.

Well, I want to come home in the sense of, okay, I've been in that spot for so long, whatever.

Let's move on to something else.

So we go home and we regroup, and then I want to go somewhere else.

So we went to Charleston for a week, and now we're still trying to plan another vacation at some point.


But I like going.

I just don't like the whole packing thing and making sure I have everything that I need.

That's the part that causes me anxiety.

I don't like packing.

Yeah, I don't want to do that.

And we all pack in the same suitcase.

So the suitcase is really heavy, right?



So I will pack-

Back up, back up, back up.

How big is your suitcase?

It's big because Tim uses it for hiking stuff and all.

I need my own suitcase.

Well, Emily and I get-

I got my hairdryer, my hair accessories, my makeup, my toiletries.

Well, let me date myself.

My shoes.

I have a caboodle for all of that, for all my bathroom stuff, but my caboodle goes into the suitcase.

The suitcase is three levels, and it is huge.

I can't picture it, yeah, okay.

It has wheels, but the bottom part is the biggest part, so that's where mine and Emily's clothes go.

And then the top part is Tim's clothes, and then my hairdryer, and any miscellaneous type stuff that I feel that I need to bring, because I always bring stuff for us in case somebody gets sick.

We don't use regular medication, so it's like, so I have all that.

And then the top part is the zipper part where you put underwear and socks and bras and stuff like that.

And then that all zips up.

And then there's another pocket on the very top, so that's where we put all our cords, discharge phones.

How much does it weigh, do you think?

I'm curious about this, because I travel frequently.

You mean with or without the stuff?

With all the stuff.

So if you're to pack your family, then you go to the airport to check in at the Delta counter and you lift it up and you put it on the scale, what are we weighing?

It's definitely heavier than Emily, I would say.

So probably maybe 65 pounds.

So you're paying the heavy luggage fee.

Yeah, like if we were all traveling together, yes.

But Tim carries a carry-on bag on the plane.

He didn't even, I don't even think he took a suitcase this past time.

Because he's a guy and he doesn't need all that stuff.

But for me...

So when we travel, we all have separate bags.

So that's why I was like, whoa.

Like I've got my own suitcase that's full of the brim.

Brent has a duffel bag that he usually brings, and that's, I don't, he probably doesn't fill that up all the way.

And then Matthew has his own little bag.

Yeah, see, Emily doesn't, Emily has a bag, let's put it this way.

Emily has a bag, but her bag is strictly for her.


Toys, stuff she's bringing to keep herself busy.


But clothes and everything else, that all goes in the big bag.

I was just curious, because I require my stuff, so.

Well, me too.

I don't want anybody telling me that I have a limit to what I can bring.

Oh no, he never, yeah.

Because I'll look at you and I'll be like.

No, see, I don't ever have that, right?

Yeah, Tim never says, you have a limit.

He'll even say sometimes, he'll be like, how much are we bringing?

Should I bring my little suitcase?

And I'll be like, no, we can all get it in here.

But I am a master packer.

I can pack like nobody's business.

So I mean, I could pack for a good, at least two weeks and have everything I need, not have to buy anything.

So I mean, I'm really good at that.

But this time I did, we also had the hanging up bag thing that we have to have because we had all of the clothes for the wedding.

But you drove up, right?

You didn't fly.

Which I also, I don't know what that is, but I rather drive than fly just because I'm in control.

Well, let me rephrase that, Tim's driving.

I guess he's in control.

Did you take the Jeep or the Tesla?

The Tesla.

Oh, okay.

Which is a whole nother learning curve because you have to find...

I was gonna say, did you have to stop on the side of the road and find a charger?

Yeah, so we charged when we went, but on the Tesla, there's a spot where you hit this button and it shows you all the superchargers that are all around.

Our only problem was is when we went to Charleston, we weren't staying in Charleston.

We were staying on the Isle of Palms.

You don't have charger at all, whether it's a supercharger or a regular charger.

So Tim had to leave and go back to Charleston over the bridge to charge, which isn't a huge deal.

But that's a learning curve because normally you just pull up, put gas in your car and go.

But the Tesla's a smoother ride.


So we did that.

But yeah, so I just don't like to have to do all the packing part of it and getting there.

And once you're there, I love it.

Well, this is how much I love to pack.

My suitcase is still in my room and it's not unpacked.

Oh, see, that would drive me insane, insane.

And especially it's been on the airplane.

It has.

And Brent just said to me the other day, because I was taking my test, and so, you know, right, it's not one of my best qualities.

The other day, maybe it was just yesterday or the day before he said to me, so when do you think, do you think you're gonna unpack now?

So like half of it's unpacked, right?

All my toiletries, my shoes, all my dirty clothes are out of it.

But he's like, well, you're just gonna turn around and you're gonna pack in another week and a half.

So, you know, I'll leave it up to you.

So here's a question for you, and this might be too personal, but when you travel and you pack in a suitcase and you go somewhere and you stay in a hotel or Airbnb, whatever, when you get home, do you wash everything even though you didn't wear it?



I do.

I'm a weirdo because I'm like, I can't, because it's been somewhere else, which I know you walk around with clothes every day and you go all these different places.

It's just something about going and traveling and staying in a hotel or Airbnb.

And then I'm like, okay, there's my clothes.

Look, you're gonna be thinking about it later.

Yeah, I mean, I don't take my clothes out of the suitcase, want them in the hotel room.

Yeah, so I know, I mean, I don't have the best habits, so.

No, I just have OCD about things.

It's just, I'm also the one that has the thing that you can look for cameras and stuff in hotel rooms and Airbnbs.

Inspector Gadget.

I just don't want to know.

I didn't used to do that, but now that I have Emily, you know for a fact I'm looking.

Oh, good Lord.

Yeah, so if you go vacation with us, I'll bring it and you can.

Yeah, I guess I don't even know what gadget you're talking about.

My mom goes, what is all that beeping?

I'm like, I'm testing for things.

Cause my mom stayed with us while we, we all got an Airbnb together.

And she's like, what are you doing?

I'm like, I'm checking things out.

I'll be in your bathroom next.

So then when you do hold it up by the mirror and you look to see, what does it tell you?

If somebody, if there's a mirror in the back?

It tests for wifi, it tests for cameras, it tests for like five different things.

Tests for five different things.

Where did you get it?

Off Amazon.


Yeah, and you just charge it up and it detects wifi.

So if you needed wifi and you didn't think the house or whatever had wifi, you could go around and put it in.

But like, I'm mainly doing it for cameras.

Have you ever found one?


Oh, okay.

And people, if that ever happens, they better hope that never happens because I will be like a tornado.

Because I don't even let, we don't even go to the bathroom until I...

Oh, I can't wait for this.

Yeah, that's funny.

Yeah, so I went around and beeped the house.

I was like beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

My mom was like, okay, what's going on?

I'm like, good news is we have Wi-Fi.

I was like, other good news, there's no cameras.

Yeah, so I make Tim do it when we go to like the hotels and just, you never know.

And I'm sorry, but I don't want to be ending up on some kind of hidden camera.

Lord knows, especially my kid.

I don't want my kid on there.

And before her, let's just be honest, I didn't care.

Right, well, I was just...

It is what it is.

I was looking at you because I was like, oh God.

I was on the 26th floor of the hotel in Chicago.

So they've got the little light curtains, right?

They're sheer, but then they also have the blackout curtains.

Well, I think one day I may have changed and I didn't even shut any of the curtains.

So I'm like stark naked.

Nothing, it was like across the two streets, there was another building that was maybe the same height.

Well, you know, there are people that get binoculars for a reason.

Well, they might have seen me in the nude.

If you end up on a show.

I'll be like, is that Allison?

Like, I never thought about that before.

Let me see that, is that Allison?

Yeah, so I never really gave that a thought, but I didn't think about it until I had Emily.

Yeah, well, other than that, I was by myself, so.

Yeah, but you never know anyway.

You see things all the time, people post stuff and go, oh, look, I found a camera underneath the shower thing where you turn the water on.



So what else about Charleston?

Well, I wish we'd have stayed longer because I wanted to shop more.

We went to the open market.

That's a lot of fun where people making baskets and different crafts and things.

So that was entertaining for Emily for sure.

And then I had been wanting to go to Uncommon James.


Which is the jewelry store that Kristin Cavallari opened.

And she has one in Nashville, which I think you said she has one in Chicago too.

You found-

I didn't see it, but no.

But I think we were on her website and she had one there.

Oh yeah, that's right.

But I had been wanting to go because I knew I was going to Charleston.

I'm like, I'm going there if I don't do anything else, but the wedding and that, that's what I'm doing.

So we went and me and Emily got cute little earrings.

Well, good.

So you got some earrings there.

Yeah, I want to go back though.

I feel like I wanted to shop more because they had cute little shops and we just didn't have the time to go through all that.

And then we were staying on the Isle of Palms.

So we went to the beach one day.

So that was fun.

And Emily and I always get glass jars and fill up sand from whatever beach we go to.

So we got to fill up that.

And their dirt, their dirt, their sand is so much darker than our sand.

It almost looks, it's not like mud.

It's almost like a dark gray color.


Yeah, it's really pretty, but it's way darker than ours.

Like St.

Augustine seems not as white as let's say Destin or Rosemary Beach, but it's dark.

Yeah, I brought some sand home from Cape Cod.

So I've got that on my desk.

One thing I noticed when I go down to Naples, it's powder sand.

So maybe I'll bring some home for you when I go there.

Or you guys should start a jar.

We just get the jar from Hobby Lobby, the little glass ones and have the little lid on them.

They're like, I don't know, two bucks or something.

Then we just take them and fill them up.

So we do that kind of like a, not a souvenir, but Emily's stuff.

She loves anything beach.

She gets that from me, I guess.

That's cute.

Yeah, I'll bring one home.

Yeah, but yeah, we had a good time.

The house that we stayed in was really cute.

And I had to look for houses that didn't have stairs.

So, you know, because my mom and dad are elderly, so it's easier for them not to have to walk up and down stairs.

So, but it was a cute little house.

I would recommend it to anybody.

The girl that has it, she's really sweet.

And she left homemade cookies.

She actually, yeah, she actually texted me and said, do you have any allergies?

And do you have any peanut allergies?

You know, or nut allergies?

So I was like, well, we have allergies.

It's just not in the nut category.

So she left us chocolate chip cookies and chocolate chip pecan cookies.

So they were good.


That was nice.

Did you leave her a nice review?

Yes, I did review it.

I think I did, yeah.

Now that you say that, I'll have to look again, because she was sweet.

And her house was really cute, and it was only two blocks from the beach.


So it was fun.

And then what else did we do?

Oh, well, we went for a wedding.

That's what we did.


And they got married at the Citadel, which I had never been.

So that was very interesting, and the church is real pretty, and she was a beautiful bride.

So it's always fun.

And I love a good wedding and a good wedding reception.

And Emily danced like nobody's business.


That's so cute.

And I was like, we have to go now.

And she's like, no, one more song.

So we stayed late, though.

We almost stayed till the end, because they left at like, I think 11.

They left, but we left right before then.

So I'm like, we're done.

But yeah, it was fun.

I would like to just go to Charleston and not have anything to do and just do touristy type stuff and be at the beach, that kind of thing.

Yeah, that would be nice.

We should start planning stuff, like on the to-do list.

I know, right?

So that was about it.

And then of course we had to come home, which is totally off.

Well, it's not really off subject, but trying to think which one it is.

I think it's the rest area right before you get to Florida, the one on going south on 95.

I guess it's the Georgia, whatever.

It's not the welcome center because you're leaving.

But they have a Forrest Gump in there sitting on a bench.

It's the nicest one I've ever been to.

They have a full trolley thing in there that kids can climb on.

They have a bus that you can get in.

We never stop at those kinds of places.

We don't either.

But Emily likes to go, now that she's realized that you can go in there and get brochures for things to do, she goes in there and loves to get the stuff to do.

Because we went to the welcome center coming into Florida, and she found the brochure about Crayola in Orlando.

And that was a hit.

Crayola was so fun.

But she's like, see there, we need to go to more of those so we can see what else we could do.

And she's got a whole thing of brochures.

Yeah, so I mean, that's one way to figure out something to do.

It's a lot of fun to see what all's out there.

But then you're like, oh, you got to plan it.

Yeah, I know.


And I really want to go.

Well, like I was telling you earlier, I want to rent something like an Airbnb log cabin or something where it gets cold and it snows, and we can ski and then come back and have hot chocolate and a fire.

Matthew and I did that a few years ago.

We stayed in a hotel in New Hampshire.

I have friends from there, my friend Katie and Chris are from there.

We should look into that.

Well, I haven't even had my vacation this summer yet.

You will have it.

Yeah, I'm always the late one to go.

We like to go in the end of the summer.

So we're going in a week and a half, we're going to Southwest Florida.

So we'll be there a week with the family, and then Brent's coming home to work, but Matthew and I will stay down there, and I'll work remotely just from there, not here.

That's kind of cool that you can work anywhere though.


That's nice.

Yeah, and I already told my boss, so it wasn't like one of those ghost...

I can't remember what I was reading.

It wasn't a quiet vacation, but it's like a ghost vacation where people go away, but they don't tell their work.

They work from that location, but it's like a vacation work.

So they didn't take off work, but they switch locations?

They're like taking half days, so they go to their vacation destination, and then they work half days, but they don't take vacation time.

They just go to the vacation, and they still put in four hours a day.

But I told my boss, I was like, no, I'm on vacation the first week, and then the second week, I will be working from that location.

So I will be there, and I will be working remote.

So I'm still able to take demos.

I'm just have access to a pool right away.

That's amazing.

I can go watch the sunset after work.

Yeah, things like that.

That'll be fun.

Is there anything down there that's fun to do?

Well, I mean, we used to live down there, so I've pretty much done it all.

But like for Matthew's age, is there, or is it pretty much he's gonna be swimming?

Yeah, he's gonna be swimming.

My sister-in-law and her family, they live right on the, I don't know, I want to say estuary.

I don't know, it's like, you know, a little, you go down a little further, and there's the golf.

That backs right up to their house.

So they have a boat, they've got a kayak, they have fishing there.

They've got a pool, they have a golf cart.

You don't need to go anywhere else.

No, I mean, he's gonna be, they have a huge basketball net in there, yeah.

So he'll be busy with that.

Is there any kids down there his age that like cousins or anything?

Just, okay.

He's got a cousin, but he's 10 years older, so.

But he kind of takes him under his wing and you know.

Yeah, hangs out.

My son likes to hang out with the big kids.

So I'm sure he'll be driving the golf cart, air quotes, right?

And then I was gonna take him probably to Naples and Fort Myers are about a half an hour apart.

So I was gonna take him to Naples one day and go to the beach where you might go on an airboat ride.

Have you ever done that?

I haven't.

We were gonna do it.

And then when we went to Wild Florida, there was a reason why I think she was too young to get on it.

Oh, yeah, maybe.

You have to be a certain age.

You do have to be a certain age.

Seven or eight or something.

So he's like fascinated with alligators, but it's kind of like, I'm scared of them, but I want to see one.

So I told him, I said, we can see alligators there.

So I think I've got him to do that one day.

Yeah, when we went to Wild Florida, that was fun because it's like a drive-through safari.

Yes, that would be awesome.

And they do the airboat rides too.

Do they?

Yeah, so we'll probably do that one day.

And we're going to go to Sanibel and look for shells.

That'll be fun though.

Yeah, so it's just...

I'm all about the beach and just chillin out.

It's really just the beach.

Like that's where I'm going to be living.

The beach and the pool.

That's a vacation.

That's what I'm telling you.

Yeah, no work for a week.

Maybe read a book, lounge in the pool and float.

What else?

That's what I'm talking about.

That's what I need in my life, a pool.

I know, I would really like a pool, but it's just not going to happen.

They're too expensive right now.


We need to buy a house with a pool.

That's what we're doing.

We're trying to find one.

Trying to find one, yes.

But it has to be perfect because I'm not moving again after that.

Yeah, I don't blame you.

I wouldn't want to...

Move again?

Yeah, no.

I'm just hoping that one just pops up and it's perfect, and then you got to fight for it.

Not really.

I don't think the housing market is like it used to be.

I don't know.

Where people would put their house up for sale, and it was gone that same day.

No, I think it's more...

We have more inventory than people are buying right now.

And it depends on where I want to be because we keep going back and forth to stay in the area we're in or move closer here.

It's up in the air.

Lots of decisions.

Yeah, so that's really the only trip we have planned this summer.

Then there's only five weeks left till school.

I know, I can't believe it.

I feel like they're starting earlier than they did last year.

I do not believe so.

No, you're right.

They started on the 15th.


It's always the second week of August.

I don't know.

I'm thinking about taking another or planning another trip maybe in the fall, September-ish maybe.

But just with Matthew taking him up to Boston, and I'd love to go see a Red Sox game if we could this summer.

How are you going to work that out?

You're gone for two weeks.

Well, it won't happen.

So I say summer, but it would have to be fall.

So it would be...

You're back in school.


Oh, got you.

Like a long weekend.

That makes sense.


And I haven't started pricing it or anything, but it's just something that I was thinking about.

Something in the back of your mind.

You know, as soon as I passed that test and I was like, okay, now what can I do?

Now my brain can think again.

And then I'm like...

Yeah, that's a good idea.

I also have so many from Delta.

So I'm like, you know, I've got a companion certificate burning a hole in my pocket.

What does that mean?

So that means I can fly someone for free around the United States.

And I have miles...

And I have miles where I can buy someone a ticket.

Why do you have those?

Do you have to pay for your flights when you go to work?


But you still get the benefit of...

You get the frequent flyer miles.


And I've had Delta forever, so I've got miles banked up.

And I've got the American Express card.

So you get a companion ticket from that each year.

And yeah, so I know.

So I'm like, if I can fly him up with me for a weekend and just kind of...

It's really kind of selfish because I want to go to a Red Sox game.

Yeah, but he would enjoy it.

He would.

And I didn't get to take my Cape Cod trip this summer because every summer for the last couple of years, I've been up to Cape Cod for work.

We have a conference up there, or if I have training up in Massachusetts, then I'll take time on the side and I'll go visit my friends up there.

And I didn't get to do that this year.

So now I'm starting to kind of feel it.


We were supposed to go to the beach one night.

The girls, remember?

We were talking about that.

We never planned that either.

No, we didn't.

We always talked about getting like a house on the beach or hammock oak.

Is that hammock oak or something?

There's hammock bay.

Hammock beach?


Yeah, hammock beach.


Or we could do Crescent Beach.

Crescent Beach.

Because those, I know for a fact, they have like town home type things.

Gosh, even if we did the, what is that one right on Jax Beach?

Like the one, what is it called?

I don't know.

And there's a new Hampton Inn on the beach.

Hampton Inn where?

Yeah, right on beach, not Beach Boulevard.

Third Street.

Oh no.

We got to Jacksonville Beach.

I'm just saying.

I don't want to go there for like...

I want to go to St.

Augustine Beach.

Third Street South.

Yeah, just...

Or, well, we could go to Crescent, because that's past driving on the beach.

You go past, so you don't drive.

There's nobody driving where you stay out there.


So I'm just saying.

I mean, it's like 13 miles away from here, me to the shoreline, right?

That's a vacation for me.

If I can get up and walk out my balcony and see the ocean...

You can do that at Crescent.

Or access the beach.

I mean, that's what I would like.

Yeah, we can do that at Crescent.

Even if it's just one night.

I'm good with that.

I'm good with that.


We'll have to figure it out.

We will have to figure that out.

We should probably do that before the kids go back to school.

Yeah, because there's just time...

Make it happen...


is going to tick by, and we will be back in school, and it will not have happened.


I'm scrolling my phone, looking at the beach right now.

Okay, so what else?

Any other trips, or what do you have planned the rest of the summer?

The only thing that we're going to do is go to Universal at some point.

Spend a couple of days.

Do Universal, and the pool there wherever we end up staying.

Do they have a lazy river at that pool?

I don't know.

I'm not really going to the hotel for the pool.

It would be nice to be able to go to the pool, but we never end up doing that, but we're going to try to this time, because we stay at the park literally all day, and we're exhausted.

But we're not going to do it this time, because we're going to do lazy park traveling through, and there's a new spot at Universal that's open, like DreamWorks.

A new spot.

Oh, no.

I was like, ooh.

Universal Spa coming near you.


No, the DreamWorks area just opened, I think in June.

Minion Land?

Have you been to Minion Land?

Minion Land.

Yes, that's in Universal.


I am not as familiar with Universal.

Y'all need to go.

I went a few years ago with work.

Oh, yeah.

Tim did too.

They rented out that whole spa.


And I went on the Velocicoaster.

Yeah, no, I'm not doing that.

Is it bad?

I would not recommend.


Just scared the...

I didn't know what I was doing.

Somebody talked me into it, and I looked, I saw maybe five yards of it.

And it didn't look that high.

So I was like, okay, I can do that.

I had no knowledge.

I didn't research it.

I did nothing.

I am not a roller coaster person.

I don't live for it.

I don't...

And it was probably the worst two minutes of my life.

So that won't happen again.

I like roller coasters, but I don't like roller coasters that sling you all around.

You know what I'm saying?

Like where you have to feel, like you have to hold yourself into the seat because you're being slung around so much.

I don't like that.

But I do like roller coasters.

Do you?


But I've never been on The Mummy.

The Mummy's at Universal and Emily went on it.

Emily's like, I'm not going on that again.

I never saw that.

But yeah, we normally stick with Dr.

Seuss Land.

Oh, that would be fun.

The Harry Potter area.

Okay, been there.

A lot of Harry Potter stuff.

We haven't been to the water park.

That's the water park.

Is that the water park?

We haven't been there yet.

See, Matthew would be interested in that.

Yeah, we'll just have to look at it.

We don't have passes for that, so we'd have to buy extra.

But yeah, I think that would be fun just to go.

It's hotter than Hades out there, so.

It really is.

The thought of going to a park and walking around for days.

Well, the good thing about it is, is most of those rides are inside.

So you're just walking to the spot, and then you go in and there's air conditioner.

So you're not standing out in the heat.

Then if you have a fast pass, you definitely don't stand out that long.

So that's an easy way to handle that.

Toon Lagoon.

That's at Islands of Adventure.

Yeah, and one of those, is it the one with the circle raft that you're looking at?

I don't know.

I'm just looking at...

That one we got drenched, drenched.



And that was the same time I walked out of my tennis shoes.

Oh, that's the second time I walked out of my shoes.

Yes, you heard that right.

I literally walked the sole off my tennis shoe because it got wet.

Oh, and it disintegrated.

We've had this conversation before.

Yeah, those were my dress shoes the first time.

The second time I walked out of my tennis shoes.

And oh, was that just so funny for everybody?

The Jurassic World Velocicoaster, two tense launches, four inversions.

Do you remember any of that?

I do.

It's a new series of roller coaster, the Jurassic World Velocicoaster, now open.

We were upside down a lot, and we were like the G-Force.

Is that what they call it?

I can get in the Tesla and do that.

The only thing I can't do in the Tesla is roll sideways or upside down.

But I can give you G-Force if you want it.

No, I kept my eyes closed most of the time.

Oh my gosh.

I couldn't do that because I'd have to see what was coming next.

Oh, no.

I didn't.

I just like tried to curl up inside myself to make me like to tell me, it's okay, you're going to be okay.

You're going to be okay.

My inner child was like, yes, because I was sitting next to my coworker and he was laughing.

And I was like, Michael, I am not having a good time.

I was like, you're going to be fine.

You're going to be.

He talked me into going.

He was like, I don't have anybody to go with.

Ride with me.

I'm sorry.

You can sit right next to me.

And then there was this other guy ahead of us, one of the sales reps, and he was like, you've never been on a roller coaster before.

This was like before the ride started, and I was like, no.

And he was like, dude.


Was that the first roller coaster you've ever been on?

That was the first one I had ever been on.

Well, besides Space Mountain, Space Mountain is like...

It's good.

Is that a roller coaster?


Is it?


So I had been on Space Mountain before, and like Thunder Mountain.

Oh, yeah.

But this was like the real first one I had been on where it had inversions.

Well, I rode those dueling dragons or whatever they're called at Universal.

But I was way younger, and my body handled that way better than it does now.

I don't do well now.

And then, of course, I got talked into last time we went.

We were at Islands of Adventure, and we went on that one.

They got us soaked, and then there's another water ride, and it has a really big dip in it.

And I was like, yeah, I'm not cut out for this anymore with my age.

Just not.

You get to a point, I think, you're like, yeah, forget it.

I'm done.

I just have watched, I guess I can, it's the same thing with the plane, right?

Like, I think of what could go wrong, and then I have to like get out of my own head.

Well, see, and that's the thing about like the fair versus like an amusement park.

At least they have a crew that checks it.

It's not like the fair, and they put it up in five minutes.

Well, the fair I'm not going on.

No, no.

I don't care.

But I am going back next year because I'm going to get me some of those fries.

And on that note.

Yeah, the fair is in Massachusetts next week.


You could have gone.

Or you can still go.



I don't have time.

I know.

Time just slips away.

I know.

My little munchkin is in...

Oh, yeah, so that's another thing.

I put my munchkin back in camp.

So he had freedom for...

Like, he's been in camp all summer until last week he was out, and that lasted pretty much a week.

He had a half-day camp the week before, so he's just such an active kid.

I could not make it more than one week without him being in a camp.

Oh, I feel your pain.


Mine's active too, and she's like, okay, let's play something, and I'm like, I'm exhausted.

Are you kidding me?

So life has been good lately.

He's been in camp.

He comes home.

He's exhausted.

His, like, muscles hurt.

Isn't that so cute?

I said, buddy, he is, like, conditioning you, because it's his baseball coach.

Oh, yeah.

And they're just playing all day.

I texted him the other night.

I'm like, what are you doing to these kids?

Matthew's complaining about his legs hurting.

And he's like, yeah, my son comes home and he eats dinner and he goes right to bed.

He's like, got to start him young.


So it's great.


And well, he never sits down.



I don't remember how to do that.

Meanwhile, we're ready for a nap.



After that lunch.

After that lunch, I need a nap.

After the drive through the cemetery, I need a nap.

But yeah, I keep trying to plan certain things.

Well, we'll take a look at some late summer beach activity, like when I get back.


And we'll send a text out and be like, who wants to go?

Put your money in the pot.

It's like getting everybody wrangled up is hard.

It's hard.


I don't get it.

It's really hard.


I think more so in the summer than anything else because we're so busy.

Going places and doing stuff.


Well, that should be winding down soon.



So well, it's I guess that time.

I don't even know.

My phone's going off.

That's not good.

My battery is low.

You need to charge it.


So I'll do that.

And then otherwise, I'm trying to think of what else I had over the summer.


Before we leave.

I just wanted to update you on my Chicago trip.

Oh, yeah.

So I did go away to Chicago so that I have been on a plane this summer.

So I did go away somewhere, but that was for work.

Yeah, that doesn't count, right?

No, but I had the best food.

Oh, well, that's good.

So this foodie over here, I may post some things to our Instagram account because I had Wienerschnitzel.

What is that?

Oh, it's veal.

Oh, no.

I'm out.

Oh, it was delicious.

We went to a German brahaus.

German brahaus, whatever they call it.

Is that a...

I don't know what you're going with it.


It was German food.

It was authentic German food in Chicago.


Yeah, I'm not a big...

You know me in food.

I'm not big with food.

And German chocolate cake.

No, that I can get on board with.


Well, that's been another wonderful edition of Midlife Moms Pod.

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Bye, see ya.

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