Midlife Moms Pod

Midlife Moms Pod Special Guest Episode - Interviewing the Kids

Midlife Moms Pod Season 1 Episode 12

This week Melanie and Allison interview two very special guests... our kids! Just how silly will the podcast get when Melanie and Allison begin asking their kids basic questions about their school, friends, ideal jobs and who they think they're named after. We also take them way back to the olden days of the 1980s and ask them to identify old-timey gadgets. How do you think they did?

Timestamps (approximate):
00:53 Favorite Things
03:31 Future Aspirations
05:02 School Experiences
06:51 Favorite Movies
08:41 Fun and Games
14:19 Would You Rather
16:29 Pet Shark or Octopus?
17:42 Pizza or Ice Cream?
18:19 What Do Your Parents Do?
21:40 Meeting Your Best Friend
25:31 80s Nostalgia: VHS and Encyclopedias

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Welcome back to Midlife Moms.

Today, we have some very special guests that are with us, and we are going to have a conversation with our kids.

They're so excited, they're excited.

They're very excited.

Wait to hear some answers of the questions we're gonna ask.

Very interesting.

So maybe we should start off with them introducing themselves and how old they are.

It's your turn, how old are you?

And first of all, what is your name?



Okay, now it's your turn.

What's your name?

And how old are you?

So we have two seven-year-olds.

This should be fun.


You ready for questions?


What is your favorite color?



Oh, wow.


My favorite color is blue as well.

Mine is too.

Maybe it's because we love the ocean, right?

Is that why we like blue?

I'm wearing a blue shirt and blue pants and I have blue on my shoes.

And we have a blue car.

And I'm wearing blue.

That's crazy.

Blue on jeans.

Oh, she's got blue on.

Okay, we are.

Yeah, blue.

Okay, so what is your favorite sport, Matthew?


Okay, that's easy.

What's your favorite number?



Yeah, you can say it.

Why is 10 your favorite number?

Because it's the luckiest number.


No, remember Miss 10's the luckiest number?

Oh, she did win.

In the middle of school year.

In what context?

Why was she saying that 10 was a lucky number?

Were y'all doing some type of math?


Well, I'm interested to know why 10 is considered the luckiest number.

And we'll have to ask.

That's their teacher.

Their first grade teacher.

All right.

So did favorite number.

Let's see.

What's one place you want to visit, Matthew?

He's thinking.


One place you want to visit?



All right.

Let's see.

Do you have a favorite joke that's clean and can be on the podcast?

It needs to be clean.

How does a chicken cross the road with an airplane?

Oh, I don't know.

Do you know that?


They hurt everybody with their wings, so nobody can go, so we can take a sharp turn.



What do you want to be when you grow up?

And Mullen?

A vet.

A veterinarian?

What would you not like to do as a career when you grow up?

What would you not want to be?

A vet.

Oh, really?


You wouldn't want to help the animals?



What do you not want to be?

Scarlet says a bird.

No, no?

Let's see.

What's your favorite holiday?



Oh, unanimous.


What's your favorite animal?



What is your favorite room in your house, and why?

My bedroom, because it has a...

Never mind my garage, because it has the most toys.

My bedroom, because it has the most toys.


So the theme here is, it has the most toys.



What was your favorite subject in school?


Oh, both math people.

What was your least favorite?

You forgot yours?


I thought you said language arts.

Language arts is terrible.


It's terrible.

It's boring.

Yeah, it's boring.

Let's see.

What's your favorite food?



What's your favorite food?


Oh, spaghetti.

So I'd like to rewind.

So Matthew, what is your favorite food again?



No, not spaghetti.


Because my face, if you have seen my face...


I was like, SpaghettiOs.

He's never had SpaghettiOs.

But some SpaghettiOs.

What is your favorite article of clothing?

I know this one.

So an article of clothing is any kind of clothes.

It can be a t-shirt or short.

Pink top.

Or shoes.

Tank top.


You don't wear tank tops.

What about your slides?

I thought you were going to say your slides.

Tank top.

What about your...

Oh, bathing suit.

It is summer.

What did you like best about school?

And it doesn't have to be like subjects.

It can be anything.

When I finished Rocket Math.

Oh, when you finished Rocket Math?

That was your favorite?



That's your best thing about school?


Not playing on the playground?



What did you like least about school?

What did you like least?




I don't like Spanish.

I don't even know how to say anything in Spanish.

How do I say?

Don't look away.

Look into the computer.

How do I say apple in Spanish?

Is this Pablo?

Is that how you say apple?

I don't know.

How do you say apple in Spanish?

I don't know.

I know how to say grape in Spanish.



And the only reason I know that is because Emily's papa.

I said, where were you when I was in Spanish in high school?

I was a baby.

So, did you answer your least favorite?

Language arts.

Language arts.


Here we go.


What's your favorite movie?

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

What is that?

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Is that a movie?

Or a show?


It's a Disney show.

It's a Disney show.

What's your favorite?

You have a movie?

A favorite movie?




What is it?

Oh, yeah.

Ice Age.



Ice Age.

Ice Age.


Beetle Juice.

You know there's a new Beetle Juice coming out.

I can't wait.

We have to go see it.


All right.


What's your favorite sweet or dessert?

Do you like candy, Matthew?

I forget.

Kind of.

He does.


What's your favorite sweet?

I don't know.

I eat a lot of sweets, and I forgot what it is.

If you could only have one, what would it be?

One, I don't know.

Actually, I do know.

What's yours?

Ice cream.

Ice cream.

Okay, good.

Okay, here we go.

If you could do anything for vacation, what would it be?

Going to vacation.

Yeah, like what kind of vacation would you want to do?



Let's go to Hawaii.

What do you want to do?


Oh, Alaska.

When she's talking, you don't talk, right?


You got to stop.

You got to sit still.


This is one you're going to have to think.

It's a couple months away.

What do you want to be for Halloween?

My mom's not going to let me.

What is it?


You don't know?

You want to skip this one?


I do know.

Okay, say it.

What do you want to be?

She's not going to let me.

Well, just because she's not going to let you doesn't mean you don't want to be that.

You can say it.

Says I've never been something scary.

Oh, who is it?


Okay, say it to the computer.


How do you even know who Pennywise is?

I just know who he is.

Did somebody see a movie?

And they told you about it?

Put it up on the phone one day.

Because you asked me to pull it up on your phone.

My phone.

Don't make noise.

What do you want to be?

What do you want to be?


What is it?

I want to be a blow up dinosaur.

I'm changing it, not Pennywise.

Oh, a blow up alien?


We'll be blow up people.

Oh, we should.

That would be fun.

We'll blow up Newfoundland.

But they do have avocado toast.

You know what I want to be?

A blow up shark.

Oh my gosh.

I'll be the dinosaur, you be the shark.

And he's going to be the alien.

What are you going to be?

We can see if we can find a dog.

That would be funny.

Because I think y'all are going to come to our neighborhood for the treat this year.

With all these houses.

You know how much candy we have?

Oh my gosh, Matthew.

Matthew just saw like candy signs in his eyes.

All right.

Matthew, I've got a full bucket.

We had to work for that though.


Okay, here we go.

If you could open any store, what would you sell?


Oh, hamburgers.


That's better.

That's better.

What would you sell?

You would go to a vet, puppy?


I would like breed them.

Oh, no.




We'll see.

We'll talk about that another day.

Let's see.

What's the funniest thing that happened at school this year?

Oh, an idea.


Matthew's thinking.

Very pensive.

What's the funniest thing?

No idea.

Was it something you did or something that your friend did?

It could be anything that was funny.

Who's funny in y'all's class?

Charlie and me.

Charlie and you.

So did you and Charlie do something funny?

I know me.

You don't remember?

Do you remember anything funny?



Honestly, I don't know anything about.

I forgot everything about school only when I passed everything in Rockland.

Oh, and then first grade just went out the window.

You've been out of school for two days.

What are your goals for next year?

You have goals for next year?

I don't even know what we're doing next year.

I know, but what are your goals for next year?

It doesn't have to be like in second grade.


I don't know.

What about, I think, one of Matthew's goals that he's always asked me about is to learn cursive.

That's a good one.


He always asks me to sign my name in cursive.

We've been doing that a lot.

You can?

I'm just going to do cursive.


Let's not.

We're on a podcast.

People can't see.

I have a question.

Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?

So why would you want to be invisible, Matthew?

So I can make a PlayStation and everything I want.

Oh, so you could steal from people.

If I want, I can.

But just because you're invisible doesn't mean that...

The things are...


the things are invisible.

It's just you.



Okay, so...

Why would you like to fly?

I can get places really fast.

Oh, see, yours is more logical.



Let mine fly.

So then I wouldn't have to wait in traffic.

Why would you want to fly, Matthew?

Because I can go and dance on the clouds.


I can just fly in the clouds.

That's what he's.


I think I already know the answer to this based on previous questions, but who wants to go first?



Um, speak to animals.

Yes, that would be appropriate for a veterinarian.

Would you rather speak to animals?

Yeah, I would too, because I would ask Poppy.

Why she barks so much.

Why she barks a lot.

That's why I asked mine underneath the table, why she barks so much.

And does she only speak Spanish?

No, she knows no moths.

Okay, that's really all, well, I've got another one.

Would you rather have a pet shark or a pet octopus?

Pet shark, octopus.

Okay, so why did you answer your question the way you did?

Because I can get a piggyback from the shark.

Okay, so you could swim on the shark's back because he'd be in the water.


Okay, interesting.

So I could live underwater with the octopus.

I like it.

I'd like to have the octopus.

I think I said that the other day.

I'd like to have eight arms.

You did say that.

So you could do all the things.

I could feed a dog, I could feed a bird, I could get someone's hair done.

I could actually put on my makeup and do my hair.

How are you gonna do that because you only have one tentacle?

No, you have eight.

You have eight.

I know, but if you do-

The octopus is an octopus.

Yeah, and the shark would eat me.

Oh, don't, okay.

That's what, stop.

The shark would eat me.

Oh, well, it would be your pet shark, so it wouldn't really be, it really wouldn't eat you.

Do you have another one?

I have one more.

I got one for you.

Okay, last question for me.

Would you rather eat pizza for every meal or ice cream?


For every meal.

Ice cream.

Ice cream.


What would you rather eat?

You know, I probably would take ice cream.

Just think of how many flavors of ice cream you can choose from.

There are a lot, but I also would get sick from ice cream.

Sometimes I get sick easily from that.

But yeah, it definitely would taste better.


Do you know what your parents do for work?


My dad does.

My mom does.

But what does daddy do for work?

You don't know?

What does mommy do for her company?

I have no idea what he and me do.

You don't know what daddy does?


He's an IT, he's a computer engineer, he works on big servers.

Do you know what mommy does?


I'm the chaos coordinator.

That's right.

That's right.

And daddy processes loans.

He's the loan boss, the loan shark.

Loan shark.

Okay, you ready?


Were you named after anybody?

And if you were, who?

Oh yeah.

Do you remember this?

A hockey player, Austin Matthews.

Austin Matthews.


Where have I gone wrong in my life?

Austin Matthews.

That's who you were named after?

Yes, Austin Matthews.

That is not true.


No, that is not true.

I'm Googling Austin Matthews right now.

I'm on two hockey leagues.

Okay, well, he plays for the Toronto Maple Leafs.

That's a great...

My name's another thing.

But he is not who you were named after.

So let's find out from your mom who you were actually named after.

Okay, so Matthew...

No, listen, so Matthew means gift from God, and he literally is a gift from God after eight years of...

I was going to say infidelity.


He is my miracle child, but it also happens to be my husband's middle name.

Okay, so you were named after your dad.

Now let's see if Emily knows this story.

Who were you named after?

I have no idea.

You don't remember who you're named after?

Okay, so Emma is who your daddy and me, we loved that name.

And everybody was being named Emma when you were born.

And then we were like, well, we liked Emily, but I wanted to spell it different.

So we used Emma, and then we put L-E-E on the end of it because you're named after your Mimi.

That is her middle name.

And then we won't go in the middle name part, but that is also named after her other grandmother and her cousin.

That's awesome.

They all have middle names.

Moving on.

How did you meet your best friend?

My mom does not even know it.

My dad does and I do.

My first friend, he was outside with his dad.

He had a math thing and tape.

Okay, and you know the four trees that he has, like in his house?

The what?

The four trees he has.

Four trees.

Trees, okay.


That tree, the first left tree.

He put them out there.

We had tape, we ran on it, we ran up it and put the tape on the tree.

And that's how you met your best friend?


Emily, how did you meet your best friend?

I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

Who's your best friend?

Okay, where did you meet Alba?


There you go.

You need to stop that.

These are easy questions.

Okay, here you go.

One thing you have done already that you want to do again.

Go to adventure landing.

Go bungee jumping.

Oh, wow.

Oh, like you did at the fair?

Bungee jumping.

Bungee jumping is when you propel from a height.

She was hooked to a bungee, like a belt, and she was hooked to wires, and she could jump as high as she wanted to go.

Yeah, they had you kind of locked down so she couldn't go like really high up.


That was pretty high.

All right, here we go, ready?

If you made the rules at home, what would one of the rules be?

Oh, this is so easy.

Watch my iPad all night.

Watch your iPad all night?


Stay awake all night and all day.

Wow, no sleep?


Yes, no sleep.


If you could change your name, what would you change it to?


Take your fingers out of your mouth.

What would you change it to?



Because, I don't know why.

You just like that name?

Yeah, I love it name.

I love that name.

He has a friend named Roland.

Maybe that's a coincidence?

What would you change your name to?

I don't know.

You like Emily?


All right, if you could be a celebrity, what would you be famous for?

I'm boxing.

You would be a boxer?

I thought you would have said baseball.


Yeah, baseball.

Oh, I didn't mean to change your answer.

I just thought you'd say that.

So what was the question again?

If you could be a celebrity, what would you be famous for?

Baseball player.

Okay, so you would be famous for playing baseball?



All right, I'll see if I have any more.

The only thing else I have on here is we want to ask you if you know what certain things are that me and your mom used to do, well, used to play with in the 80s.

Back when we were kids.

Back when we were kind of your age.

You ready?


Do you know what a VHS tape is?

You can guess what it is.

Whiffle ball.

Wait, no.


The VHS tape is not a softball.

Do you have a guess?


Okay, VHS tape is what they had our movies on.

They were about this big.

I don't even know how to even say like small.

Yeah, let's say.

Like a book size.

And we put it in what they call a VCR, and it played the movie.

How do y'all watch movies now?

On the big TV.

But yeah, and on the iPad, right?

We didn't have that.

We didn't have an iPad.

We didn't even have cell phones at that age.

We had a phone that hooked to a wall that had a wire through it.

Does that make sense?

Is that crazy?

Okay, do you know what an encyclopedia is?

I know what it is, but I just don't know.

Oh, it's...

I know what it is.

Okay, what do you think it is?

I think it's...

I got what it's called.

I know what it is.

I know what it is.

You want me to give you a hint?


Okay, it's a book.

I knew it.

But what is that book for?

What do you do with that book?


Read, but what are you reading?

I know.

Let me tell you.


That's our Google.

So we had books that were from A to Z.

And if we wanted to look up information, we would have to get a book.

So if we wanted to learn about, let's say, lions, we'd have to go get the L book, and we'd have to look for the lion part on that book.

And that was our Google.

That was how we learned through books.

We didn't get to just type it on the computer, did it come up?

Me too.

I'm starving.

We have about 10 more minutes.

Okay, ready?

We have like six more questions.


Do you know who Barney is?

Thank God.

It was a purple dinosaur, and he sung a song.

Do you know who Cabbage Patch Kids are?

They were dolls.

They were, they looked like cabbage.


And they had like a hard face on them.

They were born from the cabbage patch, and they had circular faces that resembled a cabbage.


Do you know who Teddy Ruxpin is?


I don't even, I mean, I didn't have him.

It was like, it's a teddy bear, and he would be like, blinking and pretend to...

And couldn't you record into him, and he would, my brother had one.

I didn't have one, but I was, yeah.

Yeah, and do you know who Mr.

Potato Head is?

You had a Mr.

Potato Head, you should know who it is.

You changed your feet.

Wait, you didn't change your feet?


Oh, I know who it is.

You had one.

You had a couple of them.

I have the Emma Grimm's house.

You do, yeah.

Yeah, I know.


I do.

Yeah, Mimi's, I think.


And then the last one I found was the glow worm.


Oh, yeah, it's a glowing worm.

Yeah, it's like a worm and its head used to light up.

Yeah, I don't really remember that.

I don't remember if I had one or not.

So, do you have anything else you'd like to add to the podcast?


Do y'all have any questions for us?

Oh, yeah.

Do you know what name were you gonna name us when we were a baby?

So, what name I was gonna name you?

The first name.

Oh, gosh.

What is my first name?

Well, I can tell you a couple names that went through my head.

Do you wanna hear them?



So, I've always liked the name Corbin.

And that was one that I had said either Corbin or Connor.

Oh, you said Connor.

Yeah, Connor.

I didn't know your friend Connor at that time though, but daddy did not like that name.

And so, it took me and daddy a long, not a long time, but we went back and forth with names.

I had a list of names that I liked, and do you know when we decided on your name?


In the middle of, it was so random, we were driving to Lowe's, and we were on the corner of Bay Meadows and Phillips, and I said, what about Matthew?

And he was like, I really like that.



After all of that list making and talking, it just randomly came out.

And what was I gonna name you?

Do you remember?

No, the other one.

The other one, Everly.

I was going through Everly and Emily, and we did Emily because Tim thought that if we named her Everly, people would have thought that her name was Beverly.

So we did.

Okay, and do you have a question for us?



Any question, anything you think about?

Oh, I was gonna ask y'all one other thing.

If you could drive any car, what would it be?


You better get some good jobs, that's all I got to say.

Oh, okay.

Well, later.

Thanks, guys.

Do we have anything else to add?

Well, this has been an interesting episode.

This has been another episode of Midlife Moms.

Thank you for listening, and if you haven't already yet, please go to Instagram and find us at Midlife Moms Pod, all one word, lowercase, no spaces.

We also have a page on Facebook, so also follow us there, and you can find us on Buzzsprout or Apple Podcasts, anywhere you can find your podcasts at Midlife Moms Pod.

Listen, my motto is listen, like and subscribe.

Yeah, so see you next week on Midlife Moms.

See ya.


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