Midlife Moms Pod

Midlife Moms Pod Seeking Sister Wife Review

Midlife Moms Pod Season 1 Episode 6

Join Melanie and Allison this week as we discuss one of our favorite shows, “Seeking Sister Wife”.  Specifically, we discuss Season 5, episodes 1-10 which is the current season as of this recording (May 2024). The podcast touches on themes of manipulation, the intersection of religion and personal desires, and the consequences of alternative lifestyles. Material may not be suitable for young audiences.

We begin by discussing our unhealthy obsession with reality TV and how it’s not just a form of entertainment but it's also been our source of endless fascination for more than 20 years.  It's been a long time since the '90s introduced us to Reality TV with shows like "The Real World," and then later "Survivor," "The Hills," "Rock of Love," "Celebrity Rehab," "Big Brother," "The Bachelor," "Southern Charm," "Summer House," and "Jersey Shore."

Season 5 of "Seeking Sister Wife" features 5 couples and their search to add an additional "wife" to their families. Some are new couples to the show, while the others are returning families who bring the drama!

Couples discussed on Season 5 of "Seeking Sister Wife" with time stamps:

Nick, April, Jennifer, and Danielle (4:30): Nick is a stay-at-home dad who's intellectual abilities charm his wives. Is adding a new wife going to make Danielle Davis' head spin or will she accept the dynamics within their multiple-wife scenario.

Garrick and Dannielle Merrifield (35:12): Garrick strongly believes God has led him to polygamy and Dannielle is not so sure about it. The couple's journey over the last few seasons includes courting Bert from Brazil and the complications that ensued when she didn't come to the US. Now they're courting Nathalia who's also from Brazil. Will Garrick's last K-1 Visa option  pan out or fail miserably?

Other Couples: We discuss other couples like Naeem and Nailah Salahuddin (13:31), exploring their conflicts with Naeem's mother, and speculate on motivations behind their polygamous pursuits. And, mention new couples like Shane and Ashley Sherwood (27:23) and Becky and Justin Ryan (20:10).

Come listen as we deep dive into the backgrounds of the couples, engage in a bit of gossip and speculation about the motives and backstories of the couples, including financial troubles, potential scams, and deep-seated psychological components. and provide extra context not always covered in the show itself.

In the conclusion Allison mentions that she is leaving to go see her favorite podcasters perform live. Shout out to Reality Gays. You can find them on Instagram @RealityGaysPod.

To learn more about Garrick and Dannielle Merrifield, Allison recommends watching "The Merrifield's Journey So Far" available on YouTube.

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Find Midlife Moms Pod on Apple Podcasts or wherever you find your podcasts. You can also find us Buzzsprout where we have a full listing of all our episodes, Instagram (@midlifemomspod), and Facebook. Listen, like, and subscribe! We hope you enjoy the show!

Welcome to another episode of Midlife Moms.

I'm Allison.

If you need an introduction again.

If you don't know us yet.

Yeah, so we are here today for another episode, but we've been talking a while.

If you've been listening to our other episodes, we've been mentioning Seeking Sister Wife, and we keep saying, oh, we're gonna do an episode.

We're gonna do-

Which it should be Seeking Sister Wives.

Well, but the-

It sounds better to me.

The name of the show is-

I know.

Because most of them are only Seeking One Wife.

Yeah, but one of them wants like five.


We'll get into that.

Yeah, well-

So yeah, we are reality TV junkies, I would call us, especially when it comes, well, I'm more reality TV junkie than you are.

No, I would disagree.


And the reason I say that is because I don't listen to any new shows.

I mean, watch, not listen, but I don't watch any new sitcoms.

So if there's a new sitcom that comes out, I mean, I don't even know if they make them anymore.

Okay, I don't either.

I'm reality TV all the way.

Yeah, and my reality TV history goes all the way back to the real world.

TV style, right.

And I watched The Hills.

I did not watch The Hills, but what else did I watch?

I watched Rock of Love.

I watched Celebrity Rehab.

I did not watch that.

I don't watch Big Brother.

Oh, I used to watch Big Brother.

I watched The Bachelor and Bachelorette.

I don't watch those.

And I'm trying to think what else.

Southern Charms.

Okay, so I watched Southern Charms.

I watched, what's the other one?

Summer House.

I did not watch that.

You should watch that, that's good.

Jersey Shore, I watched that back in the day.

You don't watch it now?

You don't watch the family one?

It's pretty good.

I even watched Survivor.

Back when Survivor was just launching and the seasons were going on, I watched every season, but I would say I stopped maybe after season 10 or 11, but I would consider myself a reality TV show.

Okay, yeah, I think so.

Yeah, today I only watched 90 Day Fiancé, so I watched all the entire franchise.

I watched-

Oh, I didn't watch that.

I didn't watch that.

Yeah, I watched Seeking Sister Wife, I've watched Sister Wives, but I haven't watched the entire 16 seasons or 17 seasons.

Which one?

Sister Wives.

That's with the-

What is his name?

Cody and Janelle and Robin and Christine.

Yeah, I watched part of that, part of those seasons.

But I never finished all that when they started divorcing and doing all kinds of-

Oh, it's good.

But anyway, we're here today to talk about Seeking Sister Wife, which is currently on season five.

And that is the-

We're gonna recap the season five so far.

Do we wanna do one couple at a time?

Yeah, that probably makes the most sense.

Me, I even get confused and I watch the show.


Let me be honest.

And some of them are new.

So there are five couples this season.

Three of them are new.

Two of them are from past seasons.

And the two that are past seasons are?

Nick, April, Jennifer and Danielle Davis.


And Danielle and Garrick Maryfield.

Those are the two alums, if you will.

So were they on the first season?

They weren't on the first season, but Nick and his crew started last season.

That was the first season we met them.

And then Danielle and Garrick have been on since season three.

And if you haven't watched the history of Garrick and Danielle, you should watch there's an hour and a half recap of where are they now or here they are so far.

I don't know what it's called.

It's an hour and a half.

Oh wow.

And that would give you a really good sense of their history from season three.

By far, they are my favorite.

So we're going to save them for last because-

Oh, you like them the best.

I do like them the best.

I think they're the most interesting.

I find Nick and the three girls interesting too.

Those are the two couples that I-


The Danielle and Garrick, which I always say, I'm calling them Garrick.

Garrick, yeah.

And then Nick and the three girls.

Yeah, his crew.

Because I mean, they've got three already.


So do we want to start with them since they're your favorite and-

Well, yeah, we can start with them.

It doesn't matter.

My question, and maybe this is just my speculation, not speculation, but if I was, which one is it?

The last, the third wife?

So with Danielle, now they're trying to date a fourth, so she can marry the fourth wife.

Right, that's correct.

Because the other two are married.

That's correct.

I don't remember why he said he does that.

Is that because he doesn't want one to feel like they're not, like if he's not married to any of them.

He's not married to any of them.

So is it that he's not marrying them because he feels like that would be like picking one over the other ones?

I never knew if he had said that or not, if that was his.

He may have said it.

I need to go back.

I mean, I have some theories.

I think for tax reasons, it works out for him.

I'm not entirely sure.

He said for legal reasons or something that the girls marry each other.

Well, I guess it's lucky that they allow that these days.

Nick and April have been together for a while.

So she's not the first wife.

The first wife is...

April is the first wife.

I'm so confused because I thought Jennifer was the first one.

Jennifer is the one with the long blonde hair.

And then the other one is her hair is a little shorter.


Boobling area.

Right, nope.

So April was the first quote unquote wife.

And then she met Jennifer at work.

And then she gathered Jennifer and brought her into the quote unquote crew.

But Jennifer is the one that just had the baby.

Right, okay.


They call her the pretty wife.

I haven't heard that.

I have heard that in other circles.

Oh, so not them as their family unit.

Calling her that.



I think the first wife's pretty too.

I do too.

It kind of reminds me of my sister-in-law.

Maybe that's.

I don't know where I heard the pretty wife, but that is what Jennifer is known as.

I don't know.

Well, just.

I'm so sad.

Just you wait.

I'm just, I, I mean, I'm not nobody to judge.

I don't care how you live your life, as long as you're not hurting anybody.

And we're not judging, please.

By no means are we judging.


This is, so I explained to Melanie earlier that this is really like my soap opera.

You can think of Seeking Sister Wives as having little plots or Seeking Sister Wife.

I did pluralize it.


Like having plots and, you know, twists and turns.

And it's kind of like the modern day and age soap opera.


And it's probably because I was not raised to know even what polygamy is.

So I find it fascinating.

Oh yeah.

I don't understand it, but I certainly don't judge.

Oh yeah.

I don't really understand it cause I couldn't do it.


There'd be no way, but I do find it fascinating how people live.


Different cultures and it's fun to learn, you know, about stuff.

I guess that's why they have it on television.

Now, what makes this one special though, is that they all share one big 12 foot bed.


I don't understand that either.

Mainly because it covers.

I don't want to be covered.

I don't want to be in the middle, okay?

Because I want to be able to stick my foot out or something.

That's a lot.

If they're all with Nick, think about the person who is not next to Nick sleeping.

They're sleeping next to another woman and do the women fool around?

Do they have to?

So this is something I wonder about that dynamic, which the show doesn't cover that at all.

But for four people to share a big 12-foot bed in one room, and they're currently looking for another wife to bring in.

I just say that if they're not participating in that too, the ones living next to Nick, who is, that would be awkward to me.

Like to be the other three that are the other two.

Now, supposedly there's no sex going on in that bed.

Oh, I didn't hear that part.

Oh, you didn't.

There's another room that they have that Danielle has named the Boom Boom Room.


So, and she, maybe Danielle didn't name it the Boom Boom Room.

I think Danielle specifically said, let's not call it the Boom Boom Room, but that's what it is.

So they go in there to have the sex.

So I guess it's kind of like Jersey Shore where they had the smush room.



That's where they go smush.

Now, I personally would hate living in this house because not one of those women is safe at night.

So for instance, I will explain.

Either April or Jennifer, it might've been Jennifer told the story of how she'll get up in the night and like need to go use the restroom.

And then she'll find Nick in the kitchen reading or pontificating whatever it is he does.

And then they'll go excuse themselves into that room and knock one out in the middle of the night.

And he might have just had another relation with another one.

Like he has it all the time.

And he said that he likes having this because he not one woman can satisfy all of his needs.

Well, and see, that's my thing.

Is polygamy like how they're practicing polygamy?

Is it just to satisfy him to have all these women and they're gonna say, oh, under the umbrella of polygamy?

Or do they actually, did any of them practice that?

That's a great question.

You know, like, is that his excuse?

But he's not actually married to them.

So that's weird because I thought polygamy was having multiple wives.




So this is a different dynamic.

If you follow the sister wives in their history, each of them are spiritually married to Cody, and they all have their own houses.

And then Cody goes to each one of their houses.


Or they could all live in one house but have different areas of the house.


So I don't understand the dynamic.

Well, I mean, that's all I'm wondering is, was one of them a polygamist and then brought that in?

I'm just wondering if he's doing that as like an umbrella of, oh, I want to sleep with all these women.


He has it real easy though, because he does not have a job.

So he, and I know they have a baby now, but before they had this baby, he stays at home.

And so he told...

Well, and then the first wife has a child too.

He's like 14 or something.

And I don't know if that's Nick's child or not.

I did not dive deep down into their storyline, but I just may.

I don't think that it is.

I don't think it is his, because I remember him when they were getting married to Danielle.

Was it Danielle and he was showing him, like giving him shoes or something?


I think they said something about that.

It's not his son.

Yeah, it's not, but that he treats him as his son or something like that.

Now, what I found fascinating was that he stays home and his job is to read and learn.

And then when the girls get home from work, because they all work, he delivers whatever he learned that day.

And it was about physics.

So he'll explain to them a theory or whatever he learned or read that day.

He believes his job is to stay home and learn.

And so then he can give the women that information.

But that's strange to me too, because he's doing all that.

But when they get home, if he's staying at home, there should be a meal when they get home.

But you always see them in the kitchen cooking.

And they work full-time jobs.

I don't know what they do.

So that's why I was like, oh, I probably should have done a little bit more on them.

I kind of got into the weeds about some of the others.

Well, we can move to the others.

They kind of fascinate me, because like you said, he doesn't work.

He doesn't have a job.

He reads books.

And for him to have all this knowledge, he could go out and get a job and help.

But now they have the baby.

Well, they have the baby, so he stays home with the baby now.

And he-

To read to her.

Did you see that he was all dressed to the nines?



I mean, he was dressed in church clothes.

I know, full on church clothes.

And he said, dressed to impress or dress for the job you want.

I was like, what?

I don't know.

I have some theories, not ready to quite share them, because I haven't done all my-

Your research on it?

My research yet.

You're on the floor with a baby that's that age.

You wear the mom uniform.

He better get him some Victoria's Secret stretch.

That baby is young.

Yeah, she's tiny.

I don't know.

I think she might even, she's not even walking yet, I don't think.

I don't know.

Last time she was drinking a bottle, and they said, oh, put her to bed or something.

Right, when they were carrying her.

I don't think she's one.

If she's one, she's newly one.


Do we have anything else to add about Nick and April, Jennifer and Danielle?

I don't think so.

I just worry about Danielle.

She's very young.

She's very young, and I think she's being pressured to find a fourth wife.

I believe so too.

And she's already left one time.


She left and then, but did you see the way April cried about her coming back, like leaving and then coming back?

Well, and I think they were putting a lot of pressure on someone that's never been in that situation before and all that.

I think she's got a lot of pressure on her, and I don't think that's very healthy for her to be that.


So it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

Yeah, for sure.


Okay, so next.

Do you want to talk about Garrett and them, or do you want to talk about the other couple that just aren't that?

I think we should save Garrett and Danielle for last.

Okay, the best for last.

Yeah, I mean, they're just like the diamond in the world.

Let's talk about, because we just watched the episode where, I don't know how you say his name, Nahim.

Oh, yeah.

Where his mom, they invited her to lunch.

And she has threatened to knock.

Naila and Naim.

I believe that's how you say it.

Okay, so the mom, his mom has threatened to knock out the wife.

And she said, bring it.

Yeah, she like repeated.

And what you think gonna, right?

What you think?

First of all, why are they seeking her approval so much?

If she doesn't want to be a part of it, and that's what they want to do with their lives, they just need to move on.

Don't constantly try to bring her into a situation she doesn't want anything to do with.

And I don't know if that's for the show, or if they have some sort of need to have mom's approval.

But it sounds like she doesn't even have anything to do with their kid.

She was like, you don't even...

She's like, I'm worried about your daughter, whatever, that they're trying to bring another wife in.

She's like, you never even talked to her.

And she's 14.

So they're a new couple.

They live in Pennsylvania.


East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.

They're Muslim.


So I believe...

I think they believe in that.

Part of that.

Part of their culture.


Now, I did some digging.

So if you don't want a spoiler, then maybe fast forward it just a little bit.

But I am gonna kind of give some backstory to them that might explain why the mom is the way she is.


I'm all into this.

So according to the internet, they are childhood friends who have been married for 15 years, and she's the one who initiated the search.

So that's not a spoiler, but that's just they've known each other for a long time.

Naim has faced multiple lawsuits for thousands of dollars in unpaid rent, and some of them have gone to judgment.

So do you think they're looking for another sister wife to help with bills?

Yes, he mentioned that he would like some more income coming in.

Now, I did a search on Naim.

Then get a roommate.


Naim is a teacher.

She has a LinkedIn profile that says she's a fifth grade teacher.

Naim, I don't know what Naim does, but his name is involved in multiple lawsuits for unpaid rent.

So you think that they don't really want to do...

No, you said they're Muslims, so they kind of have that culture.


Maybe they need mom for money.

I don't know either.

But poor Naila, she's probably working her tush off to support them.

I wonder if he even has a job then.

I don't know.

I missed if he does or not.

I just know that Naim's mom is not on board, and she tells them every episode how...

Well, and she's, I mean, she's why I like that couple so much, because I find it fascinating that they're constantly seeking that from her.


Like, they need her approval for some reason, and she has called them germy and disgusting.

She thinks it's germy.


But then now she's blaming the fact that they have a child, and it'll mess the child up if they do this.

But I find her hilarious, because she just says whatever she thinks.

She does.

She has no filter.

No filter on her.

And I love it.

And that's, you know.

I love it.

All the more to her.

But I do, there's gotta be a backstory of why they want her approval so badly, because typically you're like, okay, you don't agree with it.

Let's move, you know, we'll move on.

I mean, I know that's his mom, and that's probably easier said than done.

But if you want to live a lifestyle that your mom doesn't agree with, and you're not going to be able to, she even said, you won't be welcome in my house.


You know, so I mean.

But I love watching Na'ilah's face.

So they went out on a date to some bar or something.

Oh, yeah.

Where they hang out with that young girl.

That young girl who was like 26.

And oh my gosh, Na'ilah's face.

First of all, she's beautiful.

Absolutely beautiful.

But not the 26 year old.

Na'ilah's beautiful.

Yeah, she's beautiful.

The shade.

She doesn't have to say anything.

I can just read it on her face.

And I'm like, oh.

I think that's how I am.

Yeah, she must be hilarious.

I just all of a sudden I'll have a facial expression.

Tim's like hide that because people are going to know how you feel.

But yeah, the mom is what has me interested in that.

Yeah, it's definitely an interesting dynamic.

They are looking for another person.

They haven't mentioned, yeah, they didn't mention anything this episode.

It was more about talking to the mom.

And they got kicked out of that place.

Did you see that?

Yeah, that person came out the front door and was like make the sign with their hand across their throat.

Yeah, right.

And you're out.

Like cut it.


So that was a good episode.

Yeah, I liked it.

Anything else about this couple?

I don't think so.

The other thing I noticed that he drives this car and then he had these things that were rotating on the seat in one episode.

Did you see those?

It's a massager.

Oh, but it didn't even hit his shoulders.

It was like lower back.

Yeah, it was next to his head rotating.

So the camera caught it rotating.

But I was like, is that supposed to hit his shoulders?

And that's any short or is too short?

Yeah, or too tall.

I don't know what you would be.

He was too short.

No, I did not see that.

Anyway, maybe it was more for Naeela.

That was hysterical.

I was like, what is the point of the portable car massager?

If it's not even going to hit your shoulders.

And I never thought to get one.

We're going to all drive around in the car with it.

That would not be relaxing to me, driving with the portable shoulder massage.

Well, not only that, but I'm thinking of safety reasons.

If you get in an accident, you'll have big massage things stuck into your back.

Oh, that's true.

You know?

I didn't even think about that.

That's why they're saying those big hair clips now, like these.

Oh, you're supposed to take them out of your hair when you are driving, because people have been in accidents, and they've had to get them out of your head because you've been in an accident.

So every time I get in the car, I take my clip out.


Safety first.

That's right.

The more you know.

The more you know.


So anything else about Naeem and Naeela?

Let's move on.

Do we want to talk about Becky and Justin Ryan?

I have thoughts on them.

I don't really understand why they've started this search.

So don't know why they've started.

Like why?

I mean, are they polygamous?

Did she grow up in that or did he?

So she's grown up in that.

She said that her father was a pastor and believed in polygamy.


So that makes more sense now.

But why they're okay.

Now they were high school sweethearts.

They got married when they were in high school 26 years ago.

They've been seeking a sister wife for 20 years.

I don't think they've ever had a sister wife.

They're seeking one in a constant state of perpetual seeking.

That's just, that's too much.


They might need to take a break.

They look like a mismatched couple to me.

I don't know what it is about him.

I don't find him attractive at all.

But I don't even know if it's that much, but I feel like he's kind of being led around by his nose by her.

He just walks up to somebody in a bar and says, will you date my husband?

Yes, she is definitely the aggressor, if you will.

She doesn't look like that.

She looks very meek and just a mild mannered.

But then she walks up to someone.

She walks up to these people.

Now, I don't know if they're plants, right?


Meaning they were hired by the show to be there and then have Becky walk up.

It's probably staged.

Yeah, you never know.

Imagine walking up to a rando at a bar and being like, hey, would you like to date us?

I mean, just think about those words coming out of your mouth.

Well, and then people will be like, what do you mean us?

And then you get it.

Yeah, here he is.

He's right there.

Look how cute and handsome he is.

Here he is.

He's on display for you.

This is who we want you to be.

And then you'll be my sister wife.

In the middle of the day, they were in this bar in the first episode or a couple episodes.

So I first saw them and I was like, what?

This has got to be fake.


And I don't know, like the other girl that he went on a date with.

I can't remember her name.

I think she's she's not Brazilian.

I think but she has an accent.

Oh, the latest one.


Where the wife was like, Oh, I heard you got it was like an episode like a preview for the next time.

She's like, Oh, how was the kiss?

And like the look on that woman's face was like, Oh my gosh.

He went home and told her, What do they think is going to happen?

They got to be living in the same house together.

Well, I don't know if Yari kind of knows exactly what's going on.

But Justin did try to kiss her and she was like, Turned her cheek kind of like.

Turned her cheek.

I thought that was pretty funny.

Yeah, I did too.

Then, so this is their first season, so they're brand new to the show.

But, you know, we saw them chasing or what I like to call stalking.

Their current girlfriend, Stephanie, who they've been together with a while.

I'm not sure how much time they were with her, but enough to drive across a few different states.

Right, to find her.

To find her.

And to find out.

After they were uninvited for that weekend.


Yeah, I just.

Something's not clicking upstairs.

But I mean, the other ones, the other couples have said there's like a polygamy meetup or group thing that they can be a part of.

Why aren't they looking in that?

Or are they?

They may.

They may be on apps.

I just find it hard to believe that the lady he just went on a date with knows anything about it.

She just does not seem like she knows.

No, she doesn't.

She's kind of like in the dark.

Like she looks like a deer in the headlights when he starts talking about.

I can't remember how they found her.

I don't remember.

That's why I'm like, did they find her on one of the apps?

Or like a dating app, but they don't know.

I mean, the person that he's meeting up with doesn't know it's like a polygamy dating app.

Yeah, I don't know.

You know, she's probably not on that because he's having to explain to her their lifestyle, because she's deer in the headlights for sure.

Yeah, she's not.

I don't know if it's a translation issue.

Yeah, that's what I was wondering.

Is it because she's not her first language is English, so he's saying this and she's like, what?


Like, he doesn't think that Becky is going to be there.


It's very weird.

It's weird, yeah.

It would be like us sitting at a table together and me thinking that you're not going to be there after.

I mean, why is she there?

It's not like that.

It's not like, I don't know.

It's just weird.

They're very smoke and mirrors.

There's no defined...

Who's smoke and mirrors?

There's Becky and Justice.

Smoke and mirrors.

Like, they're finding these people, like the girl Yari.


He's telling her one thing.

She's like, what is going on?

And then you've got the wife at home.

Oh, go on a date.

Who's like in everybody's business?

She's like the ringleader.


She's setting them up, and then she ends up showing up at this dinner next week.

I just, I don't know.

There's just something about it.


So do you want to hear the backstory?


So I come with gossip.

So if you don't want to know anything about the backstory, you should fast forward because I'm going to spill some tea.

Spill it up.

So rumor has it that Becky, who claimed that her dad was a pastor and believed in polygamy, Internet sleuths believe that she is the daughter or the stepdaughter of Tony Alamo.

Have you ever heard of Tony Alamo?

The name sounds familiar.

Tony Alamo is the founder of Tony Alamo Christian Ministries.

He was accused of taking five young girls across state lines for sex after quote unquote marrying them.

Get this.

Some of those victims were as young as nine years old.

It's disgusting.

Is he alive still?

No, he died in prison.


I don't know what year, but he's gone.

He died in jail.

At the height of his fame during the 70s and 80s, his ministry had thousands of members nationwide, and he lived in a 300-acre compound that included gas stations, a grocery store, restaurants, and more, which funded his ministry.


It is believed that Justin's dad was possibly part of his cult.

And yes, I'm going to use the word cult here.

Oh, that's totally cool.

Which applies to more than one of these couples.



So Becky grew up with this.

Becky is...

Then if she grew up with this, she probably knows other people.

So why aren't they looking in that circle, in that pond versus the, I don't know anything about Polygamy pond?

I don't know.

I guess we have to find out where they met this Yare person.

And then there's other people that have researched on the internet and found that Justin possibly ran for political office in Texas, where they're from, and Becky campaigned for him.

I believe it was for governor.

He was trying to out somebody for political reasons.

Oh, interesting.

Wasn't that interesting?

So I got to put my college degree to some good use.

I'm still shocked about the dad.

That's not...

Isn't it?

Nine years old.

It's disgusting.

It's really gross.

So after that, take a deep breath.

Can I have a drink of water?

We're not done.

We've talked about three couples.

Three of the four?

Three of the five.

There were five couples this season.

What's this thing?

Shane and Ashley Sherwood.

Oh, yes.

Yes, yes, yes.


I'm not really sure about him.

I mean, I know he's sick, and I don't understand if they're doing that because he's thinking he's going to die.

It's bonkers, first of all.

I mean, I just don't...

You look like your everyday average couple.

They've been married for two years.

Only two years?


They only knew each other for a little bit before they got married and had kids.

So I think they have a little one, like a one-year-old or a 12-month-old or something, but they have another one on the way, which is in the show.

And at first, I was like, why is she dating?

Because they didn't explain anything about Shane.

It was really that they were seeking a sister wife for Ashley, and Ashley was leading the charge.

Like, Ashley was going to be dating this person.

She was going to be that person for Ashley.


Not for him.

Not really for him.

However, they were going to have Shane's baby.

So this kind of is like a soap opera.

Yeah, I don't understand that, because from what I understand is she is, it's her who wants the sister wife, but with a relationship.

He's kind of like vetting them.

Like he questions them like he's like an interrogator.

Well, it's kind of like he wants her to be happy.

And if this is what's going to make her happy, then he's on board with it.


But he asked these questions and he ran the first one off.

Well, she was quite a trip.


Yeah, I mean, she ordered a kind of salad, did she order a gluten free and soy free, whatever you can give me that soy free and gluten free and something else free.

And it was a salad with onions and this watery looking sauce.

So lettuce and onions and that was it?

Yeah, it looked really boring.

And then she was like, well, it shows that you haven't been to therapy.

And I was like, wow.

Because he asked a question about, okay, well, what do therapists do?

And she wasn't a therapist.

She wasn't like a life coach or something.

She was a life coach.

She was a spiritual reader.

She was something else.

The way she explained it was like...

And he questioned her and she got mad.


Yeah, it was funny.

But his wife, Ashley, she's a psychologist or something.

She's smart.

She's edumacated.

So I think he was asking these questions to vet her out for Ashley because he didn't want her being with some dumb-dumb.


A woo-woo.

A woo-woo girl.

A woo-woo.

It was bizarre to me until then at one episode, he's like, but you know, I've got to kind of act quickly because I have a health issue.

And I was like, oh, okay, here we go.

Yeah, he's not trying to let...

I mean, I think he's worried he's going to pass away, and then she's going to be by herself with two kids.

But that's life.

There's people right now that are dealing with that and not seeing...

So what are you looking to replace the pain of losing your husband with someone else so they can just swoop in?


And so you won't have to grieve?

But let me tell you, you're still going to grieve, because your child's father is going to be gone.

And if you love this person, you're going to not have him anymore in your life.

So why, when you're pregnant with his baby, are you trying to date somebody and go through all of those feelings of meeting somebody new and having that new love, right?

Think about all those...

It's too much.

When that reality hit me, I was like, okay, wait a minute, I don't get it.

I don't understand why we would be trying to make sure Ashley has somebody in case Shane dies.

I would be more concerned that Shane's life insurance was paid up, that he has the right medical care.

He hasn't even been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Well, he won't go get the test.

And he's not going to get...

He's not going to get the test.

He's like months after he's supposed to go back and he never did.

Yeah, so I have a real hard time with this one.

Yeah, I don't...

My mom heart hurts for those kids because I think the priority is in the wrong spot.

I get that it's scary to have cancer.

I've never had that.

I can't imagine if I got it or my husband.

I can't imagine what I would do.

But my focus would not be on finding somebody else.

It would be on like taking care of your spouse, making sure your kids are okay.

Yeah, it's...

Is he really worried about Ashley being taken care of in that way?

Like romantically?

You're worried about her moving on romantically when it doesn't make any sense to me.

So I don't know what their motive is.

Like, are they on the show to get fame and fortune?

Maybe most of the time people are on shows like this to get to be an influencer, right?

But I don't feel like that with them because of who she is as like a person and what her job is.

She seems very educated and like, yeah, I don't know.

And I don't know what he does.

Do you know what he does?


Because I don't think they've said.

You know how sometimes they'll put the name down and what they do?

I just can't remember if they've ever said what he does.

They're from Massachusetts.

At first, I was really intrigued about this couple because I lived in Massachusetts for years.

And so I was like, oh, this is going to be kind of cool.

But now after watching them, I'm like, I just want to take Shane aside and be like, Shane, what are you doing, bud?

I think he's so stressed out with what's going on with himself that he's not thinking clearly.

But he needs to realize that a normal wife or one who really loves him would not be putting her priority first, I believe.

Right, right.

I would be worried about my husband and like, is he sick?

What kind of care does he need?

What are you looking at?

Is this like something we've got to, you know, start looking at hospice or whatever, not let me go on a date and go bowling?

And have a chicken finger.

And get kisses.

Make sure I like that to me when I thought about it and I was thinking about somebody mentioned also in a podcast.

I listen to many of these podcasts that talk about shows like this.

Someone mentioned also like all of those new feelings you have with somebody.

Think about how obsessed you are with somebody when you first know it's been a while for you since you've been married to Tim for what?

Twenty seven years.


I think back that far.


You know, you're like infatuated with them.

And I just feel bad for Shane.

I really do.

Yeah, and then he broke down with his friend and broke up with his friend.

I want to be a friend for him, but I don't want to be that friend who comes over with the bikini top on.

Did you see that?


What's up with that?

I don't know, but her boobs are hanging out.

And so he had this friend of her in one of the episodes.

He was talking to him and trying to be his friend.

And that would not be a top.

I would go over to my male friend's house.

So I wonder what was up with her.

And that person was like, well, maybe she can be the sister.


Come on in.

Y'all all get along.

Y'all know each other.

But apparently that's not her type.


I don't know.

I don't know.

But I was just like, wow.

I just don't.

I think he needs to figure himself out health-wise.


Before anything else.

Before we continue to seek a sister wife for her.

I agree.

That's just my...

I think they've got a lot more important things to handle.

I do too.

So we'll see what happens with them.

This is their first season.

We'll see how this goes.

He's on Instagram, by the way, if you'd like to follow him.

So, yeah.

They have a shared Instagram account.

Oh, okay.

That's interesting.

And their kids' names are interesting.

Sy and Swayman.

Sy and Swayman.

That's interesting.


Any other thoughts about them?

No, I just worry about him and getting his health situation under control.

Me too.

I'll say a prayer for him.


Moving on.

Moving on.

The grand finale.

I feel like I should have like confetti or something.

Introducing Danielle and Garrick Merrifields.

They are a couple.

A train wreck.

Chef's Kiss.

A train.

A derailment.

So, they are.

Do you know their story?

No, you tell the story and then I'll add my two cents into it.

Because I find them just way out in the field.

They are a returning couple.

They are our longest running couple on this season.

So, they've been on the show since season three.

They've been married for 13 years before this polygamy thing started.

So, they haven't always been polygamists.

But one day, God came to Garrick and delivered a message and said, You shall have five wives, Garrick, Maryfield.

And so, he took that to heart.

And he said, God, I had a vision from God, and God spoke to me.

This is how Garrick talks.

God spoke to me and told me that I should have five wives.

So, was that when the wind blew?

There's one part where they say the wind blew and God talked to them.

I believe that is it.

So, it's that and that's been their quest ever since.

Now, Danielle was not entirely opened into polygamy in the beginning, but her husband has really relayed that message that God has spiritually just taken over his heart and given him the calling to have multiple wives.

And she prayed on it.

And then after that, she realized that God is right and this is what's meant to be.


The wind blew for her.

The wind blew.

She prayed on it.

So, season three and four focused on Garrick and Danielle courting Roberta in Brazil, who affectionately they call Bert.

And apparently she took them for all kinds of money.


She did.

So they, they courted her.

They spent a long time.


Like two seasons.

They even got divorced.

So they could.

So they got divorced.

The big news is that Garrick even divorced Danielle, his wife of 13 or 14 years, and they have two children.

So he could go and marry her instead of going through the whole K-1 visa or whatever it is that you have to do.

Well, specifically, so they could go through the K-1 visa.

So that's how they would get her to the United States.


Is that he would marry her after she came to the US and they would have how many days?

As we know from our other show, 90 days to marry once they come over on a K-1 visa.

Oh, see, I didn't know it was 90 days.

I guess I missed that.

That's why it's called 90 Day Fiancé.

Oh, gotcha.

See, I didn't know that because I don't watch 90 Day Fiancé.

So I know all about immigration now.

I could be an immigration lawyer.

If you have any immigration questions, please contact Allison at Midlife Moms Pod.

Okay, so a few more items from them.


Before we break for discussion.

Okay, go ahead.

So while they're recording Roberta or Bert, they were building a new house.

Interestingly enough, they live in Colorado, as do Nick and the girls.

Wonder if they're friends.

I'm not sure.

I think they live in different parts of Colorado.


So that's an interesting factoid.

Do you have anything about the house?

Because I remember they built the house a certain way.

Yes, I was just about to say that.

So while they were recording Bert, they're building this new house.

Now, Garrick Maryfield owns a contracting company, Maryfield Builders.

You'll often see their hats on the show, these embroidered hats that he has and Danielle has, and Danielle's brother has, because he's also involved in the company.

But they were building this house and installed a soundproofing system in the sister wife room.

So this is a room that was built so that the wives rotated that room.

So when they moved into Garrick's room, the sister wife would stay in the sister wife room.

And then that other sister wife would go into the Garrick Maryfield den, den soundproof room to do whatever.

So the master or the main bedroom is soundproof or the sister wife bedroom?

No, the main bedroom would be sister where...

Because they didn't want to hear noises.

So they soundproofed...

No, I'm sorry.

I don't know.

My notes wrote down that they installed a soundproofing system in the sister wife room so that when one wife rotated with Garrick, the other one would not hear what was going on in the room.

Okay, but let me just say this.

What happens if you need to drink a water and you got to go to the kitchen?

You're gonna hear it.

They should have soundproofed the main bedroom.

They also have two kids.

So I'm not clear on which room was soundproofed, but that's disgusting, personally.

Yeah, why would you even think about soundproofing something just for that particular reason?

That's disgusting.

It's not like you play in a band.

Do it like the rest of us.

They're asleep.


Oh, yeah.

But when Burt came over, it wasn't like Burt was going to have her own room.

It was Burt and Danielle were going to share this room.

And then, so Garrick would have either Danielle or Burt in his room, like rotating.

I mean, come on, right?

Well, you could just sleep in all in the same bed together, like the other couple does.

I don't know, but I mean, these poor girls, like really, he's got to have it every night.

But here's the thing about this, and I'm just going to point it out.

If it's because the guys feel like they need constant, you know, boom, boom room time, and that's why we're passing this off as polygamy, that to me is wrong.


If you actually were grazed in that or what have you, and that's your belief, and you know, that's a little different.

But I feel like Danielle, every time they sit and talk, she has like this side, I like, I don't really want to do this.

I don't think she really wants to do it.

No, neither one of them were raised polygamists, so they have their family over, right?

And family asks questions all the time.

But poor Danielle Maryfield is, you know, she's been married to Garrick forever, and she's probably was head over heels in love with him.

And then he has this...

The wind blew.

The wind blew, and he gets these crazy ideas, and then she doesn't want to leave him.

So she goes along with whatever he says.

But I don't think Danielle is as innocent as people think she is.


You have key on that.



Or are you just speculating?

I speculate, but you know, I am perplexed because when they dated Burt, and Burt spoke no English, and they communicated through these translator apps.


And Danielle kept saying, you're my sister, you're my sister, please promise me you're coming back.

You're going to come back to the US.

And Danielle got emotional about it.

And then Burt kept delaying the move to the US saying that her mom was sick.

So eventually they found out that Burt didn't want to come at all.

And so they broke up over text, I believe.

Yeah, because that's when they showed her literally, I thought, I mean, I was worried for her health at that point.


And her mental state.

Did you see her breaking down?

Yeah, she was having a mental breakdown.

So I don't know if Danielle was like emotionally invested, kind of like fell in love with Burt in a way.

I don't know, but...

How long had they been courting her?

Like, maybe two, three years?

Yeah, so see, that's a lot of time invested in something.

That's like having like a really good friend, that's your best friend.

And then your best friend's like, yeah, I'm not doing this with you.

And then, I mean, that's heart-wrenching anyways.

Well, the reason I think that Danielle's not so innocent is because while they were dating Burt, and while Burt was in Brazil, they also met this other girl, Leah, who lived in California.

And Garrick went out to California and visited Leah, but I don't think Burt wanted them to do that.

Right, to court somebody else.

Right, so I think when Roberta found that out, she was like, yeah, so it was a game over.


But I think Danielle encouraged Garrick to meet Leah and go out there because she knew that Burt wouldn't like it, number one, but also that she could make it sound to Garrick, like she's concerned about Garrick and fulfilling his five wives wish.



So I'll be supportive of you, honey.

You're gonna get five wives, God.

So right, go see Leah out in California, because that way we can shield like wife number three.



Knowing in her head.

It's gonna mess up the Burt.

Yeah, I just don't get it.

I don't know.

I mean, do you think she sabotaged that?

I feel like she didn't because of how mentally unstable she was when she found out that Burt wasn't coming.

I mean, that's one plot.

She was very unstable.

That's one plot.

I don't know.

I feel like she wouldn't do anything to make that not happen.

But I mean, you're right.

That could be what...


I don't know.

I don't either.

There's a lot to unpack.


This season, they're dating Natalia.



And she's also from Brazil.

She's also from Brazil.

You can only bring someone back on a K-1 visa.

You can only do it twice from the same country.

So if Natalia doesn't come on a K-1 visa, Garrick can no longer pursue anyone in Brazil and attempt to bring them on a K-1 visa.

So Burt is one of the ones that used up his...


Because he filed for the visa paperwork.

He filed for the visa paperwork with Natalia too.

And do you know what happened?

They denied it, right?

Why did they deny it?

Because it's a plural marriage.

And the judge said no.

You just have to Google Garrick Maryfield's name, and you'll see that he's on Seeking Sister Wife.

And he's married to Danielle, which they're not married because he divorced her.


That's right.

But the intent is still there.


To move over here and live in a soundproof room because you don't go to the kitchen and get water and...

But now this latest development, right?

You know what I'm going to say?

No, I don't.

Yes, you do.

She's having a baby.

Garrick got the wrong wife pregnant.


He meant to get Natalia pregnant, but instead his sperm went into Danielle's brain.

That's right.


Because that's also another theory.

That's a Garrickism.


I call it a Garrickism.


The sperm goes right to the brain.

And so God's taking over your head or your spirit, whatever.


I wish I could play that live because that is just...

I sat there with my jaw open.

You should find it.

I will.

I don't know if we can play it, though, because...

I don't know.

Yeah, I wouldn't play it.

But I could do a...

You could do a reenactment.

Midlife Mom theater.

You could do a reenactment.

I could because I would love to.

Yeah, and that's the other thing.

Why are we trying for a baby with someone who is not married to us yet that lives in Brazil who might not be able to come over here to begin with?

Listen, with Garrick, it only begins when he asks the person to marry him and they say yes, they are spiritually married, okay?

So he only knew Natalia, but they had talked.

She doesn't speak hardly any English.

So I don't know how they speak and they always call each other love or whatever like, I love.

It's not anything substantial, right?

But he flew down to Brazil to meet her and then two nights later asked her to marry him.

And then what did they do that night?

Consummated the spiritual marriage because she said yes.

Yeah, I just, I don't get that at all.

I know it's how Garrett thinks, but you don't try to have a baby with somebody that is not here, like living with you or in the state.

Oh, they were actively trying for the whole time that he's been in Brazil for six weeks.

You know, she and I have been trying and oh, it's, you know, God's plan.

And the look on her face when Danielle came and said, I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant.

Oh, that was not good.

No, and my screen froze because I had to hit pause to let the dog out or something.

And it was frozen on that, that RBF face.

And I was like, and she's got that and Danielle's is happy and like looking at her like, oh, was giddy.

Oh, yeah.

And she was like, giving her the eye like, she had that dark lipstick on that accentuated Danielle's lips and smile.

I was like, wow, you are lucky you did not get punched in the face.

Right, right.

Because I'm sure Natalia wanted to do that.

Oh, yeah.

Because she was like, okay, here she is.

They were denied for the wedding.

So she was upset and she walks in and goes, and they had all of Natalia's friends over and be to celebrate the baby because it was supposed to be the wedding party.

But Garrett's like, well, we can't get married.

So let's have a party to celebrate the baby.

I'm like, wow, you guys are.

And then they all cry all the time.

Like Danielle's very upset that Natalia doesn't include her.

Well, Garrett's over there with her.

So Natalia is at home.

I know.

She's kind of out of sight, out of mind.

It's bizarre.

I don't understand Danielle.

I feel really bad for her.

I think she's trapped in a marriage that is not going her way.

Like she would not have agreed to all of this.

Even her brother and her sister-in-law, like, daked their heads at them.

Like, you lost it.

Like, you're going to go bring somebody else over from Brazil, even though last time it didn't work.

Yeah, that was Danielle's brother that he was talking to.

And he was like, I ain't just going to leave you.

Yeah, and the brother seems to tell him a little bit about himself.

Like, try to be like, yeah, don't do this.

You need to give it some time.

You need to.

But they make fascinating TV.

I'm telling you, between Garrick's, Wind in the, yeah, Wind in the Garage stories and his Sperm in the Brain and poor Danielle and her lack of self-confidence or her disillusioned marriage.

Yeah, I don't understand.

I don't know.

So I don't know what's going to happen.

I wonder if Natalia is going to come back.

I predict that they're going to break up as well.

My prediction.

Yeah, I think that Danielle is too into all of it.

She was so happy to say it.

I mean, of course, a baby being pregnant is a blessing, and yes, she's happy.

But it was almost the timing was wrong of how she told it.

It was.

So I think if she'd have told it at a different time.

Well, she told Garrick by FaceTime.


Why didn't Garrick tell her?

Did Garrick tell Natalia?

Or did...

I don't know.

They didn't show that part.

They didn't show how she found out.

So did she find out right away and then they denied the wedding part?

Or did they deny the wedding and then here comes Danielle?

I don't know.

But poor Natalia.

It was like double whammy.



And then they go and see the baby on the monitor and she's trying to be...

I can't believe Natalia agreed to that.


I would have been like, y'all go ahead and do that together.

That would be me.

But see, I'm not looking for a sister wife.



But also, is Natalia really in love with Garrick?

Or is she only doing it for the green card?

Because that's really the 90-day Beyoncé premise is, are they in it for love or are they in it for the green card?

Well, I mean, her mom is there in Brazil.

Yeah, but she can bring the mom over after two years.

Oh, she can.

Once she gets her green card...

I don't want to be away from my mom for two years.

I guess she could come visit.

I think if the living condition...

No, you can't visit, can you?

Once you're back over here, you can't go back.


But see, these people live in different environments.

So if it's that desperate enough where you want to get to the US, you will sacrifice your family and say, you know what, I only have to do this for...

It can take up to two years.

So let me just, you know, and then as soon as I get my green card, I'll bring you.

Yeah, that's true.

You would like 90-day fiance, maybe an old school 90-day fiance, because lately it's been getting a little bit too influencer.

You look up these people and they have these Instagram or TikTok accounts and...

Oh, it's too much.

They're in it for promoting their brand or whatever it is they do.

It seems more fake than anything else.

Than what it used to be.


So anyway, any other thoughts about these amazing couples?

And I think we've only got three episodes left.

Yeah, I'm fascinated by the whole...


How people live.

I have three pages on Garrick and Danielle.

Well, is there anything spectacular that's jumping out at you before we end this segment?

I am looking...

I found it interesting as a former banker that the Maryfields spent a total of $9,800 on Burt.

Yeah, I remember that.

I'm not going to mention it on the podcast, but that specific dollar amount stuck out like a sore thumb to me.

But that's not all they've given her.

Because they had said something about that dollar amount, and then they gave her money It was another time they were talking about giving her money.

And I can't remember what they said, but it was like $800 or a thousand or something.

Anyways, it was a lot.

Because she kept...

That's another thing she kept.

Danielle said when she was having a mental breakdown, something about, we've given her all this stuff, and then she does this to us.

I mean...

And why can't they seek a sister wife in the United States?

What is it so appealing by?

I think that, in Garrick's case, I think that he knows he won't get anybody like that.

These girls are young, they're gorgeous, you know?

He wants that fresh meat.

He doesn't want that old...

That's why I'm like, is he really in it for the sake of polygamy, or he's just gonna say that God blew in the breeze and...

My thinking is that Garrick uses the God excuse, because he wants different women.

And this is a way, quote unquote, he's manipulated Danielle to thinking that he's been spoken to by God, because she's also religious.

They speak about God a lot, God directing their lives and God telling them and God's plan.

You also have free will, even though...

You do.

And is that in your heart?

Right, is that what's gonna make you happy or are you just living...

And I think for Danielle, it's not making her happy.

But Garrick is using this excuse because he's been with Danielle and now he wants some rotation.

Well, apparently he's doing rotation anyways.

So now that they're divorced and there's a spiritual coming together, he thinks that gives him free rein to do whatever he wants.

It's really sick.

Like when you think about it, it's really disgusting.


Well, yeah.

But it fascinates me.

So anyway, I have to get going because I am going to go see my favorite reality TV show podcasters tonight.

And you're going to have fun.

I need to hear all about it.


So shout out Reality Gaze.

They're my podcasters that I discovered back in August of 2019.

And now you're a podcaster too.

I am.

Maybe we can be at their level one day.

I don't know.

We'll work on it.

I don't know.

So this has been fun.

I hope you've enjoyed the show.

We'll do another one down the road.

We have some other things coming up soon, but we'll do more reality.

If you check our show notes, we should have a link in there to get in touch with us.

So through Buzzsprout, I think it translates over into the other apps, but you can also find us on Instagram at midlifemomspod.

That's all one word, no underscores or spaces, and then what else?

Ask questions there.

Or you can watch the seasons we just talked about and be as addicted as us.

That's right.

No, or send us a DM.



Get in touch with us.

All right.

Well, it was fun.

See you next time.

Thank you.

Midlife Moms.

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